Man pages for tlverse/tmle3mopttx
Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Mean under Optimal Individualized Treatment

create_mv_learnersMake SL of multivariate learners
data_binMock data set with Binary Treatment
data_catMock data set with Categorical Treatment
data_cat_realisticMock data set with Categorical Treatment and rare treatment
data_cat_vimMock data set for Variable Importance Analysis with...
LF_ruleDynamic Likelihood Factor
normalize_rowsNormalize rows
Optimal_Rule_Q_learningLearns the Optimal Rule given a tmle_task and likelihood,...
Optimal_Rule_RevereLearning the Optimal Rule using the Revere framework
Param_TSM_nameTreatment Specific Mean with names specifying the covariates...
Q_learningQ learning wrapper
tmle3_mopttx_blip_revereMean under the Optimal Individualized Treatment Rule
tmle3_mopttx_QMean under the Optimal Individualized Treatment Rule, using Q...
tmle3_mopttx_vimMean under the Optimal Individualized Treatment Rule
tmle3_Spec_mopttx_blip_revereTMLE for the Mean Under the Optimal Individualized Rule
tmle3_Spec_mopttx_QDefines the Mean Under the Optimal Individualized Rule with...
tmle3_Spec_mopttx_vimVariable Importance with the Mean Under the Optimal...
vals_from_factorGet factors
tlverse/tmle3mopttx documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 3:31 p.m.