
Defines functions make_latin_hypercube_grid grid_latin_hypercube.workflow grid_latin_hypercube.param grid_latin_hypercube.list grid_latin_hypercube.parameters grid_latin_hypercube make_max_entropy_grid grid_max_entropy.workflow grid_max_entropy.param grid_max_entropy.list grid_max_entropy.parameters grid_max_entropy base_recycle make_sfd grid_space_filling.param grid_space_filling.list grid_space_filling.parameters grid_space_filling

Documented in grid_latin_hypercube grid_latin_hypercube.list grid_latin_hypercube.param grid_latin_hypercube.parameters grid_latin_hypercube.workflow grid_max_entropy grid_max_entropy.list grid_max_entropy.param grid_max_entropy.parameters grid_max_entropy.workflow grid_space_filling grid_space_filling.list grid_space_filling.param grid_space_filling.parameters

#' Space-filling parameter grids
#' Experimental designs for computer experiments are used to construct parameter
#'  grids that try to cover the parameter space such that any portion of the
#'  space has does not have an observed combination that is unnecessarily close
#'  to any other point.
#' @includeRmd man/rmd/sfd_notes.md details
#' @inheritParams grid_random
#' @param size A single integer for the maximum number of parameter value
#' combinations returned. If duplicate combinations are
#' generated from this size, the smaller, unique set is returned.
#' @param type A character string with possible values: `"any"`,
#' `"audze_eglais"`, `"max_min_l1"`, `"max_min_l2"`, `"uniform"`,
#' `"max_entropy"`, or `"latin_hypercube"`. A value of `"any"` will choose the
#' first design available (in the order listed above, excluding 
#' `"latin_hypercube"`).
#' @param variogram_range A numeric value greater than zero. Larger values
#'  reduce the likelihood of empty regions in the parameter space. Only used
#'  for `type = "max_entropy"`.
#' @param iter An integer for the maximum number of iterations used to find
#'  a good design. Only used for `type = "max_entropy"`.
#' @references Sacks, Jerome & Welch, William & J. Mitchell, Toby, and Wynn, Henry.
#'  (1989). Design and analysis of computer experiments. With comments and a
#'  rejoinder by the authors. Statistical Science. 4. 10.1214/ss/1177012413.
#' Santner, Thomas, Williams, Brian, and Notz, William. (2003). The Design and
#'  Analysis of Computer Experiments. Springer.
#' Dupuy, D., Helbert, C., and Franco, J. (2015). DiceDesign and DiceEval: Two R
#'  packages for design and analysis of computer experiments. Journal of
#'  Statistical Software, 65(11)
#' Husslage, B. G., Rennen, G., Van Dam, E. R., & Den Hertog, D. (2011).
#' Space-filling Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments. _Optimization
#' and Engineering_, 12, 611-630.
#' Fang, K. T., Lin, D. K., Winker, P., & Zhang, Y. (2000). Uniform design:
#' Theory and application. _Technometric_s, 42(3), 237-248
#' @examples
#' grid_space_filling(
#'   hidden_units(),
#'   penalty(),
#'   epochs(),
#'   activation(),
#'   learn_rate(c(0, 1), trans = scales::transform_log()),
#'   size = 10,
#'   original = FALSE
#' )
#' grid_latin_hypercube(penalty(), mixture(), original = TRUE)
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # comparing methods
#' if (rlang::is_installed("ggplot2")) {
#'   library(dplyr)
#'   library(ggplot2)
#'   set.seed(383)
#'   parameters(trees(), mixture()) %>%
#'     grid_space_filling(size = 25, type = "latin_hypercube") %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(trees, mixture)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     lims(y = 0:1, x = c(1, 2000)) +
#'     ggtitle("latin hypercube")
#'   set.seed(383)
#'   parameters(trees(), mixture()) %>%
#'     grid_space_filling(size = 25, type = "max_entropy") %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(trees, mixture)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     lims(y = 0:1, x = c(1, 2000)) +
#'     ggtitle("maximum entropy")
#'   parameters(trees(), mixture()) %>%
#'     grid_space_filling(size = 25, type = "audze_eglais") %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(trees, mixture)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     lims(y = 0:1, x = c(1, 2000)) +
#'     ggtitle("Audze-Eglais")
#'   parameters(trees(), mixture()) %>%
#'     grid_space_filling(size = 25, type = "uniform") %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(trees, mixture)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     lims(y = 0:1, x = c(1, 2000)) +
#'     ggtitle("uniform")
#' }
#' @export
grid_space_filling <- function(x, ..., size = 5, type = "any", original = TRUE) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (any(names(dots) == "levels")) {
      "`levels` is not an argument to `grid_space_filling()`. Did you mean `size`?"

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_space_filling.parameters <- function(x,
                                          size = 5,
                                          type = "any",
                                          variogram_range = 0.5,
                                          iter = 1000,
                                          original = TRUE) {
  # test for NA and finalized
  # test for empty ...
  params <- x$object
  names(params) <- x$id
  grd <- make_sfd(
    size = size,
    type = type,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter,
    original = original
  names(grd) <- x$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_space_filling.list <- function(x,
                                    size = 5,
                                    type = "any",
                                    variogram_range = 0.5,
                                    iter = 1000,
                                    original = TRUE) {

  y <- parameters(x)
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_sfd(
    size = size,
    type = type,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter,
    original = original
  names(grd) <- y$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_space_filling.param <- function(x,
                                     size = 5,
                                     variogram_range = 0.5,
                                     iter = 1000,
                                     type = "any",
                                     original = TRUE) {

  y <- parameters(list(x, ...))
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_sfd(
    size = size,
    type = type,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter,
    original = original
  names(grd) <- y$id

sfd_types <-
  c("any", "audze_eglais", "max_min_l1", "max_min_l2", "uniform",
    "latin_hypercube", "max_entropy")

make_sfd <- function(...,
                     size = 5,
                     type = "any",
                     variogram_range = 0.5,
                     iter = 1000,
                     original = TRUE,
                     call = caller_env()) {
  type <- rlang::arg_match(type, sfd_types)
  validate_params(..., call = call)
  param_quos <- quos(...)
  params <- map(param_quos, eval_tidy)
  p <- length(params)

  if (type %in% c("any", "audze_eglais", "max_min_l1", "max_min_l2", "uniform")) {
    has_premade_design <- sfd::sfd_available(p, size, type)

    if (has_premade_design) {
      grid <- sfd::get_design(p, num_points = size, type = type)
      vals <- purrr::map(params, ~ value_seq(.x, size))
      vals <- purrr::map(vals, ~ base_recycle(.x, size))
      grid <- sfd::update_values(grid, vals)
      names(grid) <- names(params)
    } else {
      grid <-
          size = size,
          original = original,
          variogram_range = variogram_range,
          iter = iter
  } else if (type == "latin_hypercube") {
    grid <-
        size = size,
        original = original
  } else {
    grid <-
        size = size,
        original = original,
        variogram_range = variogram_range,
        iter = iter


base_recycle <- function(x, size) {
  inds <- rep_len(seq_along(x), size)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname grid_space_filling
#' @export
grid_max_entropy <- function(x,
                             size = 3,
                             original = TRUE,
                             variogram_range = 0.5,
                             iter = 1000) {

  dots <- list(...)
  if (any(names(dots) == "levels")) {
    rlang::warn("`levels` is not an argument to `grid_max_entropy()`. Did you mean `size`?")

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_max_entropy.parameters <- function(x,
                                        size = 3,
                                        original = TRUE,
                                        variogram_range = 0.5,
                                        iter = 1000) {

  # test for NA and finalized
  # test for empty ...
  params <- x$object
  names(params) <- x$id
  grd <- make_max_entropy_grid(
    size = size,
    original = original,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter
  names(grd) <- x$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_max_entropy.list <- function(x,
                                  size = 3,
                                  original = TRUE,
                                  variogram_range = 0.5,
                                  iter = 1000) {

  y <- parameters(x)
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_max_entropy_grid(
    size = size,
    original = original,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter
  names(grd) <- y$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_max_entropy.param <- function(x,
                                   size = 3,
                                   original = TRUE,
                                   variogram_range = 0.5,
                                   iter = 1000) {

  y <- parameters(list(x, ...))
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_max_entropy_grid(
    size = size,
    original = original,
    variogram_range = variogram_range,
    iter = iter
  names(grd) <- y$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_max_entropy.workflow <- function(x,
                                      size = 3,
                                      original = TRUE,
                                      variogram_range = 0.5,
                                      iter = 1000) {

    when = "1.2.0",
    what = "grid_max_entropy.workflow()",
    details = "Alternatively, first extract the parameter set with `extract_parameter_set_dials()`, then create the grid from that object."

make_max_entropy_grid <- function(...,
                                  size = 3,
                                  original = TRUE,
                                  variogram_range = 0.5,
                                  iter = 1000,
                                  call = caller_env()) {

  validate_params(..., call = call)
  param_quos <- quos(...)
  params <- map(param_quos, eval_tidy)
  param_names <- names(param_quos)
  param_labs <- map_chr(params, function(x) x$label)
  names(param_labs) <- param_names

  rngs <- map(params, range_get, original = FALSE)

  sfd <-
      n = size,
      dimension = length(params),
      range = variogram_range,
      niter_max = iter,
      seed = sample.int(10^5, 1)
  colnames(sfd$design) <- param_names
  sf_grid <- as_tibble(sfd$design)

  # Get back to parameter units
  sf_grid <- map2_dfc(
    direction = "backward",
    original = original
  colnames(sf_grid) <- param_names


#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_latin_hypercube <- function(x, ..., size = 3, original = TRUE) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (any(names(dots) == "levels")) {
    rlang::warn("`levels` is not an argument to `grid_latin_hypercube()`. Did you mean `size`?")

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_latin_hypercube.parameters <- function(x, ..., size = 3, original = TRUE) {
  params <- x$object
  names(params) <- x$id
  grd <- make_latin_hypercube_grid(!!!params, size = size, original = original)

  names(grd) <- x$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_latin_hypercube.list <- function(x, ..., size = 3, original = TRUE) {
  y <- parameters(x)
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_latin_hypercube_grid(!!!params, size = size, original = original)
  names(grd) <- y$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_latin_hypercube.param <- function(x, ..., size = 3, original = TRUE) {
  y <- parameters(list(x, ...))
  params <- y$object
  names(params) <- y$id
  grd <- make_latin_hypercube_grid(!!!params, size = size, original = original)
  names(grd) <- y$id

#' @export
#' @rdname grid_space_filling
grid_latin_hypercube.workflow <- function(x, ..., size = 3, original = TRUE) {
    when = "1.2.0",
    what = "grid_latin_hypercube.workflow()",
    details = "Alternatively, first extract the parameter set with `extract_parameter_set_dials()`, then create the grid from that object."

make_latin_hypercube_grid <- function(..., size = 3, original = TRUE, call = caller_env()) {
  validate_params(..., call = call)
  param_quos <- quos(...)
  params <- map(param_quos, eval_tidy)
  param_labs <- map_chr(params, function(x) x$label)
  param_names <- names(param_quos)
  names(param_labs) <- param_names

  sfd <-
      n = size,
      dimension = length(params),
      seed = sample.int(10^5, 1)
  colnames(sfd$design) <- param_names
  sf_grid <- as_tibble(sfd$design)

  # Get back to parameter units
  sf_grid <- map2_dfc(
    direction = "backward",
    original = original
  colnames(sf_grid) <- param_names

topepo/dials documentation built on June 17, 2024, 4:14 a.m.