
Defines functions fct_count

Documented in fct_count

#' Count entries in a factor
#' @param f A factor (or character vector).
#' @param sort If `TRUE`, sort the result so that the most common values
#'   float to the top.
#' @param prop If `TRUE`, compute the fraction of marginal table.
#' @return A tibble with columns `f`, `n` and `p`, if prop is `TRUE`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f <- factor(sample(letters)[rpois(1000, 10)])
#' table(f)
#' fct_count(f)
#' fct_count(f, sort = TRUE)
#' fct_count(f, sort = TRUE, prop = TRUE)
fct_count <- function(f, sort = FALSE, prop = FALSE) {
  f <- check_factor(f)

  n_na <- sum(is.na(f))

  n <- c(tabulate(f, nlevels(f)), if (n_na > 0) n_na)

  df <- tibble::tibble(
    f = fct_unique(f),
    n = n

  if (sort) {
    df <- df[order(df$n, decreasing = TRUE), ]

  if (prop) {
    df$p <- prop.table(df$n)

tidyverse/forcats documentation built on Oct. 31, 2023, 7:32 p.m.