
#' Transmission of ThorLabs Dielectric Filters
#' @param name The ThorLabs designation of the filter (for example FEL0550)
#' @param wavelength_nm The wavelength(s) incident on the filter
#' @return The fractional transmission through the filter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' thorlabs_filter("FEL0450", 200:700)
#' plot(200:700, thorlabs_filter("FES0550", 200:700), xlab = "wavelength (nm)", ylab = "T")
thorlabs_filter <- function(name, wavelength_nm){


  transmission_function <- thorlabs_filter.spline(name)

  transmission_pct <- transmission_function(wavelength_nm)
  transmission_frac <- transmission_pct/100


#' Plot the Transmission Spectra of Thorlabs Filter
#' @inheritParams thorlabs_filter
#' @param ... graphical arguments
#' @return Plots to current device the provided transmission spectra (points) and the spline fit (line).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' thorlabs_filter.plot("FEL0700")
thorlabs_filter.plot <- function(name, ...){

  filter <- thorlabs_filter.data(name)

  plot(filter$`Wavelength (nm)`, 0.01*filter$`% Transmission`, xlab = "wavelength (nm)", ylab = "T", pch = 16, ...)
  lines(filter$`Wavelength (nm)`, thorlabs_filter(name, filter$`Wavelength (nm)`), type='l', lwd = 2, col = 2)


#' Get the raw transmission spectra data of a filter provided by Thorlabs
#' @inheritParams thorlabs_filter
#' @return returns the provided transmission spectra from thorlabs as a dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' thorlabs_filter.data("FEL0700")
thorlabs_filter.data <- function(name){

  data <- subset(filters, filter == name)
  rownames(data) <- seq(length=nrow(data)) # reset row names after subsetting



#' Export filter to global enivroment
#' @description
#' Exports the given filter as a spline function to the global enviroment, under it's own named function.
#' @inheritParams thorlabs_filter
#' @return A spline function named after the filter.
#' Note if the thorlabs filter name contains a dash (for example, to designate bandwidth), this will be replaced in the function name as an underscore. i.e. FB340-10 becomes FB340_10
#' @export
#' @examples
#' thorlabs_filter.import("FES0650")
#' FES0650(500)
thorlabs_filter.import <- function(name){
  eval(parse(text = paste(gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_", name), "<- function(wavelength_nm) thorlabs_filter.spline('",name,"')(wavelength_nm)/100", sep="")), envir = globalenv())

#  #### Internal Functions #####

#' Get spline function from Transmission data
#' @inheritParams thorlabs_filter
#' @return A spline function accepting wavelength_nm argument
#' @note This is an internal function for thor2, and not intended for use outside of it
#' @export
#' @examples
#' FEL0450 <- thorlabs_filter.spline("FEL0450")
thorlabs_filter.spline <- function(name){

  transmission <- subset(filters, filter == name)  # from manual
  transmission <- na.omit(transmission) # clean up in case of NAs

  transmission_function <- function(wavelength_nm) {

    if((max(wavelength_nm) > max(transmission[[1]]) | (min(wavelength_nm) < min(transmission[[1]])))){
      warning("Wavelength is outside dataset range")

    return(stats::splinefun(transmission[[1]], transmission[[2]])(wavelength_nm))




#' Check filter exists
#' @inheritParams thorlabs_filter
#' @return NULL
#' @note This is an internal function for thor2, and not intended for use outside of it.
#' @examples
#' thor2:::thorlabs_filter.exists("FEL0400")
thorlabs_filter.exists <- function(name){

  if(any(name == unique(filters$filter))){



    fail_message <- "Filter name does not exist in thor2 database."
    possibles <- agrep(pattern = name, x = unique(filters$filter), value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)

    if(length(possibles) > 0){
      stop(paste(fail_message, "\n  Did you mean one of these?", paste(possibles, collapse = ", ")))

tjconstant/thor2 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:54 a.m.