wasa_meteo: Preparation of WASA-SED time series input by IDW...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)


This function performs IDW interpolation of climate data to subbasin centroids (e.g. created with the lumpR package) using the function externalInputLocationsTable from the package geostat which is available from the echse_tools repository: https://github.com/echse/echse_tools. Extreterrestrial radiation is calculated employing function extrat.


wasa_meteo(file_target_locs = NULL, file_source_locs = NULL,
  file_result = NULL, file_ts = NULL, output_dir = NULL,
  resol = "daily", ...)



Mandatory argument file_targets for externalInputLocationsTable. To calculate extraterrestrial radiation, the file further needs to contain column 'lat' with the latitudes in decimal degrees of the target locations.


Mandatory argument file_sources for externalInputLocationsTable.


Mandatory argument for externalInputLocationsTable. File will be created within directory output_dir.


Named vector of file names. Required are the four files 'precip', 'temper', 'rhum', and 'glorad'. Each file is expected to hold time series of one of the former variables for the various source locations (as named columns) given in file_source_locs. The first column of each file, however, needs to hold a datetime string in a format recognisable for function read.zoo.


Character string of the directory for file_result and the WASA-SED time series input files. Will be created.


Character string defining the resolution of the WASA-SED time series files. Supported are: 'daily' (default) for daily and 'hourly' for hourly resolution. Note that this affects only the time series file of precipitation and also defines the required resolution of the input time series file! All other variables (temperature, humidity, radiation) will be in daily resolution (and have to be given in daily resolution as well!).


Additional arguments for externalInputLocationsTable. If not given, standard values will be used.


Function returns nothing. WASA-SED time series files (and the output of externalInputLocationsTable) will be created.


Tobias Pilz tpilz@uni-potsdam.de

tpilz/WasaEchseTools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:33 p.m.