can_decrypt <- gargle::secret_has_key("GOOGLESHEETS4_KEY")
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  error = TRUE,
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%",
  purl = can_decrypt,
  eval = can_decrypt
options(tibble.print_min = 5L, tibble.print_max = 5L)
message("No token available. Code chunks will not be evaluated.")


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googlesheets4 provides an R interface to Google Sheets via the Sheets API v4. It is a reboot of an earlier package called googlesheets.

Why 4? Why googlesheets4? Did I miss googlesheets1 through 3? No. The idea is to name the package after the corresponding version of the Sheets API. In hindsight, the original googlesheets should have been googlesheets3.


You can install the released version of googlesheets4 from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:



You can see how to read data with googlesheets4 in the data import cheatsheet, which also covers similar functionality in the related packages readr and readxl.

thumbnail of data import cheatsheet


googlesheets4 will, by default, help you interact with Sheets as an authenticated Google user. If you don't plan to write Sheets or to read private Sheets, use gs4_deauth() to indicate there is no need for a token. See the article googlesheets4 auth for more.

For this overview, we've logged into Google as a specific user in a hidden chunk.

Attach googlesheets4



The main "read" function of the googlesheets4 package goes by two names, because we want it to make sense in two contexts:

read_sheet() and range_read() are synonyms and you can use either one. Here we'll use read_sheet().

googlesheets4 is pipe-friendly (and reexports %>%), but works just fine without the pipe.

Read from

These all achieve the same thing:


# Sheet ID

# a googledrive "dribble"
googledrive::drive_get("gapminder") %>% 

Note: the only reason we can read a sheet named "gapminder" (the last example) is because the account we're logged in as has a Sheet named "gapminder".

See the article Find and Identify Sheets for more about specifying the Sheet you want to address. See the article Read Sheets for more about reading from specific sheets or ranges, setting column type, and getting low-level cell data.


gs4_create() creates a brand new Google Sheet and can optionally send some initial data.

(ss <- gs4_create("fluffy-bunny", sheets = list(flowers = head(iris))))

sheet_write() (over)writes a whole data frame into a (work)sheet within a (spread)Sheet.

head(mtcars) %>% 
  sheet_write(ss, sheet = "autos")

sheet_append(), range_write(), range_flood(), and range_clear() are more specialized writing functions. See the article Write Sheets for more about writing to Sheets.


Where to learn more

Get started is a more extensive general introduction to googlesheets4.

Browse the articles index to find articles that cover various topics in more depth.

See the function index for an organized, exhaustive listing.


If you'd like to contribute to the development of googlesheets4, please read these guidelines.

Please note that the googlesheets4 project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Privacy policy


googlesheets4 draws on and complements / emulates other packages in the tidyverse:

tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.