Lee_2019: Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)

Lee_2019R Documentation

Example data for MsQuality: data set of Lee et al. (2019)


The data set of Lee et al. (2019) contains metabolite information measured by reverse phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) coupled to mass spectrometry and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) coupled to mass spectrometry (file 'STables - rev1.xlsx' in the Supplementary Information).

It will be used as an example data set in the vignette to show the functionality of the packages. The file contains Spectra and MsExperiment objects that store the mass spectrometry data.


Spectra and MsExperiment


Spectra and MsExperiment objects


Thomas Naake, thomasnaake@googlemail.com


See the file Lee2019-data-source.R in scripts for the source code how sps_hilic and sps_rplc were created.


Lee et al. (2019). A large-scale analysis of targeted metabolomics data from heterogeneous biological samples provides insights into metabolite dynamics. Metabolomics, 103, doi: 10.1007/s11306-019-1564-8.

tnaake/msQC documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 5:25 a.m.