Defines functions interp interpolatePop

Documented in interp interpolatePop

# Author: sean
# edited by TR 9-Dec-2017 & 28 Feb-2018

#' Interpolate between two population age distributions.
#' @description The interpolation is done by age (not cohort) using a linear or exponential function. This comes from the PAS spreadsheet called ADJINT.

#' @param Pop1   numeric. A vector of demographic counts by age at time 1 (earlier date).
#' @param Pop2   numeric. A vector of demographic counts by age at time 2 (later date).
#' @param Date1 date. The date corresponding to the population age distribution at time 1. See details for ways to express it.
#' @param Date2 date. The date corresponding to the population age distribution at time 2. See details for ways to express it.
#' @param DesiredDate date. The desired date of the output population age distribution. See details for ways to express it.
#' @param method string. The method to use for the interpolation, either "linear" or "exponential". Default "linear".
#' @param roundoutput logical. Whether or not to return integers. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @details The age group structure of the output is the same as that of the input. Ideally, \code{DesiredDate} should be between the Date1 and Date2.
#' Dates can be given in three ways 1) a \code{Date} class object, 2) an unambiguous character string in the format \code{"YYYY-MM-DD"},
#' or 3) as a decimal date consisting in the year plus the fraction of the year passed as of the given date.
#' @return A vector of the interpolated population for the requested date.
#' @author Sean Fennel
#' @references
#' \insertRef{PAS}{DemoTools}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # YYYY-MM-DD dates as character
#' EarlyDate       <- "1980-04-07"
#' LaterDate       <- "1990-10-06"
#' DesiredDate     <- "1985-07-01"
#' interpolatePop(popA_earlier, popA_later, EarlyDate, LaterDate, DesiredDate)
#' interpolatePop(popA_earlier, popA_later, EarlyDate, LaterDate, DesiredDate, method = "exponential")
#' \dontrun{
#'plot(popA_earlier, t ='l', col='red',
#'     ylim = c(400,1220000),
#'     ylab = 'The counts', xlab = 'Age groups')
#'lines(interpolatePop(popA_earlier, popA_later, EarlyDate, LaterDate, DesiredDate),
#'      t = 'l', col='black')
#'      t = 'l', col='blue')
#'       legend = c('Pop in 1980-04-07',
#'                  'Pop in 1985-07-01',
#'                  'Pop in 1990-10-06'),
#'       col=c('red','black','blue'),
#'       lty = 1)
#' }

interpolatePop <-
           method = "linear",
           roundoutput = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(length(Pop1) == length(Pop2))
    earlyDateDec      <- dec.date(Date1)
    laterDateDec      <- dec.date(Date2)
    desireDateDec     <- dec.date(DesiredDate)
    interpolateFactor <-
      (desireDateDec - earlyDateDec) / (laterDateDec - earlyDateDec)
    if (method == "exponential") {
      adjustedPop   <- Pop1 * exp(interpolateFactor * log(Pop2 / Pop1))
    else {
      adjustedPop   <- Pop1 + (Pop2 - Pop1) * interpolateFactor
    if (roundoutput) {
      adjustedPop <- round(adjustedPop)

# TR: 2018-08-20 either complementing or replacing previous pop interpolater.
# this one more general.

#' Interpolate between two population age distributions.
#' @description The interpolation is done by age using a linear, exponential, or power function. This comes from the PAS spreadsheet called \code{AGEINT}. Be aware that this is not cohort-component interpolation.

#' @param popmat numeric. An age-period matrix of data to interpolate over. Age in rows, time in columns.
#' @param datesIn vector of dates. The exact dates in each column. See details for ways to express it.
#' @param datesOut vector of dates. The desired dates to interpolate to. See details for ways to express it.
#' @param method string. The method to use for the interpolation, either \code{"linear"}, \code{"exponential"}, or \code{"power"}. Default \code{"linear"}.
#' @param power numeric power to interpolate by, if \code{method = "power"}. Default 2.
#' @param extrap logical. In case \code{datesOut} is out of range of `datesIn`, do extrapolation using slope in extreme pairwise. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param negatives logical. In case negative output are accepted, set to \code{TRUE}. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{stats::approx}. For example, \code{rule}, which controls extrapolation behavior.
#' @details The age group structure of the output is the same as that of the input. Ideally, \code{datesOut} should be within the range of \code{datesIn}. If not, the left-side and right-side output are held constant outside the range if \code{rule = 2} is passed in, otherwise \code{NA} is returned (see examples). Dates can be given in three ways 1) a \code{Date} class object, 2) an unambiguous character string in the format \code{"YYYY-MM-DD"}, or 3) as a decimal date consisting in the year plus the fraction of the year passed as of the given date.
#' For methods \code{"exponential"} and \code{"power"}, calculations are carried out using linear interpolation through \code{log(popmat)}, or \code{popmat^(1/power)} respectively, then back-transformed. If the data contain 0s, \code{method = "exponential"} will fail, but \code{"power"} would still generally work.
#' @return numeric matrix (age-period) (or vector if \code{length(datesOut) == 1} of the interpolated data for the requested dates.
#' @author Tim Riffe
#' @references
#' \insertRef{PAS}{DemoTools}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @examples
#' # Example of interpolating over time series of age-structured
#' # data. NOTE: age classes must conform. They don't have to be
#' # uniform, just the same in each year.
#' popmat <- structure(c(2111460L, 1971927L, 1651421L, 1114149L, 921120L,
#' 859806L, 806857L, 847447L, 660666L, 567163L, 493799L, 322936L,
#' 320796L, 163876L, 133531L, 120866L, 2548265L, 2421813L, 2581979L,
#' 2141854L, 1522279L, 1321665L, 1036480L, 1024782L, 935787L, 789521L,
#' 719185L, 481997L, 479943L, 268777L, 202422L, 167962L, 3753848L,
#' 3270658L, 2930638L, 2692898L, 2222672L, 1788443L, 1514610L, 1491751L,
#' 1054937L, 972484L, 796138L, 673137L, 554010L, 352264L, 293308L,
#' 195307L, 3511776L, 3939121L, 4076601L, 3602857L, 2642620L, 2105063L,
#' 1993212L, 1914367L, 1616449L, 1408498L, 994936L, 776537L, 706189L,
#' 507085L, 315767L, 240302L, 3956664L, 3936424L, 3995805L, 4371774L,
#' 4012982L, 3144046L, 2406725L, 2301514L, 2061252L, 1871502L, 1538713L,
#' 1210822L, 896041L, 638954L, 401297L, 375648L), .Dim = c(16L,
#' 5L), .Dimnames = list(c("0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30",
#' "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75"), c("1960",
#' "1976", "1986", "1996", "2006")))
#' # We have irregularly spaced census inputs.
#' \dontrun{
#' 	matplot(seq(0,75,by=5),popmat,type='l',col=1:5)
#' 	text(20,popmat["20",],colnames(popmat),col=1:5)
#' }
#' # census dates as decimal: no need for year rounding.
#' # could also specify as "YYYY-MM-DD"
#' # (rounded to 2 digits here- not necessary)
#' datesIn  <- c(1960.73, 1976.90, 1986.89, 1996.89, 2006.89)
#' # could ask for single years or anything
#' datesOut <- seq(1960, 2005, by = 5)
#' # NOTE: rule is an argument to approx(), which does the work.
#' # if not passed in, 1960 is returned as NAs (outside the range
#' # of dates given). In this case, rule = 2 assumes constant
#' # equal to nearest neighbor, meaning 1960 data will be returned
#' # as equal to 1960.73 input data. So, function should only be
#' # allowed to extrapolate for short distances.
#' interp(popmat, datesIn, datesOut, "linear", rule = 2)
#' interp(popmat, datesIn, datesOut, "exponential", rule = 2)
#' interp(popmat, datesIn, datesOut, "power", rule = 2)
#' # ----------------------------------------------------------
#' # standard example data, taken from AGEINT PAS spreadsheet.
#'  # YYYY-MM-DD dates as character
#'  d1              <- "1980-04-07"
#'  d2              <- "1990-10-06"
#'  dout            <- "1985-07-01"
#'  (p_lin <- interp(cbind(popA_earlier,popA_later),c(d1,d2),dout,method = "linear"))
#'  (p_exp <- interp(cbind(popA_earlier,popA_later),c(d1,d2),dout,method = "exponential"))
#'  (p_pow <- interp(cbind(popA_earlier,popA_later),c(d1,d2),dout,method = "power"))
#'  \dontshow{
#'  print(dec.date(d1),digits=18)
#'  print(dec.date(d2),digits=18)
#'  print(dec.date(dout),digits=18)
#'  # these were set to different dates: recreate above dates...
#' expcheck <- c(142611.789832724, 658653.225145641, 881642.532889494, 790424.835149364, 
#' 631052.720366013, 523578.990638372, 426405.833143345, 352311.49478387, 
#' 349576.729583329, 315026.304975883, 243331.949093535, 210952.668139616, 
#' 179740.182668986, 149331.458251614, 112461.568530899, 75799.3288538202, 
#' 43819.8095485345, 48869.8021063505)
#' lincheck <- c(151269.209810283, 698637.560216026, 935163.70169507, 838408.524061807, 
#' 669361.533645738, 555363.482079782, 452291.311354737, 373698.987198367, 
#' 370798.204791894, 334150.355163834, 258103.707303228, 223758.803211712, 
#' 190651.52632461, 158396.803770816, 119288.683114125, 80400.8181463556, 
#' 46479.9437144632, 51836.5021355072)
#' stopifnot(all(abs(expcheck - p_exp)<1e-6))
#' stopifnot(all(abs(lincheck - p_lin)<1e-6))
#' # do controlled spreadsheet test, passing in decimal dates, etc
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' age <- c(0,1,seq(5,80,by=5))
#' plot(age, popA_later, type = 'l', lwd = 2, main = "Interpolation options")
#' lines(age, popA_earlier, lwd = 2, lty = "8282")
#' lines(age, p_lin,col = "blue")
#' lines(age, p_pow,col = gray(.4))
#' lines(age, p_exp,col = "red")
#' text(30, popA_earlier[8], d1, pos = 1, cex = 1)
#' text(20, popA_later[6], d2, pos = 4, cex = 1)
#' legend("topright", lty = 1, col = c("blue", gray(.4), "red"),
#' 		legend = c("linear", "power 2", "exponential"),
#' 		title = paste0("Interpolated 1985-07-01"))
#' }

interp <- function(popmat,
                   method = c("linear", "exponential", "power"),
                   power = 2,
                   extrap = FALSE,
                   negatives = FALSE,
                   ...) {
  # ... args passed to stats::approx . Can give control over extrap assumptions
  # IW: extrap=T for extrapolate following each slope in extreme pairwise. 
      # If not is explicit extrap=T, returns NA at those points
  # a basic check
  stopifnot(ncol(popmat) == length(datesIn))
  # no sense documenting this wrapper ...
  .approxwrap <- function(x, y, xout, extrap, ...) {
    # interp
    yout = stats::approx(x = x,
                         y = y,
                         xout = xout,
    if (extrap){
      # extrap (each side)
      rg <- range(x)
      xext <- xout < rg[1]
        yout[xext] <- (y[2]-y[1])/(x[2]-x[1])*(xout[xext]-x[1])+y[1]
      xext <- xout > rg[2]
      n <- length(y)
        yout[xext] <- (y[n]-y[n-1])/(x[n]-x[n-1])*(xout[xext]-x[n-1])+y[n-1]
  # -----------------------
  # clean method declaration
  # match.arg does partial matching and it's safer:
  # match.arg("lin", c("linear", "exponential", "power"))
  method <- tolower(match.arg(method, 
                              choices = c("linear", "exponential", "power")))
  # -----------------------
  # coerce dates to decimal if necessary
  datesIn  <-  dec.date(datesIn)
  datesOut <-  dec.date(datesOut)
  # carry out transform 1
  if (method == "exponential") {
    if (any(popmat == 0)) {
        "popmat contains 0s, so exponential interpolation won't work.\n
							Either handle 0s then do this, or\n
							maybe try method = 'power'."
    popmat <- log(popmat)
  if (method == "power") {
    popmat <- popmat ^ (1 / power)
  int <- apply(popmat,
               x = datesIn,
               xout = datesOut,
               extrap = extrap,
  dims            <- dim(int)
  if (!is.null(dims)) {
    int           <- t(int)
    rownames(int) <- rownames(popmat)
    colnames(int) <- datesOut
  } else {
    names(int)    <- rownames(popmat)
  # transform back
  if (method == "exponential") {
    int           <- exp(int)
  if (method == "power") {
    int           <- int ^ power
  # IW: no negatives when extrapolate. Thinking in pop and lt expressions. Inactive when explicitly are accepted negatives
  if(!negatives & all(!is.na(int)) & any(int < 0)){
    cat("Negative values have been replaced with 0s.\nNegatives not accepted in population counts,\n fertility rates or life table functions.\nYou can allow negatives (e.g. interpolating net migration)\n by specifying negatives = TRUE")
    int[int < 0] <- 0  

timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Dec. 9, 2024, 8:17 a.m.