API for topepo/parsnip
A Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions

Global functions
%>% Man page
.censoring_weights_graf Man page Source code
.censoring_weights_graf.default Man page Source code
.censoring_weights_graf.model_fit Man page Source code
.check_cens_type Source code
.check_censor_model Source code
.check_censored_right Source code
.check_glmnet_penalty_fit Man page Source code
.check_glmnet_penalty_predict Man page Source code
.check_pred_col Source code
.cols Man page Source code
.convert_form_to_xy_fit Man page Source code
.convert_form_to_xy_new Man page Source code
.convert_xy_to_form_fit Man page Source code
.convert_xy_to_form_new Man page Source code
.dat Man page Source code
.extract_surv_status Man page Source code
.extract_surv_time Man page Source code
.extract_surv_type Source code
.facts Man page Source code
.filter_eval_time Source code
.find_surv_col Source code
.is_censored_right Source code
.is_surv Source code
.lvls Man page Source code
.model_param_name_key Man page Source code
.obs Man page Source code
.organize_glmnet_pred Man page Source code
.preds Man page Source code
.rlang_as_friendly_type Source code
.rlang_check_is_string Source code
.rlang_stop_unexpected_typeof Source code
.stop_not_number Source code
.x Man page Source code
.y Man page Source code
C5.0_train Man page Source code
C50_by_tree Source code
C5_rules Man page Source code
add_engine_parameters Source code
add_graf_weights_vec Source code
add_methods Source code
add_rowindex Man page Source code
allow_sparse Source code
as_xgb_data Source code
augment Man page
augment.model_fit Man page Source code
augment_censored Source code
augment_classification Source code
augment_regression Source code
auto_ml Man page Source code
autoplot Man page
autoplot.glmnet Man page Source code
autoplot.model_fit Man page Source code
autoplot_glmnet Source code
bag_mars Man page Source code
bag_mlp Man page Source code
bag_tree Man page Source code
bart Man page Source code
bart-internal Man page
bartMachine_interval_calc Man page Source code
boost_tree Man page Source code
case_weights Man page
case_weights_allowed Man page Source code
censoring_weights Man page
cforest_train Man page Source code
check_arg Source code
check_args Man page Source code
check_args.C5_rules Source code
check_args.bag_tree Source code
check_args.boost_tree Source code
check_args.cubist_rules Source code
check_args.decision_tree Source code
check_args.default Source code
check_args.discrim_flexible Source code
check_args.discrim_linear Source code
check_args.discrim_regularized Source code
check_args.linear_reg Source code
check_args.logistic_reg Source code
check_args.mars Source code
check_args.mlp Source code
check_args.multinom_reg Source code
check_args.nearest_neighbor Source code
check_args.pls Source code
check_args.poisson_reg Source code
check_args.rand_forest Source code
check_args.surv_reg Source code
check_args.survival_reg Source code
check_args.svm_linear Source code
check_args.svm_poly Source code
check_args.svm_rbf Source code
check_bool Source code
check_call Source code
check_case_weights Source code
check_character Source code
check_closure Source code
check_control Source code
check_data_frame Source code
check_dup_names Source code
check_empty_ellipse Man page Source code
check_encodings Source code
check_eng_args Source code
check_eng_val Source code
check_environment Source code
check_final_param Man page Source code
check_fit_info Source code
check_for_newdata Source code
check_form_dots Source code
check_formula Source code
check_func_val Source code
check_function Source code
check_inherits Source code
check_installs Source code
check_interface Source code
check_interface_val Source code
check_logical Source code
check_mode_for_new_engine Source code
check_mode_val Source code
check_mode_with_no_engine Source code
check_model_doesnt_exist Source code
check_model_exists Source code
check_name Source code
check_number_decimal Source code
check_number_whole Source code
check_outcome Source code
check_pred_info Source code
check_pred_type Source code
check_pred_type_dots Source code
check_spec_levels Source code
check_spec_mode_engine_val Source code
check_spec_pred_type Source code
check_string Source code
check_symbol Source code
check_unregistered Source code
check_xy_interface Source code
combine_words Source code
condense_control Man page Source code
contr_one_hot Man page Source code
control_parsnip Man page Source code
convert_arg Source code
convert_args Source code
convert_stan_interval Man page Source code
ctree_train Man page Source code
cubist_rules Man page Source code
dbart_predict_calc Man page Source code
decision_tree Man page Source code
deharmonize Source code
deparserizer Source code
descriptors Man page
details_C5_rules_C5.0 Man page
details_auto_ml_h2o Man page
details_bag_mars_earth Man page
details_bag_mlp_nnet Man page
details_bag_tree_C5.0 Man page
details_bag_tree_rpart Man page
details_bart_dbarts Man page
details_boost_tree_C5.0 Man page
details_boost_tree_h2o Man page
details_boost_tree_lightgbm Man page
details_boost_tree_mboost Man page
details_boost_tree_spark Man page
details_boost_tree_xgboost Man page
details_cubist_rules_Cubist Man page
details_decision_tree_C5.0 Man page
details_decision_tree_partykit Man page
details_decision_tree_rpart Man page
details_decision_tree_spark Man page
details_discrim_flexible_earth Man page
details_discrim_linear_MASS Man page
details_discrim_linear_mda Man page
details_discrim_linear_sda Man page
details_discrim_linear_sparsediscrim Man page
details_discrim_quad_MASS Man page
details_discrim_quad_sparsediscrim Man page
details_discrim_regularized_klaR Man page
details_gen_additive_mod_mgcv Man page
details_linear_reg_brulee Man page
details_linear_reg_gee Man page
details_linear_reg_glm Man page
details_linear_reg_glmer Man page
details_linear_reg_glmnet Man page
details_linear_reg_gls Man page
details_linear_reg_h2o Man page
details_linear_reg_keras Man page
details_linear_reg_lm Man page
details_linear_reg_lme Man page
details_linear_reg_lmer Man page
details_linear_reg_spark Man page
details_linear_reg_stan Man page
details_linear_reg_stan_glmer Man page
details_logistic_reg_LiblineaR Man page
details_logistic_reg_brulee Man page
details_logistic_reg_gee Man page
details_logistic_reg_glm Man page
details_logistic_reg_glmer Man page
details_logistic_reg_glmnet Man page
details_logistic_reg_h2o Man page
details_logistic_reg_keras Man page
details_logistic_reg_spark Man page
details_logistic_reg_stan Man page
details_logistic_reg_stan_glmer Man page
details_mars_earth Man page
details_mlp_brulee Man page
details_mlp_h2o Man page
details_mlp_keras Man page
details_mlp_nnet Man page
details_multinom_reg_brulee Man page
details_multinom_reg_glmnet Man page
details_multinom_reg_h2o Man page
details_multinom_reg_keras Man page
details_multinom_reg_nnet Man page
details_multinom_reg_spark Man page
details_naive_Bayes_h2o Man page
details_naive_Bayes_klaR Man page
details_naive_Bayes_naivebayes Man page
details_nearest_neighbor_kknn Man page
details_pls_mixOmics Man page
details_poisson_reg_gee Man page
details_poisson_reg_glm Man page
details_poisson_reg_glmer Man page
details_poisson_reg_glmnet Man page
details_poisson_reg_h2o Man page
details_poisson_reg_hurdle Man page
details_poisson_reg_stan Man page
details_poisson_reg_stan_glmer Man page
details_poisson_reg_zeroinfl Man page
details_proportional_hazards_glmnet Man page
details_proportional_hazards_survival Man page
details_rand_forest_aorsf Man page
details_rand_forest_h2o Man page
details_rand_forest_partykit Man page
details_rand_forest_randomForest Man page
details_rand_forest_ranger Man page
details_rand_forest_spark Man page
details_rule_fit_h2o Man page
details_rule_fit_xrf Man page
details_survival_reg_flexsurv Man page
details_survival_reg_flexsurvspline Man page
details_survival_reg_survival Man page
details_svm_linear_LiblineaR Man page
details_svm_linear_kernlab Man page
details_svm_poly_kernlab Man page
details_svm_rbf_kernlab Man page
discrim_flexible Man page Source code
discrim_linear Man page Source code
discrim_quad Man page Source code
discrim_regularized Man page Source code
doc-tools Man page
earth_by_terms Source code
earth_reg_updater Source code
earth_submodel_pred Source code
engine_filter_condition Source code
ensure_parsnip_format Source code
error_set_object Source code
eval_args Man page Source code
eval_call_info Source code
eval_mod Source code
extensions Source code
extract-parsnip Man page
extract_fit_engine Man page
extract_fit_engine.model_fit Man page Source code
extract_fit_time Man page
extract_fit_time.model_fit Man page Source code
extract_parameter_dials Man page
extract_parameter_dials.model_spec Man page Source code
extract_parameter_set_dials Man page
extract_parameter_set_dials.model_spec Man page Source code
extract_spec_parsnip Man page
extract_spec_parsnip.model_fit Man page Source code
find_details_topics Source code
find_engine_files Man page Source code
find_tune_id Source code
find_varying Source code
fit Man page
fit.model_spec Man page Source code
fit_control Man page Source code
fit_xy Man page
fit_xy.gen_additive_mod Source code
fit_xy.model_spec Man page Source code
flexsurv_mean Source code
flexsurv_quant Source code
form_form Source code
form_xy Source code
format-internals Man page
format_class Man page Source code
format_classprobs Man page Source code
format_glmnet_multi_linear_reg Source code
format_glmnet_multi_logistic_reg Source code
format_glmnet_multi_multinom_reg Source code
format_glmnet_multinom_class Source code
format_glmnet_multinom_prob Source code
format_hazard Man page Source code
format_linear_pred Man page Source code
format_num Man page Source code
format_spark_class Source code
format_spark_num Source code
format_spark_probs Source code
format_survival Man page Source code
format_time Man page Source code
frequency_weights Man page
gen_additive_mod Man page Source code
get_args Source code
get_default_engine Source code
get_dependency Man page Source code
get_descr_df Source code
get_descr_form Source code
get_descr_spark Source code
get_descr_xy Source code
get_encoding Man page Source code
get_event_level Source code
get_fit Man page Source code
get_from_env Man page Source code
get_glmn_coefs Source code
get_model_desc Source code
get_model_env Man page Source code
get_model_spec Source code
get_pkgs Source code
get_pred_type Man page Source code
glance Man page
glance.model_fit Man page Source code
glm_grouped Man page Source code
glmnet-details Man page
graf_weight_time_vec Source code
has_any_descrs Source code
has_exprs Source code
has_multi_predict Man page Source code
has_multi_predict.default Man page Source code
has_multi_predict.model_fit Man page Source code
has_multi_predict.workflow Man page Source code
has_weights Source code
importance_weights Man page
install_engine_packages Source code
is_cran_check Source code
is_descr Source code
is_discordant_info Source code
is_installed Source code
is_missing_arg Source code
is_printable_spec Source code
is_sparse_matrix Source code
is_sparse_tibble Source code
is_varying Man page Source code
keras_mlp Man page Source code
keras_predict_classes Man page Source code
knit_engine_docs Man page Source code
knn_by_k Source code
levels_from_formula Source code
liblinear_preds Source code
liblinear_probs Source code
linear_lp_to_conf_int Source code
linear_reg Man page Source code
list_md_problems Man page Source code
load_libs Source code
local_one_hot_contrasts Source code
logistic_lp_to_conf_int Source code
logistic_reg Man page Source code
make_call Man page Source code
make_classes Man page Source code
make_engine_list Man page Source code
make_form_call Source code
make_formula Source code
make_pred_call Source code
make_seealso_list Man page Source code
make_xy_call Source code
map_glmnet_coefs Source code
mars Man page Source code
materialize_sparse_tibble Source code
max_mtry_formula Man page Source code
maybe_data_frame Man page Source code
maybe_eval Source code
maybe_matrix Man page Source code
maybe_multivariate Source code
maybe_proportion Source code
maybe_sparse_matrix Source code
min_cols Man page Source code
min_rows Man page Source code
mlp Man page Source code
mlp_num_weights Source code
mod_type Source code
mode_filter_condition Source code
model_db Man page
model_fit Man page
model_formula Man page
model_printer Man page Source code
model_spec Man page
multi_predict Man page Source code
multi_predict._C5.0 Man page Source code
multi_predict._earth Man page Source code
multi_predict._elnet Man page
multi_predict._glmnetfit Man page
multi_predict._lognet Man page
multi_predict._multnet Man page
multi_predict._torch_mlp Man page Source code
multi_predict._train.kknn Man page Source code
multi_predict._xgb.Booster Man page Source code
multi_predict.default Man page Source code
multi_predict_args Man page Source code
multi_predict_args.default Man page Source code
multi_predict_args.model_fit Man page Source code
multi_predict_args.workflow Man page Source code
multi_predict_glmnet Source code
multinom_reg Man page Source code
naive_Bayes Man page Source code
names0 Source code
nearest_neighbor Man page Source code
new_model_spec Man page Source code
new_reverse_km_fit Source code
nnet_softmax Source code
nrow_spark Source code
null_model Man page Source code
null_value Man page Source code
nullmodel Man page
nullmodel.default Man page Source code
obj_type_friendly Source code
obj_type_oo Source code
organize_glmnet_class Source code
organize_glmnet_prob Source code
organize_multnet_class Source code
organize_multnet_prob Source code
organize_nnet_prob Source code
oxford_comma Source code
parse_keras_args Source code
parsnip Man page
parsnip-package Man page
parsnip_addin Man page Source code
parsnip_update Man page
patch_formula_environment_with_case_weights Source code
pls Man page Source code
poisson_reg Man page Source code
poke_descrs Source code
possible_engines Source code
pred_value_template Man page Source code
predict.censoring_model Source code
predict.censoring_model_reverse_km Source code
predict.model_fit Man page Source code
predict.model_spec Source code
predict.nullmodel Man page
predict_class Source code
predict_class.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_class_glmnet Source code
predict_classprob Source code
predict_classprob.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_classprob_glmnet Source code
predict_confint Man page Source code
predict_confint.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_glmnet Source code
predict_hazard.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_linear_pred Man page Source code
predict_linear_pred.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_numeric Man page Source code
predict_numeric.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_numeric_glmnet Source code
predict_predint Man page Source code Source code
predict_predint.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_quantile.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_raw Man page Source code
predict_raw.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_raw_glmnet Source code
predict_survival Man page
predict_survival.model_fit Man page Source code
predict_time Man page Source code
predict_time.model_fit Man page Source code
prepare_data Man page Source code
print.censoring_model Source code
print.control_parsnip Source code
print.model_fit Source code
print.model_spec Source code
print.nullmodel Man page Source code
print_arg_list Source code
print_model_spec Man page Source code
prob_to_class_2 Source code
process_others Source code
prompt_missing_implementation Man page Source code
proportional_hazards Man page Source code
rand_forest Man page Source code
ranger_class_confint Source code
ranger_class_pred Source code
ranger_confint Source code
ranger_num_confint Source code
recalc_param Source code
reexports Man page
reformat_coefs Source code
reformat_torch_num Source code
release_bullets Source code
repair_call Man page Source code
req_pkgs Man page Source code
required_pkgs Man page
required_pkgs.model_fit Man page Source code
required_pkgs.model_spec Man page Source code
requires_descrs Source code
reverse_km Source code
rpart_train Man page Source code
rule_fit Man page Source code
scoped_descrs Source code
set_args Man page Source code
set_args.default Source code
set_args.model_spec Source code
set_dependency Man page Source code
set_encoding Man page Source code
set_engine Man page Source code
set_engine.default Source code
set_engine.model_spec Source code
set_env_val Man page Source code
set_fit Man page Source code
set_glmnet_penalty_path Source code
set_in_env Man page Source code
set_mode Man page Source code
set_mode.default Source code
set_mode.model_spec Source code
set_model_arg Man page Source code
set_model_engine Man page Source code
set_model_mode Man page Source code
set_new_model Man page Source code
set_pred Man page Source code
set_tf_seed Man page Source code
shhhh Source code
show_call Man page Source code
show_engines Man page Source code
show_fit Man page Source code
show_model_info Man page Source code
sort_c Source code
sparse_data Man page
spec_has_pred_type Source code
spec_is_loaded Man page Source code
spec_is_possible Man page Source code
specific_model Source code
stan_conf_int Man page Source code
stop_incompatible_engine Source code
stop_incompatible_mode Source code
stop_input_type Source code
stop_missing_engine Source code
surv_reg Man page Source code
survival_reg Man page Source code
survreg_quant Source code
svm_linear Man page Source code
svm_linear_post Source code
svm_poly Man page Source code
svm_rbf Man page Source code
svm_reg_linear_post Source code
svm_reg_post Source code Source code
tidy Man page
tidy._LiblineaR Man page Source code
tidy._coxnet Man page Source code
tidy._elnet Man page Source code
tidy._fishnet Man page Source code
tidy._lognet Man page Source code
tidy._multnet Man page Source code
tidy.model_fit Man page Source code
tidy.nullmodel Man page Source code
tidy_glmnet Source code
to_sparse_data_frame Source code
top_coefs Source code
translate Man page Source code
translate.boost_tree Source code
translate.decision_tree Source code
translate.default Man page Source code
translate.gen_additive_mod Source code
translate.linear_reg Source code
translate.logistic_reg Source code
translate.mars Source code
translate.mlp Source code
translate.nearest_neighbor Source code
translate.poisson_reg Source code
translate.proportional_hazards Source code
translate.rand_forest Source code
translate.surv_reg Source code
translate.survival_reg Source code
translate.svm_linear Source code
translate.svm_poly Source code
translate.svm_rbf Source code
trunc_probs Source code
tunable.boost_tree Source code
tunable.decision_tree Source code
tunable.linear_reg Source code
tunable.logistic_reg Source code
tunable.mars Source code
tunable.mlp Source code
tunable.model_spec Source code
tunable.multinomial_reg Source code
tunable.rand_forest Source code
tunable.survival_reg Source code
tunable.svm_poly Source code
tune Man page
tune_args.model_spec Source code
tune_id Source code
tune_tbl Source code
type_sum.model_fit Man page Source code
type_sum.model_spec Man page Source code
update.C5_rules Man page Source code
update.bag_mars Man page Source code
update.bag_mlp Man page Source code
update.bag_tree Man page Source code
update.bart Man page Source code
update.boost_tree Man page Source code
update.cubist_rules Man page Source code
update.decision_tree Man page Source code
update.discrim_flexible Man page Source code
update.discrim_linear Man page Source code
update.discrim_quad Man page Source code
update.discrim_regularized Man page Source code
update.gen_additive_mod Man page Source code
update.linear_reg Man page Source code
update.logistic_reg Man page Source code
update.mars Man page Source code
update.mlp Man page Source code
update.multinom_reg Man page Source code
update.naive_Bayes Man page Source code
update.nearest_neighbor Man page Source code
update.pls Man page Source code
update.poisson_reg Man page Source code
update.proportional_hazards Man page Source code
update.rand_forest Man page Source code
update.rule_fit Man page Source code
update.surv_reg Man page Source code
update.survival_reg Man page Source code
update.svm_linear Man page Source code
update.svm_poly Man page Source code
update.svm_rbf Man page Source code
update_dot_check Man page Source code
update_engine_parameters Man page Source code
update_main_parameters Man page Source code
update_model_info_file Man page Source code
update_spec Man page Source code
validate_only_allowed_step_args Source code
varying Man page Source code
varying_args Man page
varying_args.model_spec Man page Source code
varying_args.recipe Man page Source code
varying_args.step Man page Source code
varying_tbl Source code
vec_type_friendly Source code
weights_to_numeric Source code
will_make_matrix Source code
xgb_by_tree Source code
xgb_predict Man page Source code
xgb_train Man page Source code
xy_form Source code
xy_xy Source code
topepo/parsnip documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 3:11 a.m.