
test_that("jst_preview_zip works", {
  correct_res <- tribble(
    ~type, ~meta_type, ~n,
    "metadata", "book_chapter", 1L,
    "metadata", "journal_article", 1L,
    "metadata", "pamphlet", 1L,
    "ngram1", "ngram1", 1L
  expect_equal(jst_preview_zip("testfiles/pseudo_dfr.zip"), correct_res)

# # test converting from zip-file
# # setup the correct data
# jst_import_zip("tests/testthat/testfiles/pseudo_dfr.zip",
#                import_spec = jst_define_import(article = c(jst_get_article,
#                                                            jst_get_authors),
#                                                book = jst_get_book,
#                                                ngram1 = jst_get_ngram),
#                out_file = "correct", out_path = "tests/testthat/testfiles/")

test_that("importing from zip works", {
  dir.create(test_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "testdir"))
                 import_spec = jst_define_import(article = c(jst_get_article, 
                                                 book = jst_get_book,
                                                 ngram1 = jst_get_ngram),
                 out_file = "correct", out_path = test_dir)
  expected_files <- c("correct_book_chapter_jst_get_book-1.csv",
  files <- list.files(test_dir)
  # test that we have the right files
  expect_identical(expected_files, files)
  # test for the content of the files
  test_expected_zip <- function(expected_file) {
    expect_equal(read_csv(file.path("testfiles", expected_file), 
                                    show_col_types = FALSE),
                     read_csv(file.path(test_dir, expected_file), 
                                        show_col_types = FALSE))
  expected_files %>% 

test_that("too many arguments for batches throw error", {
  expect_error(jst_import_zip("testfiles/pseudo_dfr.zip", out_file = "meta_data",
                              import_spec = jst_define_import(
                                article = jst_get_article,
                                report = jst_get_book
                              ), out_path = test_dir,
                              n_batches = 1),
               "not available in the .zip-file: research_report"

test_that("wrong row selection raises an error", {
                              out_file = "meta_data",
                              import_spec = jst_define_import(
                                article = jst_get_article),
                              rows = 10:20),
               "The selected rows do not exist within")
tklebel/jstor documentation built on July 31, 2023, 1:35 p.m.