# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dplyr_reconstruct()
test_that("dplyr_reconstruct() returns an rset subclass if `x` retains rset structure", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_identical(dplyr_reconstruct(x, x), x)
expect_s3_class_rset(dplyr_reconstruct(x, x))
test_that("dplyr_reconstruct() returns bare tibble if `x` loses rset structure", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
col <- x[1]
row <- x[0, ]
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_reconstruct(col, x))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_reconstruct(row, x))
test_that("dplyr_reconstruct() retains extra attributes of `to` when not falling back", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
to <- x
attr(to, "foo") <- "bar"
x_tbl <- x[1]
expect_identical(attr(dplyr_reconstruct(x, to), "foo"), "bar")
expect_identical(attr(dplyr_reconstruct(x_tbl, to), "foo"), NULL)
expect_s3_class_rset(dplyr_reconstruct(x, to))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_reconstruct(x_tbl, to))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dplyr_col_modify()
test_that("can add columns and retain rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
cols <- list(x = rep(1, vec_size(x)))
result <- dplyr_col_modify(x, cols)
expect_identical(result$x, cols$x)
test_that("modifying rset columns removes rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
cols <- list(splits = rep(1, vec_size(x)))
result <- dplyr_col_modify(x, cols)
expect_identical(result$splits, cols$splits)
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
cols <- list(id = rep(1, vec_size(x)))
result <- dplyr_col_modify(x, cols)
expect_identical(result$id, cols$id)
test_that("replacing rset columns with the exact same column retains rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
cols <- list(splits = x$splits)
result <- dplyr_col_modify(x, cols)
expect_identical(result, x)
test_that("for nested_cv, `inner_resamples` is also a protected column", {
x <- rset_subclasses$nested_cv
cols <- list(inner_resamples = rep(1, vec_size(x)))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_col_modify(x, cols))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dplyr_row_slice()
test_that("row slicing generally removes the rset subclass", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_row_slice(x, 0))
test_that("row slicing and duplicating any rows removes the rset subclass", {
# Remove rsets with only 1 row
subclasses <- rset_subclasses
subclasses$apparent <- NULL
subclasses$validation_split <- NULL
subclasses$validation_time_split <- NULL
subclasses$group_validation_split <- NULL
subclasses$validation_set <- NULL
for (x in subclasses) {
loc <- seq_len(nrow(x))
loc[length(loc)] <- 1L
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(dplyr_row_slice(x, loc))
test_that("row slicing and selecting everything keeps the rset subclass", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
loc <- seq_len(nrow(x))
expect_s3_class_rset(dplyr_row_slice(x, loc))
test_that("rset subclass is kept if row order is changed but all rows are present", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
loc <- rev(seq_len(nrow(x)))
expect_s3_class_rset(dplyr_row_slice(x, loc))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mutate()
test_that("mutate() can keep rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(mutate(x, x = 1))
expect_identical(mutate(x, x = 1)$x, rep(1, vec_size(x)))
test_that("mutate() drops rset class if any rset columns are touched", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(mutate(x, splits = 1))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(mutate(x, id = 1))
expect_identical(mutate(x, splits = 1)$splits, rep(1, vec_size(x)))
expect_identical(mutate(x, id = 1)$id, rep(1, vec_size(x)))
test_that("mutate() keeps rset class if replacement rset column is same as original", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(mutate(x, splits = splits))
expect_s3_class_rset(mutate(x, id = id))
test_that("adding a column that looks like an `id` drops the class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(mutate(x, id9 = 1))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# arrange()
test_that("arrange() keeps rset class when row order is modified", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- mutate(x, rn = row_number())
expect_s3_class_rset(arrange(x, desc(rn)))
test_that("arrange() keeps rset class when row order is untouched", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- mutate(x, rn = row_number())
expect_s3_class_rset(arrange(x, rn))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# filter()
test_that("filter() drops rset class when rows are modified", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(filter(x, 0 == 1))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(filter(x, is.numeric(id)))
test_that("filter() keeps rset class if row order is untouched", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(filter(x, is.character(id)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rename()
test_that("renaming can keep the rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- mutate(x, a = 1)
x <- rename(x, b = a)
test_that("renaming `id` at all drops the rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- rename(x, id9 = id)
test_that("renaming `id` to a non-id name drops the rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- rename(x, stuff = id)
test_that("for nested_cv, renaming `inner_resamples` drops the rset class", {
x <- rset_subclasses$nested_cv
x <- rename(x, inner_stuff = inner_resamples)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# select()
test_that("select() can keep rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(select(x, everything()))
test_that("select() drops rset class if any rset columns aren't selected", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(select(x, id))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(select(x, splits))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# slice()
test_that("slice() drops rset class when rows are modified", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(slice(x, 0))
test_that("slice() keeps rset class when rows are untouched", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(slice(x, seq_len(nrow(x))))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# summarise()
test_that("summarise() always drops the rset class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(summarise(x, y = 1))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(summarise(x, splits = splits[1], id = id[1]))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# group_by()
test_that("group_by() always returns a bare grouped-df or bare tibble", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class(group_by(x, splits), c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), exact = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ungroup()
test_that("ungroup() returns a rset", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# relocate()
test_that("can relocate() and keep the class", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
x <- relocate(x, id)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# distinct()
test_that("distinct() keeps the class if everything is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
test_that("distinct() drops the class if any rset columns are lost", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(distinct(x, splits))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# left_join()
test_that("left_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(left_join(x, x, by = names(x)))
y <- tibble(id = x$id[[1]], x = 1)
expect_s3_class_rset(left_join(x, y, by = "id"))
test_that("left_join() can lose rset class if rows are added", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = x$id[[1]], x = 1:2)
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(left_join(x, y, by = "id", multiple = "all",
relationship = "many-to-many"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# right_join()
test_that("right_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(right_join(x, x, by = names(x)))
x_names <- names(x)
id_names <- x_names[col_starts_with_id(x_names)]
y <- mutate(select(x, all_of(id_names)), x = 1)
expect_s3_class_rset(right_join(x, y, by = id_names))
test_that("right_join() can lose rset class if rows are added", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = x$id[[1]], x = 1:2)
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(right_join(x, y, by = "id", multiple = "all",
relationship = "many-to-many"))
test_that("right_join() restores to the type of first input", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = x$id[[1]], x = 1)
# technically rset structure is intact, but `y` is a bare tibble!
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(right_join(y, x, by = "id", multiple = "all"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# full_join()
test_that("full_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(full_join(x, x, by = names(x)))
test_that("full_join() can lose rset class if rows are added", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = "foo", x = 1)
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(full_join(x, y, by = "id"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# anti_join()
test_that("anti_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = "foo")
expect_s3_class_rset(anti_join(x, y, by = "id"))
test_that("anti_join() can lose rset class if rows are removed", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = x$id[[1]], x = 1)
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(anti_join(x, y, by = "id"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# semi_join()
test_that("semi_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(semi_join(x, x, by = names(x)))
test_that("semi_join() can lose rset class if rows are removed", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- tibble(id = "foo", x = 1)
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(semi_join(x, y, by = "id"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nest_join()
test_that("nest_join() can keep rset class if rset structure is intact", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
y <- mutate(x, foo = "bar")
expect_s3_class_rset(nest_join(x, y, by = names(x)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# bind_rows()
test_that("bind_rows() keeps the class if there are no new rows/cols and the first object is an rset subclass", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(bind_rows(x, tibble()))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(bind_rows(tibble(), x))
test_that("bind_rows() drops the class with new rows", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(bind_rows(x, x))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# bind_cols()
test_that("bind_cols() keeps the class if there are no new rows and the first object is an rset subclass", {
for (x in rset_subclasses) {
expect_s3_class_rset(bind_cols(x, tibble(x = 1)))
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(bind_cols(tibble(x = 1), x))
test_that("bind_cols() drops the class with new rows", {
# Use rset subclass with 1 row, these get recycled
x <- rset_subclasses$apparent
expect_s3_class_bare_tibble(bind_cols(x, tibble(x = 1:2)))
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