Man pages for tilltnet/egonetR
Import and analyse ego-centric network data

check.ID.integrityCheck for ID integrity
check.ID.uniqueCheck for ID uniqueness
clustered.graphsCluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor category frequencies of an alter attribute for... compositional results to NA if netsize is missing (NA),...
comp.diversityCalculate the network diversity of ego-centered networks for...
comp.homophilyCalculate the homophily of ego-centered networks.
compositionCalculate compositional measurements (Proportion, Diversity,... edge lists to alter-alter wide format data.
egoR.avg.relAverage Alteri Relation Count
egoR.densityCalculate the density for n+many ego-centered networks.
egoR.vis.wizzardNetwork Visualisation Wizzard (egoR)
EICalculate the EI-Index
ensure.ID.integrityEnsure ID integrity
fragmentationsNetwork fragments of ego-centerd networks
fun.countGenerate counting variables for each category of a variable....
fun.propGenerate proportional variables for each category of a...
generate.sample.edge.listGenerate a random edge list for one network.
generate.sample.ego.dataGenerate random ego-centric-network data.
helperGeneral helper functions listify ego-centric network data
order.edge.list.columnsOrder edge list colums with source and target at the...
read.egonet.foldersImport ego-centric network data from separate folders for... ego-centric network data from 'one file format'
read.egonet.three.filesRead ego-centered network data from the three files format,...
read.egonet.two.filesImport ego-centric network data from two file format
to.networkGenerate list of igraph objects from alteri and edge data
vert.attrVertex attribute to data frame into graph.
vert.attr.multiGet multiple variables from a data.frame and set them as...
vis.clustered.graphsVisualise clustered graphs wide alter-alter data to an edge list. When... 'wide' alter-level data to the 'long'-format
tilltnet/egonetR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:46 p.m.