  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  error = TRUE

In a hidden chunk here, I "export" the internal helpers covered below.

gs4_bullets <- googlesheets4:::gs4_bullets

gs4_abort <- googlesheets4:::gs4_abort
abort_unsupported_conversion <- googlesheets4:::abort_unsupported_conversion

bulletize <- gargle:::bulletize

User-facing messages

Everything should be emitted by helpers in utils-ui.R: specifically, gs4_bullets() and, for errors, gs4_abort(). These helpers are wrappers around cli::cli_inform() and cli::cli_abort(), respectively.

  " " = "indent",
  "*" = "bullet",
  ">" = "arrow",
  "v" = "Doing good stuff for YOU the user",
  "x" = "Nope nope nope",
  "!" = "You might want to know about this",
  "i" = "The more you know!"

The helpers encourage consistent styling and make it possible to selectively silence messages coming from googlesheets4. The googlesheets4 message helpers:

Inline styling

How we use the inline classes:

These may not demo well via pkgdown, but the interactive experience is nice.

nm <- "name-of-a-Google-Sheet"
gs4_bullets(c(v = "Creating new Sheet: {.s_sheet {nm}}"))

nm <- "name-of-a-worksheet"
gs4_bullets(c(v = "Protecting cells on sheet: {.w_sheet {nm}}"))

rg <- "A3:B20"
gs4_bullets(c(v = "Writing to the range: {.range {rg}}"))

Above, I don't include a period (.) at the end of a message with the form: Description of thing: THING. I view it as a special case of a bullet list of simple items, which also don't get periods. (bulletize() comes from gargle.)

  "We're going to list some things:",

Other messages that are complete sentence, or at least aspire to be, do get a period.

gs4_bullets("Doing the stuff you asked me to do.")

  "You probably need to do one of these things:",
  "*" = "Call {.fun some_function}.",
  "*" = "Provide more specific input via {.arg some_argument}."

Most relevant cli docs:


cli's pluralization is awesome!

nm <- "name-of-a-Google-Sheet"
n_new <- 1
gs4_bullets(c(v = "Adding {n_new} sheet{?s} to {.s_sheet {nm}}"))

n_new <- 3
gs4_bullets(c(v = "Adding {n_new} sheet{?s} to {.s_sheet {nm}}"))


Collapsing lists of things is great! Also more pluralization.

new_sheet_names <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry")
gs4_bullets(c("New sheet{?s}: {.w_sheet {new_sheet_names}}"))

new_sheet_names <- "kumquat"
gs4_bullets(c("New sheet{?s}: {.w_sheet {new_sheet_names}}"))

Tricky stuff

If you want to see some tricky examples of building up a message from parts, look here:


Use gs4_abort() instead of rlang::abort() or stop(). So far, I'm not really using ... to put data in the condition, but I could start when/if there's a reason to.

abort_unsupported_conversion() is a wrapper around gs4_abort().

x <- structure(1, class = c("a", "b", "c"))
abort_unsupported_conversion(x, to = "SheetThing")

abort_unsupported_conversion() exists to standardize a recurring type of error message, usually encountered during development, not by end-users. I use it a lot in the default method of an as_{to}() generic.

There's not much to add here re: errors, now that cli::cli_abort() exists. Error messages are formed just like informational messages now.

tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.