Man pages for tk382/HIPPO
Heterogeneity-Induced Pre-Processing tOol

ensg_hgncA reference data frame that matches ENSG IDs to HGNC symbols
get_hippoAccess hippo object from SingleCellExperiment object.
get_hippo_diffexpReturn hippo_diffexp object
hippoHIPPO's hierarchical clustering
hippo_diagnostic_plotCreate zero-inflation plot compared to reference Poisson line...
hippo_diffexpHIPPO's differential expression
hippo_dimension_reductioncompute t-SNE or umap of each round of HIPPO
hippo_feature_heatmapHIPPO's feature heatmap
hippo_tsne_plotvisualize each round of hippo through t-SNE
hippo_umap_plotvisualize each round of hippo through UMAP
pipere-export magrittr pipe operator
preprocess_homogeneousCreate data frame with gene-level information for each cell...
toydataA sample single cell sequencing data subsetted from Zheng2017
zero_proportion_plotvisualize each round of hippo through zero proportion plot
tk382/HIPPO documentation built on Aug. 17, 2021, 2:29 p.m.