hydInd: Calculation of hydrological indices / streamflow signatures

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Calculation of hydrological indices / streamflow signatures


hydInd(dat.q.ts = NULL, dat.pr.ts = NULL, na.rm = T,
  ignore.zeros = F, thresh.zero = NULL, flood.thresh = NULL)



Object of class 'xts' containing a discharge time series. Unit must be (m3/s) whereas the resolution must be the same as for dat.pr.ts.


Object of class 'xts' containing a rainfall time series. Unit must be (m3) whereas the resolution must be the same as for dat.q.ts.


Object of type logical. Shall NA values be removed from dat.q.ts and dat.pr.ts? If FALSE, an error might occur for certain calculations if NAs are found. Default: TRUE.


Object of type logical. Shall value less than or equal to thresh.zero be removed from dat.q.ts? Will only be applied for certain quantile-based calculations as many small / zero values may distort the result.


Values of dat.q.ts below this value will be treated as zero flows (directed to high.spells argument ctf.threshold).


Numeric value giving the threshold in (V/T) for the definition of a flood event (directed to high.spells argument threshold).


Function employs the package hydrostats for certain calculations.


A named vector of type numeric with the following elements:

rc: Runoff coefficient in (%)

m_h: Average annual maximum flow in (m3/s)

m_l: Average annual minimum flow in (m3/s)

f_h: Average number of high spell events per year

f_l: Average number of low flow events per year

r_r: Average absolute daily change during rise periods within high flow events (m3/s/day)

r_f: Average absolute daily change during falling periods within high flow events (m3/s/day)

fdc_s: Average slope of flow duration curve for medium range (33 the higher the value the more variable the flow regime, see Sawicz et al. (2011)


Tobias Pilz tpilz@uni-potsdam.de

tpilz/WasaEchseTools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:33 p.m.