
Defines functions make_kernel

Documented in make_kernel

#' Generate a Polynomial Kernel
#' @param degree the degree of the polynomial of the kernel. Must be 4 or greater or NULL for
#' the uniform kernel. Note: (degree - 2) is the order of the kernel, meaning first non-zero
#' moment is x^(degree - 2).
#' @param R a positive number giving the support, (-R,R) of the kernel which is symmetric
#' and centered at 0.
#' @export
make_kernel = function(degree, R){
  if (is.null(degree)) {
    kern = function(x, R, veck) 1/(2*R)*as.numeric(-R <= x & R >= x)
    kern_cdf = function(x, R, veck) (1/(2*R))*as.numeric(x > -R)*(pmin(x ,R)+R)
    veck = 1
  } else {
    kk = degree/2-2
    area_row = vapply(0:(kk+2), FUN = function(i) 2*R^(2*i+1)/(2*i+1), FUN.VALUE = 1)
    zero_row = vapply(0:(kk+2), FUN = function(i) R^(2*i), FUN.VALUE = 1)
    deriv_row = c(0,vapply(0:(kk+1), FUN = function(i) 2*(i + 1)*R^(2*i+1), FUN.VALUE = 1))
    if (kk>0) {
      orth_rows = lapply(seq(0,max((2*kk-2),0),2), FUN = function(r) {
        vapply(0:(kk+2), FUN = function(i) 2*R^(2*i+3+r)/(2*i+3+r), FUN.VALUE = 1)
      orth_rows = do.call(rbind, orth_rows)
      mm = rbind(area_row, zero_row, deriv_row, orth_rows)
    } else mm = rbind(area_row, zero_row, deriv_row)

    mm_inv = solve(mm)
    veck = mm_inv %*% c(1, rep(0,kk+2))
    kern = function(x, R, veck) {
      ll = lapply(1:length(veck), FUN = function(c) veck[c]*x^(2*c-2))
      w = Reduce("+", ll)*(x > -R & x < R)

    kern_cdf = function(x, R, veck) {
      u = pmin(x, R)
      ll = lapply(1:length(veck), FUN = function(c) veck[c]*(u^(2*c-1) + R^(2*c-1))/(2*c-1))
      w = Reduce("+", ll)*as.numeric(x > -R)

  return(list(veck = veck, R = R,  kern = kern, kern_cdf = kern_cdf))
tlverse/tmle3kernel documentation built on May 21, 2019, 4:07 a.m.