  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


R build status Package-License CRAN status

The goal of edmdata is to provide a set of an example assessment data sets for psychometric modeling.


You can install edmdata from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Data Sets Included

Using data in the package

There are two ways to access the data contained within this package.

The first is to load the package itself and type the name of a data set. This approach takes advantage of R’s lazy loading mechansim, which avoids loading the data until it is used in R session. For details on how lazy loading works, please see Section 1.17: Lazy Loading of the R Internals manual.

# Load the `edmdata` package

# See the first 10 observations of the `items_revised_psvtr` dataset

# View the help documentation for `items_revised_psvtr`

The second approach is to use the data() command to load data on the fly without loading the package. After using data(), the data set will be available to use under the given name.

# Loading `items_revised_psvtr` without a `library(edmdata)` call
data("items_revised_psvtr", package = "edmdata")

# See the first 10 observations of the `items_revised_psvtr` dataset

# View the help documentation for `items_revised_psvtr`

Build Scripts

Want to see how each data set was imported? Check out the data-raw folder!


James Joseph Balamuta, Steven Andrew Culpepper, Jeffrey Douglas

Citing the edmdata package

To ensure future development of the package, please cite edmdata package if used during an analysis or simulation study. Citation information for the package may be acquired by using in R:





tmsalab/ecdmdata documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 4:45 a.m.