details_boost_tree_lightgbm | R Documentation |
creates a series of decision trees
forming an ensemble. Each tree depends on the results of previous trees.
All trees in the ensemble are combined to produce a final prediction.
For this engine, there are multiple modes: regression and classification
This model has 6 tuning parameters:
: Tree Depth (type: integer, default: -1)
: # Trees (type: integer, default: 100)
: Learning Rate (type: double, default: 0.1)
: # Randomly Selected Predictors (type: integer, default: see
: Minimal Node Size (type: integer, default: 20)
: Minimum Loss Reduction (type: double, default: 0)
The mtry
parameter gives the number of predictors that will be
randomly sampled at each split. The default is to use all predictors.
Rather than as a number,
’s feature_fraction
argument encodes mtry
as the proportion of predictors that will be
randomly sampled at each split. parsnip translates mtry
, supplied as
the number of predictors, to a proportion under the hood. That is, the
user should still supply the argument as mtry
to boost_tree()
, and
do so in its sense as a number rather than a proportion; before passing
to lightgbm::lgb.train()
, parsnip will
convert the mtry
value to a proportion.
Note that parsnip’s translation can be overridden via the counts
argument, supplied to set_engine()
. By default, counts
is set to
, but supplying the argument counts = FALSE
allows the user to
supply mtry
as a proportion rather than a number.
The bonsai extension package is required to fit this model.
boost_tree( mtry = integer(), trees = integer(), tree_depth = integer(), learn_rate = numeric(), min_n = integer(), loss_reduction = numeric() ) %>% set_engine("lightgbm") %>% set_mode("regression") %>% translate()
## Boosted Tree Model Specification (regression) ## ## Main Arguments: ## mtry = integer() ## trees = integer() ## min_n = integer() ## tree_depth = integer() ## learn_rate = numeric() ## loss_reduction = numeric() ## ## Computational engine: lightgbm ## ## Model fit template: ## bonsai::train_lightgbm(x = missing_arg(), y = missing_arg(), ## weights = missing_arg(), feature_fraction_bynode = integer(), ## num_iterations = integer(), min_data_in_leaf = integer(), ## max_depth = integer(), learning_rate = numeric(), min_gain_to_split = numeric(), ## verbose = -1, num_threads = 0, seed =^5, 1), ## deterministic = TRUE)
The bonsai extension package is required to fit this model.
boost_tree( mtry = integer(), trees = integer(), tree_depth = integer(), learn_rate = numeric(), min_n = integer(), loss_reduction = numeric() ) %>% set_engine("lightgbm") %>% set_mode("classification") %>% translate()
## Boosted Tree Model Specification (classification) ## ## Main Arguments: ## mtry = integer() ## trees = integer() ## min_n = integer() ## tree_depth = integer() ## learn_rate = numeric() ## loss_reduction = numeric() ## ## Computational engine: lightgbm ## ## Model fit template: ## bonsai::train_lightgbm(x = missing_arg(), y = missing_arg(), ## weights = missing_arg(), feature_fraction_bynode = integer(), ## num_iterations = integer(), min_data_in_leaf = integer(), ## max_depth = integer(), learning_rate = numeric(), min_gain_to_split = numeric(), ## verbose = -1, num_threads = 0, seed =^5, 1), ## deterministic = TRUE)
is a wrapper
around lightgbm::lgb.train()
(and other
functions) that make it easier to run this model.
This engine does not require any special encoding of the predictors.
Categorical predictors can be partitioned into groups of factor levels
(e.g. {a, c}
vs {b, d}
) when splitting at a node. Dummy variables
are not required for this model.
Non-numeric predictors (i.e., factors) are internally converted to numeric. In the classification context, non-numeric outcomes (i.e., factors) are also internally converted to numeric.
The mtry
argument denotes the number of predictors that will be
randomly sampled at each split when creating tree models.
Some engines, such as "xgboost"
, "xrf"
, and "lightgbm"
, interpret
their analogue to the mtry
argument as the proportion of predictors
that will be randomly sampled at each split rather than the count. In
some settings, such as when tuning over preprocessors that influence the
number of predictors, this parameterization is quite
helpful—interpreting mtry
as a proportion means that [0, 1]
always a valid range for that parameter, regardless of input data.
parsnip and its extensions accommodate this parameterization using the
argument: a logical indicating whether mtry
should be
interpreted as the number of predictors that will be randomly sampled at
each split. TRUE
indicates that mtry
will be interpreted in its
sense as a count, FALSE
indicates that the argument will be
interpreted in its sense as a proportion.
is a main model argument for
, and thus should not have an
engine-specific interface. So, regardless of engine, counts
. For engines that support the proportion interpretation
(currently "xgboost"
and "xrf"
, via the rules package, and
via the bonsai package) the user can pass the
counts = FALSE
argument to set_engine()
to supply mtry
within [0, 1]
The sample_size
argument is translated to the bagging_fraction
parameter in the param
argument of lgb.train
. The argument is
interpreted by lightgbm as a proportion rather than a count, so bonsai
internally reparameterizes the sample_size
argument with
during tuning.
To effectively enable bagging, the user would also need to set the
argument to lightgbm. bagging_freq
defaults to 0, which
means bagging is disabled, and a bagging_freq
argument of k
that the booster will perform bagging at every k
th boosting iteration.
Thus, by default, the sample_size
argument would be ignored without
setting this argument manually. Other boosting libraries, like xgboost,
do not have an analogous argument to bagging_freq
and use k = 1
the analogue to bagging_fraction
is in $(0, 1)$. bonsai will thus
automatically set bagging_freq = 1
in set_engine("lightgbm", ...)
if sample_size
(i.e. bagging_fraction
) is not equal to 1 and no
value is supplied. This default can be overridden by
setting the bagging_freq
argument to set_engine()
bonsai quiets much of the logging output from
by default. With
default settings, logged warnings and errors will still be passed on to
the user. To print out all logs during training, set quiet = TRUE
This model can utilize sparse data during model fitting and prediction.
Both sparse matrices such as dgCMatrix from the Matrix
package and
sparse tibbles from the sparsevctrs
package are supported. See
sparse_data for more information.
The “Introduction to bonsai” article contains
examples of
with the "lightgbm"
LightGBM: A Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
Kuhn, M, and K Johnson. 2013. Applied Predictive Modeling. Springer.
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