
#' Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2015 (TIMSS)
#' Grade 8 Student Background Survey Item Responses
#' @details
#' From the school background data file, we selected 16 items under two distinct
#' item stems that sought to measure students’ school experiences using a
#' four-level likert-scale.
#' - What do you think about your school? Tell me howmuch you agree with these statements:
#'   - **"BSBG15A"**: I like being in school
#'   - **"BSBG15B"**: I feel safe when I am in school
#'   - **"BSBG15C"**: I feel like I belong at this school
#'   - **"BSBG15D"**: I like to see my classmates at school.
#'   - **"BSBG15E"**: Teachers at my school are fair to me.
#'   - **"BSBG15F"**: I am proud to go to this school.
#'   - **"BSBG15G"**: I learn a lot in school.
#' - During this year, how often have the following things happened to you at school?
#'   - **"BSBG16A"**: Made fun of me or called me names.
#'   - **"BSBG16B"**: Left me out of their games or activities.
#'   - **"BSBG16C"**: Spread lies about me.
#'   - **"BSBG16D"**: Stole something from me.
#'   - **"BSBG16E"**: Hit or hurt me (e.g. shoving, hitting, kicking).
#'   - **"BSBG16F"**: Made me do things I didn’t want to.
#'   - **"BSBG16G"**: Shared embarrassing information about me.
#'   - **"BSBG16H"**: Posted embarrassing things about me online.
#'   - **"BSBG16I"**: Threatened me.
#' @section Answer Coding:
#' Items 8 through 16 were reverse-coded.
#' @template papers-timss15-background
tmsalab/ecdmdata documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 4:45 a.m.