wasa_modify_pars: Modify input parameters of the WASA-SED model

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Function replaces specified parameter values within prepared WASA-SED model input files by given substitutes.


wasa_modify_pars(pars = NULL, dir_run = NULL)



A named vector of type numeric with the values of selected parameters.


Character string of the path to the WASA-SED input directory.


IMPORTANT: Note that some parameters are factors or summands and the parameters are updated by multiplication or summation rather than mere replacement. Read notes below!

Parameter names below can be modified by adding prefix 'log_*'. In this case, the value will be replaced by exp(value) internally for better handling of highly uncertain parameters. For instance, 'kf_bedrock_f' might vary between 0.01 and 100 which can cause some numerical issues to the calibration algorithm (i.e. underrepresenting small numbers < 1). In such a case it is better to specify, e.g. log(100) or log(0.01) (i.e. 4.6 or -4.6, respectively) as limits for the calibration algorithm. Note that only the natural logarithm (R function log()) is supported herein!

Currently supported are the following parameters (use these as names for the input vector pars):

File Hillslope/vegetation.dat (equally applied to all vegetation types and node points):

- stomr_f: Factor, somatal resistance
- rootd_f: Factor, rootdepth
- albedo_f: Factor, albedo

File Hillslope/soil.dat (equally applied to all types):

- n_f: Factor, porosity
- cfr: Summand, added to coarse fragments

File Hillslope/frac_direct_gw.dat:

- f_direct_gw: partitioning of groundwater into river and alluvia

File River/response.dat:

- uhg_f: Factor, applied to both lag and response times

File Hillslope/soter.dat:

- gw_delay_f: Factor, groundwater delay
- soildepth_f: Factor, soil depth
- kf_bedrock_f: Factor, kf of bedrock
- riverdepth_f: Factor, depth of riverbed

File Reservoir/lake_maxvol.dat:

- f_lakemaxvol: Factor, water storage capacity for the reservoir size classes

File Others/calib_wind.dat:

- f_wind: Factor, modification of wind speed (hard-coded in WASA-SED; calibration of evapotranspiration)

File do.dat:

- kfcorr: Replacement of kfcorr value
- kfcorr0: Replacement of kfcorr0 value
- kfcorr_a: Replacement of kfcorr_a value
- intcf: Replacement of intcf value
- dosediment: Replacement of dosediment flag

File calibration.dat:

- ksat_factor: Replacement of ksat factor (factor internally used in WASA-SED)


Function returns nothing.


Tobias Pilz tpilz@uni-potsdam.de

tpilz/WasaEchseTools documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:33 p.m.