
# Author: tim
# ----------------------------
# Coale, A. and S. Li (1991) The effect of age misreporting in China on 
# the calculation of mortality rates at very high ages. Demography 28(2)
# ----------------------------

#' Coale-Li age heaping index
#' @description This implementation is based largely on the sparse verbal description given in
#' Coale and Li (1991): calculate a two-stage 5-term moving average as a reference pattern, then
#' take ratios with respect to this. Ratios for a given terminal digit can then be averaged to produce
#' an index. This procedure was used in that paper for ages 65-100 for mortality rates. 
#' It is probably better suited to rates than counts, but that is not a hard rule.
#' @param Value a vector of demographic rates or counts by single age
#' @param Age a vector of ages corresponding to the lower integer bound of the counts
#' @param ageMin the lowest age included in calcs. Default 20
#' @param ageMax the upper age bound used for calcs. Default 65
#' @param digit any digit 0-9. Default \code{0}.

#' @details \code{digit} could also be a vector of digits, but the more digits one includes (excepting 0 and 5) the closer the index will get to 1. It is therefore recommended for single digits, or else \code{c(0,5)}
#' @return the index value 
#' @references 
#' Coale, A. and S. Li (1991) The effect of age misreporting in China on the calculation of mortality rates at very high ages. Demography 28(2)
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' Value <- c(80626,95823,104315,115813,100796,105086,97266,116328,
#' Age <- 0:99
#' CoaleLi(Value, Age, 65, 95, 5, 0) # 3.7
#' CoaleLi(Value, Age, 65, 95, 5, 5) # 3.5 almost just as high
#' Whipple(Value, Age, 65, 95, 0)    # 3.4
#' Whipple(Value, Age, 65, 95, 5)    # 3.2
#' Noumbissi(Value, Age, 65, 95, 0)  # 3.6
#' Noumbissi(Value, Age, 65, 95, 5)  # 3.0

CoaleLi <- function(Value, Age, minAge = 65, maxAge = 100, terms = 5, digit = 0){
	reference <- ma(ma(Value, n = terms), n = terms)
	ratio     <- Value / reference
	ind       <- Age >= minAge & Age <= maxAge
	ages      <- max(c(min(Age),minAge)):min(c(maxAge, max(Age)))
	avgRatios <- tapply(ratio[ind], ages %% 10, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
	# return avg deviation for specified digit(s)
timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 5:13 a.m.