
Defines functions prep_cts_init

# Function to adjust initialisation data for specified events

#.init_adjust <- function(modeldata,
prep_cts_init <- function(modeldata
                        #outfile = NULL

  # # Create outfile name if missing
  # if(is.null(outfile)){
  #   outfile <- paste('siminf_', modeldata$model, '_initdata_',
  #                    str_sub(modeldata$startdate, start = 1, end = 4), '-',
  #                    str_sub(modeldata$startdate, start = 6, end = 7), '-',
  #                    str_sub(modeldata$startdate, start = 9, end = 10), '.csv',
  #                    sep = '')
  # }

  # Check if init data already pre-processed?
  if(modeldata$stepslog['prep_cts_init'] == TRUE){
    stop('The CTS initialisation data are already pre-processed!')

  # Check if events data tidied?
  if(modeldata$stepslog['tidy_cts_events'] == FALSE){
    stop('Please run tidy_cts_events() first.')

  # Check if init data tidied?
  if(modeldata$stepslog['tidy_cts_init'] == FALSE){
    stop('Please run tidy_cts_init() first.')

  # Check if events data pre-processed?
  if(modeldata$stepslog['prep_cts_events'] == FALSE){
    stop('Please run prep_cts_events() first.')

  cat('Adjusting initialisation data for modelling (this may take a while)... ')

  initdata <- modeldata$init
  eventdata <- modeldata$events

  # Temporarily treat SEIResp/SLHV data as SIR
  if(modeldata$model %in% c('SEIResp', 'SLHV')){
    initdata <- data.frame(S = initdata$S, I = rep(0, nrow(initdata)), R = rep(0, nrow(initdata)))
    eventdata$select[eventdata$event == 'exit'] <- 4
    eventdata$select[eventdata$event == 'extTrans'] <- 4

  mintime <- min(eventdata$time)
  maxtime <- max(eventdata$time)
  #starttime <- Sys.time()
  #starttime_global <- starttime
  timeseq <- seq(from = mintime, to = maxtime, by = 1)
  day_u0 <- initdata
  for(dcount in 1:length(timeseq)){
    #print(dcount) # debugging
    d <- timeseq[dcount]
    day_events <- subset(eventdata, time == d)
    n_events <- nrow(day_events)
    #print(n_events) # debugging
    if(n_events > 1000){
      checkpoints_1000 <- c(0, seq(from = 1000, to = n_events, by = 1000), n_events)
      checkpoints_1000 <- c(0, n_events)
    #print(checkpoints_1000) # debugging
    #checkpoints_1000 <- c(seq(from = 1740000, to = n_events, by = 1000), n_events) # optional: to start from previous data
    for(i in 2:(length(checkpoints_1000))){
      model <- SimInf::SIR(u0 = day_u0,
                           events = day_events[1:checkpoints_1000[i], ],
                           tspan = c(d, d + 1), #seq(from = d, #mintime,
                           #to = d + 1, #maxtime,
                           #by = 1),
                           beta = 0,
                           gamma = 0)
      cc <- try(SimInf::run(model), silent = TRUE)
        checkpoints_100 <- seq(from = checkpoints_1000[i - 1], to = checkpoints_1000[i], by = 100)
        if(checkpoints_100[length(checkpoints_100)] != checkpoints_1000[i]){
          checkpoints_100 <- c(checkpoints_100, checkpoints_1000[i])
        for(j in 2:(length(checkpoints_100))){
          model <- SimInf::SIR(u0 = day_u0,
                               events = day_events[1:checkpoints_100[j], ],
                               tspan = c(d, d + 1), #seq(from = d, #mintime,
                               #to = d + 1, #maxtime,
                               #by = 1),
                               beta = 0,
                               gamma = 0)
          cc <- try(SimInf::run(model), silent = TRUE)
            checkpoints_10 <- seq(from = checkpoints_100[j - 1], to = checkpoints_100[j], by = 10)
            if(checkpoints_10[length(checkpoints_10)] != checkpoints_100[j]){
              checkpoints_10 <- c(checkpoints_10, checkpoints_100[j])
            for(k in 2:(length(checkpoints_10))){
              model <- SimInf::SIR(u0 = day_u0,
                                   events = day_events[1:checkpoints_10[k], ],
                                   tspan = c(d, d + 1), #seq(from = d, #mintime,
                                   #to = d + 1, #maxtime,
                                   #by = 1),
                                   beta = 0,
                                   gamma = 0)
              cc <- try(SimInf::run(model), silent = TRUE)
                checkpoints_1 <- seq(from = checkpoints_10[k - 1], to = checkpoints_10[k], by = 1)
                for(h in 2:(length(checkpoints_1))){
                  model <- SimInf::SIR(u0 = day_u0,
                                       events = day_events[1:checkpoints_1[h], ],
                                       tspan = c(d, d + 1), #seq(from = d, #mintime,
                                       #to = d + 1, #maxtime,
                                       #by = 1),
                                       beta = 0,
                                       gamma = 0)
                  cc <- try(SimInf::run(model), silent = TRUE)
                    #print(day_events[checkpoints_1[h], ])
                    initdata$S[day_events$node[checkpoints_1[h]]] <- initdata$S[day_events$node[checkpoints_1[h]]] + day_events$n[checkpoints_1[h]]
                    day_u0$S[day_events$node[checkpoints_1[h]]] <- day_u0$S[day_events$node[checkpoints_1[h]]] + day_events$n[checkpoints_1[h]]
      #cat(paste(checkpoints_1000[i], ': ', Sys.time() - starttime, '\n', sep = ''))
      #starttime <- Sys.time()
    # Run final model for the current day and adjust day_u0
    model <- SimInf::SIR(u0 = day_u0,
                         events = day_events,
                         tspan = c(d, d + 1), #seq(from = d, #mintime,
                         #to = d + 1, #maxtime,
                         #by = 1),
                         beta = 0,
                         gamma = 0)
    #day_u0$S <- SimInf::susceptible(SimInf::run(model))[, 2] # Note: old code; stopped working when 'susceptible' function was replaced by 'trajectory' in SimInf package
    result <- SimInf::trajectory(model = SimInf::run(model),
                                 compartments = 'S',
                                 index = NULL)
    day_u0$S <- result$S[result$time == d + 1]
    #print(dim(tempout)) # debugging
    #print(head(tempout)) # debugging
    #return(tempout) # debugging
    #day_u0$S <- SimInf::trajectory(model = SimInf::run(model),
    #                               compartments = 'S',
    #                               i = NULL)[, 2]


  # Update modeldata object
  modeldata$init$S <- initdata$S
  #modeldata$events <- eventdata # unnecessary
  modeldata$stepslog['prep_cts_init'] <- TRUE

  # # Save adjusted initialisation data data to file on local system
  # write.csv(modeldata$initdata, file = outfile, row.names = T, quote = F)


tpepler/EPIC.SimInf documentation built on July 29, 2021, 4:11 p.m.