
Defines functions delete_MNAR_censoring delete_MAR_censoring delete_censoring

Documented in delete_MAR_censoring delete_MNAR_censoring

# the workhorse for delete_MAR_censoring and delete_MNAR_censoring
delete_censoring <- function(ds, p, cols_mis, cols_ctrl,
                             where = "lower", sorting = TRUE, n_mis_stochastic = FALSE) {

  # General checking of arguments is done in delete_values().
  # Only special cases are checked here.
  where <- match.arg(where, c("lower", "upper", "both"))

  # create missing values ---------------------------------
  for (i in seq_along(cols_mis)) {
    ds_cols_ctrl_i <- ds[, cols_ctrl[i], drop = TRUE]
    if (sorting) {
      expected_n_mis <- nrow(ds) * p[i]
      n_mis <- ifelse(n_mis_stochastic,
        ceiling(expected_n_mis), round(expected_n_mis)
      if (n_mis > 0) { # to avoid problems with seq and n_mis == 0
        ordered_indices <- order(ds_cols_ctrl_i)
        na_indices <- switch(where,
          lower = ordered_indices[seq_len(n_mis)],
          upper = ordered_indices[seq(
            from = nrow(ds) - n_mis + 1,
            to = nrow(ds)
          both = c(
            ordered_indices[seq_len(ceiling(n_mis / 2))],
              from = nrow(ds) - floor(n_mis / 2) + 1,
              to = nrow(ds)
        if (n_mis_stochastic && n_mis > expected_n_mis) {
          prob_mis <- expected_n_mis + 1 - n_mis
          remove_one <- prob_mis <= stats::runif(1)
          if (remove_one) {
            na_indices <- switch(where,
              lower = na_indices[-length(na_indices)],
              upper = na_indices[-1],
              both = na_indices[-ceiling(n_mis / 2)]
      } else { # no missing values
        na_indices <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ds))
    } else { # no sorting -> using quantile()
      if (n_mis_stochastic) {
        stop("n_mis_stochastic = TRUE ist not implemented for sorting = FALSE!")
      if (length(unique(ds_cols_ctrl_i)) == 1L) {
          "the column ", cols_ctrl[i], " is constant; no missing values ",
          "created with/in this column"
        na_indices <- rep(FALSE, nrow(ds))
      } else {
        if (is.ordered(ds_cols_ctrl_i)) {
          type <- 1 # better than 3, because of
          # quantile(ordered(1:5), 0.21, type = 1) -> 2
          # quantile(ordered(1:5), 0.21, type = 3) -> 1
        } else {
          type <- 7 # the default for quantile{stats}
        if (where == "lower") {
          na_indices <- ds_cols_ctrl_i < stats::quantile(ds_cols_ctrl_i,
            type = type
        } else if (where == "upper") {
          na_indices <- ds_cols_ctrl_i > stats::quantile(ds_cols_ctrl_i,
            1 - p[i],
            type = type
        } else if (where == "both") {
          na_indices_lower <- ds_cols_ctrl_i < stats::quantile(ds_cols_ctrl_i,
            p[i] / 2,
            type = type
          na_indices_upper <- ds_cols_ctrl_i > stats::quantile(ds_cols_ctrl_i,
            1 - p[i] / 2,
            type = type
          na_indices <- na_indices_lower | na_indices_upper
    ds[na_indices, cols_mis[i]] <- NA

#' Create MAR values using a censoring mechanism
#' Create missing at random (MAR) values using a censoring mechanism in a data
#' frame or a matrix
#' @template delete
#' @template MAR
#' @details
#' The default behavior (\code{sorting = TRUE}) of this function is to first
#' sort the column \code{cols_ctrl[i]}. Then missing values in
#' \code{cols_mis[i]} are created in the rows with the \code{round(nrow(ds) *
#' p[i])} smallest values. This censors approximately the proportion of
#' \code{p[i]} rows of smallest values in \code{cols_ctrl[i]} in
#' \code{cols_mis[i]}. Hence, the name of the function.
#' If \code{where = "upper"}, instead of the rows with the smallest values, the
#' rows with the highest values will be selected. For \code{where = "both"}, the
#' one half of the \code{round(nrow(ds) * p[i])} rows with missing values will
#' be the rows with the smallest values and the other half will be the rows with
#' the highest values. So the censoring rows are dived to the highest and
#' smallest values of \code{cols_ctrl[i]}. For odd \code{round(nrow(ds) * p[i])}
#' one more value is set \code{NA} among the smallest values.
#' If \code{n_mis_stochastic = TRUE} and \code{sorting = TRUE} the procedure is
#' lightly altered. In this case, at first the \code{floor(nrow(ds) * p[i])}
#' rows with the smallest values (\code{where = "lower"}) are set NA. If
#' \code{nrow(ds) * p[i] > floor(nrow(ds) * p[i])}, the row with the next
#' greater value will be set NA with a probability to get expected
#' \code{nrow(ds) * p[i]} missing values. For \code{where = "upper"} this
#' "random" missing value will be the next smallest. For \code{where = "both"}
#' this "random" missing value will be the next greatest of the smallest values.
#' If \code{sorting = FALSE}, the rows of \code{ds} will not be sorted. Instead,
#' a quantile will be calculated (using \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}). If
#' \code{where = "lower"}, the \code{quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], p[i])} will be
#' calculated and all rows with values in \code{ds[, cols_ctrl[i]]} below this
#' quantile will have missing values in \code{cols_mis[i]}. For \code{where =
#' "upper"}, the \code{quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], 1 - p[i])} will be
#' calculated and all rows with values above this quantile will have missing
#' values. For \code{where = "both"}, the \code{quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]],
#' p[i] / 2)} and \code{quantile(ds[, cols_ctrl[i]], 1 -  p[i] / 2)} will be
#' calculated. All rows with values in \code{cols_ctrl[i]} below the first
#' quantile or above the second quantile will have missing values in
#' \code{cols_mis[i]}.
#' For \code{sorting = FALSE} only \code{n_mis_stochastic = FALSE} is
#' implemented at the moment.
#' The option \code{sorting = TRUE} with \code{n_mis_stochastic = FALSE} will
#' always create exactly \code{round(nrow(ds) * p[i])} missing values in
#' \code{cols_mis[i]}. With \code{n_mis_stochastic = TRUE}) sorting will result
#' in \code{floor(nrow(ds) * p[i])} or \code{ceiling(nrow(ds) * p[i])} missing
#' values in \code{cols_mis[i]}. For \code{sorting = FALSE}, the number of
#' missing values will normally be close to \code{nrow(ds) * p[i]}. But for
#' \code{cols_ctrl} with many duplicates the choice \code{sorting = FALSE} can
#' be problematic, because of the calculation of \code{quantile(ds[,
#' cols_ctrl[i]], p[i])} and setting values \code{NA} below this threshold (see
#' examples). So, in most cases \code{sorting = TRUE} is recommended.
#' @param where Controls where missing values are created; one of "lower",
#'   "upper" or "both" (see details).
#' @param sorting Logical; should sorting be used or a quantile as a threshold.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{delete_MNAR_censoring}}
#' @examples
#' ds <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = 101:120)
#' delete_MAR_censoring(ds, 0.2, "X", "Y")
#' # many dupplicated values can be problematic for sorting = FALSE:
#' ds_many_dup <- data.frame(X = 1:20, Y = c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 10)))
#' delete_MAR_censoring(ds_many_dup, 0.2, "X", "Y") # 4 NAs as expected
#' quantile(ds_many_dup$Y, 0.2) # 0
#' # No value is BELOW 0 in ds_many_dup$Y, so no missing values will be created:
#' delete_MAR_censoring(ds_many_dup, 0.2, "X", "Y", sorting = FALSE) # No NA!
delete_MAR_censoring <- function(ds, p, cols_mis, cols_ctrl, n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
                                 where = "lower", sorting = TRUE,
                                 miss_cols, ctrl_cols) {
  do.call(delete_values, c(
    list(mech_type = "MAR_censoring"),

#' Create MNAR values using a censoring mechanism
#' Create missing not at random (MNAR) values using a censoring mechanism in a
#' data frame or a matrix
#' @eval MNAR_documentation("censoring")
#' @examples
#' delete_MNAR_censoring(ds, 0.2, "X")
delete_MNAR_censoring <- function(ds, p, cols_mis, n_mis_stochastic = FALSE,
                                  where = "lower", sorting = TRUE,
                                  miss_cols) {
  do.call(delete_values, c(
    list(mech_type = "MNAR_censoring"),
torockel/missMethods documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 5:16 p.m.