vert.attr: Vertex attribute to data frame into graph.

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also


Extracts a vertex variable from a data.frame and returns it as a vector ready to be set as vertex attribute in a graph. May aggregate the variable by node before returning. This function extracts variables at the author level from 'data' and set them as vertex.attributes in 'graph', a network of authors. The function aggregates the variable by author using the aggregating function FUN. The function needs a 'graph' igraph object of authors in which the UFIDs are recorded as a attribute, and a 'data' data.frame in which the same UFIDs are associated to a variable (attribute). The function takes data and aggregates FUN(attribute) by dataID in 'data'. It returns the result of the aggregation in the order of dataID given by V(graph)$name. NOTE that if attribute is categorical (e.g. College), the argument FUN is ignored and vert.attr() is just going to take the category of the variable for authorID (if there are more than 1 category, e.g. more than 1 Academic Units, for the same authorID, vert.attr just takes the 1st category associated to authorID in 'data').


vert.attr(data, attribute, graph, dataID, graphID = "name", FUN = NA,
  unfactor = TRUE)



Data frame. The data.frame containing the author attribute variable to be imported in the graph (it must also include a authorID variable).


A variable name in 'data' (as character)


Researchers graph where to import the attribute.


Character. The variable in data giving the ID of nodes in the graph (authors)


Character. The vertex attribute of graph that gives node IDs (i.e. IDs of authors) which are the same as dataID.


A function name given as character. The argument is ignored if "data" has one record for each dataID value, i.e. does not need aggregation by dataID. If NA or missing, attribute is aggregated by just taking its 1st non-NA value for each value of dataID.


Logical. If TRUE, and attribute is character, keeps it from being turned into factor. Notice that this argument has no effect if the attribute is aggregated first. TODO: regulate this behavior when attribute is factor (not character) in the first place; regulate this behavior when attribute is aggregated first.


A vector that contains the attribute 'attribute' from data, in the order given by the order of authorID in the graph 'graph'.

See Also


tilltnet/egonetR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:46 p.m.