
Defines functions biplot

Documented in biplot

biplot <- function(datalist, B, D3 = FALSE, varex = 1, plotvar = TRUE, main = "CPC biplot", col = c("blue", "red", "green", "orange", "brown", "purple"), radius = 0.1, lwd = 3)
  # Draws a 2- or 3-dimensional biplot of the data in datamat (with different colours indicating the different groups), rotated with the orthogonal matrix B.
  # datalist: list of the data from the k groups
  # B: orthogonal projection matrix
  # D3: should a 3-dimensional biplot be drawn?
  # varex: expansion factor for drawing the variables on the biplot
  # plotvar: should the variables be drawn on the biplot?
  # main: title of the biplot
  # col: colors for the data points of the k groups
  k <- length(datalist)
  datamat <- NULL
  nvec <- rep(NA, times = k)
  for(i in 1:k){
    datamat <- rbind(datamat, datalist[[i]])
    nvec[i] <- nrow(datalist[[i]])
  p <- ncol(datamat)
  varnames <- colnames(datamat)
  # Standardize the columns of datamat by subtracting the column means
  datamat <- t(t(datamat) - apply(datamat, 2, mean))
  plotpoints <- as.matrix(datamat) %*% B
  # 3-dimensional biplot
    rgl::rgl.bg(color = "white", sphere = TRUE)
    rgl::plot3d(x = plotpoints[, 1], y = plotpoints[, 2], z = plotpoints[, 3], xlab = "PC 1", ylab = "PC 2", zlab = "PC 3", type = "n")
    rgl::decorate3d(main = main, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL)
    begin <- 1
    for(i in 1:k){
      end <- begin + nvec[i] - 1
      rgl::spheres3d(x = plotpoints[begin:end, 1], y = plotpoints[begin:end, 2], z = plotpoints[begin:end, 3], col = col[i], radius = radius)
      begin <- end + 1    
      for(j in 1:p){
        rgl::lines3d(x = c(0, B[j, 1] * varex), y = c(0, B[j, 2] * varex), z = c(0, B[j, 3] * varex), lwd = lwd)
      rgl::text3d(x = B[, 1] * varex, y = B[, 2] * varex, z = B[, 3] * varex, texts = varnames)
    #cat(paste("Total amount of variation explained in the 3D biplot:",round(biplotvar.total(X=datamat,B=B,r=3)$explained*100,2),"%\n",sep=""))	# Depends on biplotvar.total function!
    #cat(paste("Amount of variation explained within the groups in the 3D biplot:",round(biplotvar.within(X=datamat,nvek=nvek,B=B,r=3)$explained*100,2),"%\n",sep=""))	# Depends on biplotvar.within function!
    #vars.quality<-biplotvar.vars(B,varnames=varnames,r=3)	# Depends on biplotvar.vars function!
    #cat("\nQuality of representation of the variables in the 3D biplot:\n\n")
  # 2-dimensional biplot
    par(pch = 20)
    MASS::eqscplot(x = plotpoints[, 1], y = plotpoints[, 2], type = "n", xlab = "PC 1", ylab = "PC 2", main = main)
    begin <- 1
    for(i in 1:k){
      end <- begin + nvec[i] - 1
      points(x = plotpoints[begin:end, 1], y = plotpoints[begin:end, 2], type = "p", col = col[i])
      begin <- end + 1    
      arrows(x0 = rep(0, times = p), x1 = B[, 1] * varex, y0 = rep(0, times = p), y1 = B[, 2] * varex, lwd = lwd)
      text(x = B[, 1] * varex, y = B[, 2] * varex, pos = 3, labels = varnames)
    #cat(paste("Total amount of variation explained in the 2D biplot:",round(biplotvar.total(X=datamat,B=B,r=2)$explained*100,2),"%\n",sep=""))	# Depends on biplotvar.total function!
    #cat(paste("Amount of variation explained within the groups in the 2D biplot:",round(biplotvar.within(X=datamat,nvek=nvek,B=B,r=2)$explained*100,2),"%\n",sep=""))	# Depends on biplotvar.within function!
    #vars.quality<-biplotvar.vars(B,varnames=varnames,r=2)	# Depends on biplotvar.vars function!
    #cat("\nQuality of representation of the variables in the 2D biplot:\n\n")
tpepler/cpc documentation built on July 7, 2022, 2:13 a.m.