
Defines functions is_list_of_actions is_action new_action is_action_post is_action_fit is_action_pre new_action_post new_action_fit new_action_pre check_singleton check_conflicts.default check_conflicts add_action_to_stage order_stage_post order_stage_fit order_stage_pre add_action_impl.action_post add_action_impl.action_fit add_action_impl.action_pre add_action_impl add_action

add_action <- function(x, action, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  validate_is_workflow(x, call = call)

  check_conflicts(action, x, call = call)

  add_action_impl(x, action, name, call = call)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

add_action_impl <- function(x, action, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  UseMethod("add_action_impl", action)

add_action_impl.action_pre <- function(x, action, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  check_singleton(x$pre$actions, name, call = call)
  x$pre <- add_action_to_stage(x$pre, action, name, order_stage_pre())

add_action_impl.action_fit <- function(x, action, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  check_singleton(x$fit$actions, name, call = call)
  x$fit <- add_action_to_stage(x$fit, action, name, order_stage_fit())

add_action_impl.action_post <- function(x, action, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  check_singleton(x$post$actions, name, call = call)
  x$post <- add_action_to_stage(x$post, action, name, order_stage_post())

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

order_stage_pre <- function() {
  # Case weights must come before preprocessor
    c("formula", "recipe", "variables")

order_stage_fit <- function() {

order_stage_post <- function() {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

add_action_to_stage <- function(stage, action, name, order) {
  actions <- c(stage$actions, list2(!!name := action))

  # Apply required ordering for this stage
  order <- intersect(order, names(actions))
  actions <- actions[order]

  stage$actions <- actions


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# `check_conflicts()` allows us to to check that no other action interferes
# with the current action. For instance, we can't have a formula action with
# a recipe action

check_conflicts <- function(action, x, ..., call = caller_env()) {

check_conflicts.default <- function(action, x, ..., call = caller_env()) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_singleton <- function(actions, name, ..., call = caller_env()) {

  if (name %in% names(actions)) {
    glubort("A `{name}` action has already been added to this workflow.", .call = call)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

new_action_pre <- function(..., subclass = character()) {
  new_action(..., subclass = c(subclass, "action_pre"))

new_action_fit <- function(..., subclass = character()) {
  new_action(..., subclass = c(subclass, "action_fit"))

new_action_post <- function(..., subclass = character()) {
  new_action(..., subclass = c(subclass, "action_post"))

is_action_pre <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "action_pre")

is_action_fit <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "action_fit")

is_action_post <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "action_post")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# An `action` is a list of objects that define how to perform a specific action,
# such as working with a recipe, or formula terms, or a model

new_action <- function(..., subclass = character()) {
  data <- list2(...)

  if (!is_uniquely_named(data)) {
    abort("All elements of `...` must be uniquely named.", .internal = TRUE)

  structure(data, class = c(subclass, "action"))

is_action <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "action")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

is_list_of_actions <- function(x) {
  x <- compact(x)

  all(map_lgl(x, is_action))
tidymodels/workflows documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:29 p.m.