
#' Combine colours from different pokemon.
#'@param pokemon A vector of integers or a character vector of pokemon name
#'@param n How many colours per pokemon?
#'@param spread How many, fairly distinct, colours should be returned for each pokemon. 
#'  If not null, \code{n} is ignored.
#'@name team 

team <- function(pokemon, n = 1, spread = NULL){
  # Fix lower case to first letter capitilised.
    pokemon <- tolower(pokemon)
    # Check that pokemon exists
    if(!all(pokemon %in% names(pokeColours))){
      stop('Some pokemon are not spelled correctly or are not available')
  if(is.numeric(pokemon) & max(pokemon) > length(pokeColours)){
    stop(paste('Pokemon number too high. First', length(pokeColours), 'pokemon are available.'))
    pal_list <- lapply(pokemon, function(x) pokepal(x)[1:n])
    pal_vec <- do.call(c, pal_list)
  } else {
    pal_list <- lapply(pokemon, function(x) pokepal(x, spread = spread))
    pal_vec <- do.call(c, pal_list)
timcdlucas/palettetown documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:48 p.m.