can_decrypt <- gargle::secret_has_key("GOOGLESHEETS4_KEY")
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  error = TRUE,
  purl = can_decrypt,
  eval = can_decrypt
options(tibble.print_min = 5L, tibble.print_max = 5L)
message("No token available. Code chunks will not be evaluated.")

This article takes a quick tour of the main features of googlesheets4. Remember to see the articles for more detailed treatment of all these topics and more.

read_sheet(), a.k.a. range_read()

read_sheet() is the main "read" function and should evoke readr::read_csv() and readxl::read_excel(). It's an alias for range_read(), which is the correct name for this function according to the scheme for naming googlesheets4 functions. You can use them interchangeably. googlesheets4 is pipe-friendly (and reexports %>%), but works just fine without the pipe.

read_sheet() is designed to "just work", for most purposes, most of the time. It can read straight from a Sheets browser URL:


However, these URLs are not pleasant to work with. More often, you will want to identify a Sheet by its ID:


or by its name, which requires an assist from the googledrive package (


drive_get("gapminder") %>% 

Note that the name-based approach above will only work if you have access to a Sheet named "gapminder". Sheet names cannot be used as absolute identifiers; only a Sheet ID can play that role.

For more Sheet identification concepts and strategies, see the article Find and Identify Sheets. See the article Read Sheets for more about reading from a specific (work)sheet or ranges, setting column type, and getting low-level cell data.

Example Sheets and gs4_browse()

We've made a few Sheets available to "anyone with a link", for use in examples and docs. Two helper functions make it easy to get your hands on these file IDs.

gs4_example("chicken-sheet") %>% 

If you'd like to see a Sheet in the browser, including our example Sheets, use gs4_browse():

gs4_example("deaths") %>%

Sheet metadata

gs4_get() exposes Sheet metadata, such as details on worksheets and named ranges.

ss <- gs4_example("deaths")




sheet_properties() and sheet_names() are two members of a larger family of functions for dealing with the (work)sheets within a (spread)Sheet.

The metadata exposed by gs4_get() is also revealed whenever you print an object that is (or can be converted to) a sheets_id (an S3 class we use to mark Sheet IDs).

gs4_get() is related to googledrive::drive_get(). Both functions return metadata about a file on Google Drive, such as its ID and name. However, gs4_get() reveals additional metadata that is specific to Drive files that happen to be Sheets, such as info about worksheets and named ranges.

Writing Sheets

The writing functions are the most recent additions and may still see some refinements re: user interface and which function does what. We're very interested to hear how these functions feel in terms of ergonomics.

sheet_write() writes a data frame into a Sheet. The only required argument is the data.

df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = letters[1:3])

ss <- sheet_write(df)

You'll notice the new (spread)Sheet has a randomly generated name. If that is a problem, use gs4_create() instead, which affords more control over various aspects of the new Sheet.

Let's start over: we delete that Sheet and call gs4_create(), so we can specify the new Sheet's name.


ss <- gs4_create("testy-hedgehog", sheets = df)

sheet_write() can write to new or existing (work)sheets in this Sheet. Let's write the chickwts data to a new sheet in ss.

sheet_write(chickwts, ss)

We can also use sheet_write() to replace the data in an existing sheet.

sheet_write(data.frame(x = 4:10, letters[4:10]), ss, sheet = "df")
read_sheet(ss, sheet = "df")

sheet_append() adds one or more rows to an existing sheet.

ss %>% sheet_append(data.frame(x = 11, letters[11]), sheet = "df")
read_sheet(ss, sheet = "df")

A related function -- range_write() -- writes arbitrary data, into an arbitrary range. It has a very different "feel" from gs4_create(), sheet_write(), and sheet_append(), all of which assume we're writing or growing a table of data in a (work)sheet. range_write() is much more surgical and limited. range_write() makes fewer assumptions about what it's writing and why.

There is also a family of sheet_*() functions that do pure (work)sheet operations, such as add and delete.

We take one last look at the sheets we created in ss, then clean up.



The article Write Sheets has even more detail.

tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.