

test_that("Local options", {
  # Clear out any options so we know we're starting fresh
  .globals$options <- list()

  # Basic options
  shinyOptions(a = 1, b = 2)

  expect_true(contents_identical(shinyOptions(),list(a = 1, b = 2)))
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('a'), 1)
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('b'), 2)

  # Options that haven't been set
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('c'), NULL)
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('c', default = 10), 10)

    # No changes yet
    expect_true(contents_identical(shinyOptions(), list(a = 1, b = 2)))
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('a'), 1)
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('b'), 2)

    # Override an option
    shinyOptions(a = 3)
    expect_true(contents_identical(shinyOptions(), list(b = 2, a = 3)))
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('a'), 3)
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('b'), 2)

    # Options that haven't been set
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('c'), NULL)
    expect_identical(getShinyOption('c', default = 10), 10)

    # Another local option set
      # Override an option
      shinyOptions(a = 4)
      expect_true(contents_identical(shinyOptions(), list(b = 2, a = 4)))
      expect_identical(getShinyOption('a'), 4)
      expect_identical(getShinyOption('b'), 2)

  # Should be back to original state
  expect_true(contents_identical(shinyOptions(), list(a = 1, b = 2)))
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('a'), 1)
  expect_identical(getShinyOption('b'), 2)

  # Setting options to NULL removes them entirely
  shinyOptions(b = NULL)
  expect_identical(shinyOptions(), list(a = 1))

  # Finish tests; reset shinyOptions
  shinyOptions(a = NULL)

test_that("Shared secret", {
  op <- options(shiny.sharedSecret = "This is a secret string")

  checkSharedSecret <- loadSharedSecret()

  expect_true(checkSharedSecret("This is a secret string"))
  expect_true(checkSharedSecret(charToRaw("This is a secret string")))

  expect_false(checkSharedSecret("this is a secret string"))
  expect_false(checkSharedSecret("This is a secret string "))
tomkuipers1402/shiny documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 7:22 p.m.