This document carries the code and output used in Brick and Bailey (submitted). Specifically, we illustrate the use of Matrices of Implied Causation using a mediation model and three examples from the literature. They are:

  1. A dummy mediation model
  2. Three models from Tomarken & Waller (2003), in this case simplex model variants in their Example 1.
  3. CLPM in comparison to RI-CLPM from Bailey et al., 2007.
  4. RI-CLPM intervention

Setup and packages

First we need MICr, OpenMx, and also some tools for plotting.

# Turn on plots if semPlot is available:
if(library(semPlot, logical.return=TRUE))  drawPlots<-TRUE else drawPlots <- FALSE 
# Prettify figures
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment=NA, fig.width=6, fig.height=6, fig.align="center")
# kableExtra helps with formatting, but only when rendering to HTML.  This code helps make tables clean when rendered from Rmarkdown into Word, or at the console.
if(interactive()) {options(kableExtra.auto_format = FALSE)}
asis <- "markup"
panTo <- knitr::opts_knit$get("")
if(!is.null(panTo) && (panTo == "html")) {library(kableExtra); asis<-"asis"}

Example 0: Pedagogical mediation model

The first is a dummy example:

XYZmodel <- mxModel("XYZ", manifestVars=c("X", "Y", "Z"), type="RAM",
  mxPath(from="Z", to="Y", values=.6, labels="\\Beta"),
  mxPath(from="X", to=c("Y", "Z"), values=c(.2, .8), labels=c("\\lambda", "\\alpha")),

Whenever we run a model like this, I'll add a sempaths plot. These models are complex, so the plot generated there is rarely a good view of what the model should look like. The figures in the paper itself are a better view of the models, but for generation purposes we create them here. They are generated with Onyx (see for more), although some are modified for readability.

if(drawPlots) semPaths(XYZmodel)

We can render the MIC for this model directly.


The MIC is read like the A matrix in a RAM model: the path from X to Z is in the column for X and the row for Z (here, it is .8). As expected, this shows the total effect--the model-implied causal influence--from each variable to each other variable.

This can be rendered more succinctly as a MIC Table:


Example 1: Three models from Tomarken & Waller (2003)

The first example shows three cases from Tomarken & Waller's 2003 paper. These three models fit identically, but make very different causal predictions.

Tomarken Example 1A:

The first model is a

tomarken1A <- mxModel("Tomarken1A", 
  type="RAM", manifestVars = c("X", "Y", "Z"), latentVars = c("Ry", "Rz"),

  # Latent to manifest paths
  mxPath(from="Ry", to="Y",  free=FALSE, value=1.0, label=c("Ry_to_Y") ),
  mxPath(from="Rz", to="Z",  free=FALSE, value=1.0, label=c("Rz_to_Z") ),

  # Manifest chain
  mxPath(from="X",  to="Y",  free=TRUE, values=0.8, labels=c("\\alpha") ),
  mxPath(from="Y",  to="Z",  free=TRUE, values=0.8, labels=c("\\beta") ),

  # Variances
  mxPath(from=c("Ry", "Rz", "X"), 
         arrows=2, free=TRUE, values=1.0,  
         labels=c("V_Ry", "V_Rz", "V_X") )

Sempaths plots of these models show the differences fairly well.

if(drawPlots) semPaths(tomarken1A)

Tomarken Example 1B

Model 1B resembles model 1A, but the chain flows in the opposite direction, with Z predicting Y and Y predicting X.

tomarken1B <- mxModel("Tomarken1B", 
  type="RAM", manifestVars = c("X","Y","Z"), latentVars = c("Rx", "Ry"),

    # Latent to manifest paths
  mxPath(from="Ry", to="Y",  free=FALSE, value=1.0, label=c("Ry_to_Y") ),
  mxPath(from="Rx", to="X",  free=FALSE, value=1.0, label=c("Rx_to_X") ),

  # Manifest chain
  mxPath(from="Z",  to="Y",  free=TRUE, values=0.8, labels=c("\\beta") ),
  mxPath(from="Y",  to="X",  free=TRUE, values=0.8, labels=c("\\alpha") ),

  # Variances
  mxPath(from=c("Ry", "Rx", "Z"), 
         arrows=2, free=TRUE, values=1.0,  
         labels=c("V_Ry", "V_Rx", "V_Z") )
# Throws a warning because the model has not been run.
if(drawPlots) semPaths(tomarken1B)

Tomarken Example 1C

The last Tomarken example model is a fork, with Y predicting X and Z.

tomarken1C <- mxModel("Tomarken1C", 
    type="RAM", manifestVars = c("X","Y","Z"), latentVars = c("Rz","Rx"),

    # Fork loadings
    mxPath(from="Y", to=c("Z","X"), free=TRUE, values=.8, labels=c("\\beta","\\alpha") ),

    # Latent residual terms
    mxPath(from="Rz", to="Z",  free=TRUE, value=1.0, label="Rz_to_Z" ),
    mxPath(from="Rx", to="X",  free=TRUE, value=1.0, label="Ry_to_Y" ),

    mxPath(from=c("Y", "Rx", "Rz"), 
            arrows=2, free=FALSE, values=1.0,
           labels=c("V_Y", "VRx", "V_Rz"))
# Throws a warning because the model has not been run.
if(drawPlots) semPaths(tomarken1C)

Tomarken MICs

The MICs can be rendered directly as matrices.


A more succinct approach is to plot the MICTable that compares all three. Because the residuals are not of particular interest, we focus only on the influences from and to X, Y, and Z. Note that this table differs in its sorting function from the one displayed in the paper.

MICTable(tomarken1A, tomarken1B, tomarken1C, from=c("X", "Y", "Z"), to=c("X", "Y", "Z"))

Example 2: CLPM vs RI-CLPM

Example 2 uses three fairly intricate models, and we'll compare them.

First, need the data and the correlation matrix.

means <- c(68.08, 93.09, 107.40, 116.80, 49.91, 73.87, 90.65, 102.87)
times <- c("K", 1:3)
nTimes <- length(times)

manifests <- paste(rep(c("Read", "Math"), each=nTimes), rep(times, 2), sep="")
occasions <- paste(rep(c("OR", "OM"), each=nTimes), rep(times, 2), sep="") 
sds <- c(14.17, 18.02, 15.51, 14.82, 12.84, 17.64, 16.66, 15.63)
corMat <- matrix(c(
1.00, 0.79, 0.71, 0.64, 0.73, 0.66, 0.62, 0.59,
0.79, 1.00, 0.86, 0.78, 0.71, 0.73, 0.70, 0.67,
0.71, 0.86, 1.00, 0.85, 0.69, 0.71, 0.74, 0.69,
0.64, 0.78, 0.85, 1.00, 0.67, 0.70, 0.73, 0.72,
0.73, 0.71, 0.69, 0.67, 1.00, 0.83, 0.78, 0.75,
0.66, 0.73, 0.71, 0.70, 0.83, 1.00, 0.86, 0.82,
0.62, 0.70, 0.74, 0.73, 0.78, 0.86, 1.00, 0.88,
0.59, 0.67, 0.69, 0.72, 0.75, 0.82, 0.88, 1.00), nrow=8)
covMat <- diag(sds) %&% corMat
names(means) <- manifests
dimnames(covMat) <- list(manifests, manifests)
dimnames(corMat) <- list(manifests, manifests)


Our first model has fixed 0 loadings from the latent intercepts.

ModelCLPM1 <- mxModel("CLPM1", type="RAM", manifestVars = manifests,
                     latentVars=c("Reading", "Math", occasions),

                     # OR/OM -> Math/Reading paths
                     mxPath(from=occasions, to=manifests, 
                            arrows=1, values=1, free=FALSE),

                     # Occasion variances
                     mxPath(from=occasions, arrows=2, values=1, free=TRUE, 
                            labels=paste0("V_", occasions), lbound=.1),

                     # Covariation of error/process
                     mxPath(from=occasions[1:4], to=occasions[5:8],
                            arrows=2, free=TRUE, values=.25, 
                            labels=paste0("ORM_", times)),

                     # AR of Reading
                     mxPath(from=occasions[1:3], to=occasions[2:4], 
                            arrows=1, free=TRUE, values=.5, 
                            labels=paste0("AR_R_", times[1:3])),

                     # AR of Math
                     mxPath(from=occasions[5:7], to=occasions[6:8], 
                            arrows=1, free=TRUE, values=.3, 
                            labels=paste0("AR_M_", times[1:3])),

                     # Cross-lagged R->M
                     mxPath(from=occasions[1:3], to=occasions[6:8], 
                            arrows=1, free=TRUE, values=.10, 
                            labels=paste0("CL_R", times[1:3], "_M", times[2:4])),

                     # Cross-lagged M->R
                     mxPath(from=occasions[5:7], to=occasions[2:4], 
                            arrows=1, free=TRUE, values=.03, 
                            labels=paste0("CL_M", times[1:3], "_R", times[2:4])),

                     mxData(type="cor", observed = corMat, numObs = 9612)
CLPM1 <- mxTryHard(ModelCLPM1)
if(drawPlots) semPaths(CLPM1)


CLPM2 is modified from CLPM1, and adds loadings and a free covariance for the latent intercepts so that they have influence on the model. We mark the random intercepts as having identical loadings on the manifest measurements across time.

ModelCLPM2 <- mxModel(CLPM1,

                    # RI factor loadings (fixed across time)
                     mxPath(from="Reading", to=paste0("Read", times), 
                            values=1, free=TRUE, labels=paste0("Read_Loadings")),
                     mxPath(from="Math", to=paste0("Math", times),
                            values=1, free=TRUE, labels=paste0("Math_Loadings")), 

                    # Free RI covariance; RIs are standardized for identification.
                    mxPath(from=c("Reading", "Math"), 
                           arrows=2, connect="unique.pairs", free=c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), 
                           values=c(1,.8, 1), labels=c("V_R", "CV_RM", "V_M")),

CLPM2 <- mxTryHard(ModelCLPM2)
if(drawPlots) semPaths(CLPM2)


Once we have the details of more specific models, we can examine them in detail to compare the differences. We are specifically interested in the effects of Kindergarten occasion measurements on the final outcomes.

MICTable(CLPM1, CLPM2, from=c("OMK", "ORK"), 
         to=paste0(rep(c("Read", "Math"), each=3), 1:3), se=FALSE)

Example 3: Adding Interventions

We take the example from CLPM2. In this case, we extract the parameters of the fitted model to use in our new model.

ixnParams <- omxGetParameters(CLPM2)

Now we recreate the same CLPM model, but this time add three new manifest variables: XRead, ReadStudy, and AllStudy, representing the three hypothesized interventions. Because these variables are independent, they do not influence each others' causal estimates.

# Interventions:
ModelIxn<- mxModel("InterventionModel", type="RAM",
               manifestVars = c(manifests, "XRead", "ReadStudy", "AllStudy"),
               latentVars=c("Reading", "Math", occasions),

               # RI factor loadings
               mxPath(from="Reading", to=paste0("Read", times), 
                      arrows=1, values=1, free=TRUE, 
                      labels=paste("Read", times, sep="_")),
               mxPath(from="Math", to=paste0("Math", times), 
                      arrows=1, values=1, free=TRUE, 
                      labels=paste("Math", times, sep="_")),

               # Latent math/reading paths
               mxPath(from=occasions, to=manifests, arrows=1, values=1, free=FALSE),

               # Occasion variances
               mxPath(from=occasions, arrows=2, values=1, free=TRUE, 
                      labels=paste0("V_", occasions), lbound=.1),

               # RI Var/Covar.  Icpts standardized by definition.
               mxPath(from=c("Reading", "Math"), 
                      arrows=2, connect="unique.pairs", values=c(1,.8, 1), 
                      free=c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), labels=c("V_R", "CV_RM", "V_M")), 

               # Covariation of error/process
               mxPath(from=occasions[1:4], to=occasions[5:8], arrows=2, 
                      free=TRUE, values=.25, labels=paste0("ORM_", times)),

               # AR of Reading
               mxPath(from=occasions[1:3], to=occasions[2:4], arrows=1, 
                      free=TRUE, values=.5, labels=paste0("AR_R_", times[1:3])),

               # AR of Math
               mxPath(from=occasions[5:7], to=occasions[6:8], arrows=1, 
                      free=TRUE, values=.3, labels=paste0("AR_M_", times[1:3])),

               # Cross-lagged R->M
               mxPath(from=occasions[1:3], to=occasions[6:8], arrows=1, 
                      free=TRUE, values=.10, 
                      labels=paste0("CL_R", times[1:3], "_M", times[2:4])),

               # Cross-lagged M->R
               mxPath(from=occasions[5:7], to=occasions[2:4], arrows=1, 
                      free=TRUE, values=.03, 
                      labels=paste0("CL_M", times[1:3], "_R", times[2:4])),

               # RI factor loadings
               mxPath(from="Reading", to=paste0("Read", times), arrows=1, 
                      values=1, free=TRUE, labels=paste0("Read_Loadings")),
               mxPath(from="Math", to=paste0("Math", times), arrows=1, 
                      values=1, free=TRUE, labels=paste0("Math_Loadings"))

Here, I've separated the loadings of the interventions so that they are easier to see at a glance. We also give these variables a variance. Here, we use .25, which is appropriate for a dummy-coded variable--that is, it is the asymptotic variance of a variable whose valid values are 0 and 1 in equal proportions.

ModelIxn<- mxModel(ModelIxn,
               # Variance of manipulations:
               mxPath(from=c("XRead", "ReadStudy", "AllStudy"), arrows=2,
                      values=.25, free=TRUE, 
                      labels=paste0("V_", c("XRead", "ReadStudy", "AllStudy"))),

               # Xread influences only Occasion reading at grade 1
               mxPath(from="XRead", to="OR1", 
                      values=1, free=TRUE),
               # ReadStudy influences reading at both grades 1 and 2, but less.
               mxPath(from="ReadStudy", to=c("OR1",  "OR2"), 
                      values=.6, free=TRUE),
               # AllStudy influence reading and math at grades 1 and 2, but even less
               mxPath(from="AllStudy", to=c("OM1", "OM2", "OR1",  "OR2"), 
                      values=c(.4, .3, .4, .3),
# Set to fitted parameters
ModelIxn <- omxSetParameters(ModelIxn, names(ixnParams), ixnParams, free=TRUE)

Again, we can plot this, but it's sufficiently complicated that it's difficult to see all the details in the plot.

if(drawPlots) semPaths(ModelIxn)

\pagebreak Of particular import for this comparison, we can look at the influence of the three interventions based on this model, including standard errors computed using the delta method.

MICTable(ModelIxn, from=c("XRead", "ReadStudy", "AllStudy"), to=c("Read3"), N=9612)

From here, we can clearly see that for reading at grade 3, the ReadStudy intervention has the largest model-implied causal influence on the outcome. Note once again that this may not be the whole story.

Extension: Pareto Frontiers (not discussed in paper)

There are cases where a researcher may wish to compare potential interventions on both the cost and effectiveness of interventions, rather than simply the effectiveness. While the discussion of multiobjective optimization as a whole is beyond the scope of this vignette, we provide a basic function to allow this type of comparison in the MICr package.

Specifically, the package permits researchers to generate a cost table that lays out the costs of implementation of their predicted interventions, and to generate a plot of the Pareto Frontier, which shows the most effective interventions at each level of cost.

In practice, cost functions can be complicated to compute, since challenges ranging from effort, employee time, logistical issues, recruitment, participant buy-in and dropout, etc., may need to be weighed in this computation. When all else fails, total monetary cost (e.g. in thousands of dollars) to apply the intervention to a given number of participants is often used as a general factor. Here we generate a cost function arbitrarily for pedagogical purposes; this should not be interpreted to be related to any real-world intervention.

costFrame <- data.frame(name=c("XRead", "ReadStudy", "AllStudy"), cost=c(100,250,280))

The cost frame and the model can be submitted to the paretoFront() function, which will compute and plot the pareto frontier for a given outcome and cost.

paretoFront(mic=ModelIxn, outcome="Read3", costs=costFrame)

The Pareto plot shows cost on the X-axis and effect (here in terms of grade-3 reading) on the Y-axis. The line indicates the Pareto Frontier--the maximum effect that can be expected at a given level of cost. Following the line to the left from a given cost shows lowest-cost intervention with that effectiveness. Here, for a cost of 200, the best intervention is XRead, which is also the best at a cost of 100. For a cost of 300 or less, the model-implied causal effect of ReadStudy on third grade reading is higher than that of any other intervention.

It is worth noting that reading at grade 3 may not be the only outcome of interest. For example, the plot changes drastically if we examine math achievement at grade 3.

paretoFront(mic=ModelIxn, outcome="Math3", costs=costFrame)

Researchers should think hard about what outcomes are important, and potentially consider several cost functions in determining the results.

trbrick/MICr documentation built on March 7, 2020, 3:30 p.m.