
#Loading package

## Data is taken from the paper by Nishiura for key transmission parameters of an institutional
## outbreak during 1918 influenza pandemic in Germany)

## For this exemple, we use the exact same call as for the internal sensitivity analysis function

## sa.type = "GT"

## Here we will test GT with means of 1 to 5, each time with SD constant (1)
## GT and SD can be either fixed value or vectors of values
## Actual value in simulations may differ, as they are adapted according to the distribution type
tmp <- sensitivity.analysis(
     sa.type     = "GT", 
     incid       = Germany.1918, 
     GT.type     = "gamma", 
     GT.mean     = seq(1,5,1), 
     GT.sd.range = 1, 
     begin       = 1, 
     end         = 27, 
     est.method  = "EG")

## Results are stored in a matrix, each line dedicated to a (mean,sd) couple
     x    = tmp[,"GT.Mean"], 
     xlab = "mean GT (days)", 
     y    = tmp[,"R"], 
     ylim = c(1.2, 2.1), 
     ylab = "R0 (95% CI)", 
     type = "p", 
     pch  = 19, 
     col  = "black", 
     main = "Sensitivity of R0 to mean GT"
     x0 = as.numeric(tmp[,"GT.Mean"]), 
     y0 = as.numeric(tmp[,"CI.lower"]), 
     y1 = as.numeric(tmp[,"CI.upper"]), 
     angle = 90, 
     code = 3, 
     col = "black", 
     length = 0.05
## One could tweak this example to change sorting of values (per mean, or per standard deviation)
## eg: 'x=tmp[,c('GT.Mean')]' could become 'x=tmp[,c('GT.SD')]'

## sa.type="time"

mGT <- generation.time("gamma", c(2.6,1))
sen <- sensitivity.analysis(
     sa.type    = "time", 
     incid      = Germany.1918, 
     GT         = mGT, 
     begin      = 1:10, 
     end        = 16:25, 
     est.method = "EG"
# ...
# Warning message:
# If 'begin' and 'end' overlap, cases where begin >= end are skipped.
# These cases often return Rsquared = 1 and are thus ignored.
## A list with different estimates of reproduction ratio, exponential growth rate and 95%CI 
## wtih different pairs of begin and end dates in form of data frame is returned.
## If method is "EG", results will include growth rate and deviance R-squared measure
## Else, if "ML" method is used, growth rate and R-squared will be set as NA

## Interesting results include the variation of R0 given specific begin/end dates.
## Such results can be plot as a colored matrix and display Rsquared=f(time period)
plot(sen, what=c("criterion","heatmap"))
## Returns complete data.frame of best R0 value for each time period 
## (allows for quick visualization)
## The "best.fit" is the time period over which the estimate is the more robust

# $best.fit
#    Time.period Begin.dates  End.dates       R Growth.rate  Rsquared CI.lower. CI.upper.
# 92          15  1970-01-08 1970-01-23 1.64098   0.1478316 0.9752564  1.574953  1.710209
tobadia/R0 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 5:16 p.m.