details_decision_tree_C5.0: Decision trees via C5.0

details_decision_tree_C5.0R Documentation

Decision trees via C5.0


C50::C5.0() fits a model as a set of ⁠if/then⁠ statements that creates a tree-based structure.


For this engine, there is a single mode: classification

Tuning Parameters

This model has 1 tuning parameters:

  • min_n: Minimal Node Size (type: integer, default: 2L)

Translation from parsnip to the original package (classification)

decision_tree(min_n = integer()) %>% 
  set_engine("C5.0") %>% 
  set_mode("classification") %>% 
## Decision Tree Model Specification (classification)
## Main Arguments:
##   min_n = integer()
## Computational engine: C5.0 
## Model fit template:
## parsnip::C5.0_train(x = missing_arg(), y = missing_arg(), weights = missing_arg(), 
##     minCases = integer(), trials = 1)

C5.0_train() is a wrapper around C50::C5.0() that makes it easier to run this model.

Preprocessing requirements

This engine does not require any special encoding of the predictors. Categorical predictors can be partitioned into groups of factor levels (e.g. ⁠{a, c}⁠ vs ⁠{b, d}⁠) when splitting at a node. Dummy variables are not required for this model.

Case weights

This model can utilize case weights during model fitting. To use them, see the documentation in case_weights and the examples on

The fit() and fit_xy() arguments have arguments called case_weights that expect vectors of case weights.

Saving fitted model objects

This model object contains data that are not required to make predictions. When saving the model for the purpose of prediction, the size of the saved object might be substantially reduced by using functions from the butcher package.


The “Fitting and Predicting with parsnip” article contains examples for decision_tree() with the "C5.0" engine.


  • Kuhn, M, and K Johnson. 2013. Applied Predictive Modeling. Springer.

topepo/parsnip documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 2:04 a.m.