#' Cast to a pixmap matrix object
#' `as_bm_pixmap()` casts an object to a `[bm_pixmap()]` object.
#' @param x an Object
#' @param ... Potentially passed to other methods e.g. `as_bm_pixmap.default()` passes `...` to [as.raster()].
#' @seealso [bm_pixmap()], [is_bm_pixmap()]
#' @return A [bm_pixmap()] object.
#' @examples
#' crops <- farming_crops_16x16()
#' corn <- crops$corn$portrait
#' is_bm_pixmap(corn)
#' all.equal(corn, as_bm_pixmap(as.array(corn)))
#' all.equal(corn, as_bm_pixmap(as.raster(corn)))
#' if (requireNamespace("farver", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' all.equal(corn, as_bm_pixmap(as.raster(corn, native = TRUE)))
#' }
#' if (requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' all.equal(corn, as_bm_pixmap(magick::image_read(corn)))
#' }
#' if (requireNamespace("mazing", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' cli::is_utf8_output() &&
#' cli::num_ansi_colors() >= 8L) {
#' pal <- grDevices::palette.colors()
#' pm <- as_bm_pixmap(mazing::maze(24L, 32L),
#' start = "top", end = "bottom",
#' col = c(pal[6], "white", pal[7], pal[5]))
#' pm <- bm_pad(pm, sides = 1L)
#' print(pm, compress = "v", bg = "white")
#' }
#' if (requireNamespace("gridpattern", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' cli::is_utf8_output() &&
#' cli::num_ansi_colors() >= 256L) {
#' s <- gridpattern::pattern_square(subtype = 8L, nrow = 8L, ncol = 50L)
#' pm <- as_bm_pixmap(s, col = grDevices::rainbow(8L))
#' print(pm, compress = "vertical")
#' }
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.default <- function(x, ...) {
# "bitmap" "rgba" array from `pdftools::pdf_render_page()`
if (is.array(x) && is.raw(x))
as_bm_pixmap.raster(grDevices::as.raster(x, ...))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.array <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.raw(x)) {
x <- aperm(structure(as.numeric(x) / 255, dim = dim(x)))
as_bm_pixmap.raster(grDevices::as.raster(x, ...))
#' @param col Character vector of R color specifications.
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) { # nolint
cols <- col2hex(col)[as.integer(x) + 1L]
m <- matrix(cols, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
class(m) <- c("bm_pixmap", "bm_matrix", class(m))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.bm_pixmap <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.glyph_bitmap <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(as_bm_bitmap.glyph_bitmap(x), col = col)
#' @inheritParams as_bm_bitmap
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.grob <- function(x, ..., width = 16L, height = 16L,
png_device = NULL) {
stopifnot(width > 1L, height > 1L) # guarantee `m_bitmap` is a matrix
current_dev <- grDevices::dev.cur()
if (current_dev > 1L)
png_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
if (is.null(png_device))
png_device <- default_png_device()
png_device(filename = png_file, height = height, width = width)
pushViewport(viewport(gp = gpar(lwd = 0, col = "black", fill = "black")))
a <- png::readPNG(png_file, native = FALSE)
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
`as_bm_pixmap.lofi-matrix` <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(`as_bm_bitmap.lofi-matrix`(x), col = col)
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
`as_bm_pixmap.magick-image` <- function(x, ...) {
as_bm_pixmap.raster(grDevices::as.raster(x, ...))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.character(x)) {
cols <- col2hex(as.character(x))
m <- matrix(cols, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
class(m) <- c("bm_pixmap", "bm_matrix", class(m))
} else {
grey <- as.double(x)
m <- matrix(grDevices::rgb(grey, grey, grey),
nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @inheritParams as_bm_bitmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.maze <- function(x, ..., walls = FALSE, start = NULL, end = NULL,
solve = !is.null(start) && !is.null(end),
col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(as_bm_bitmap.maze(x, walls = walls,
start = start, end = end, solve = solve),
col = col)
# #' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
# #' @export
# as_bm_pixmap.pattern_hex <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
# as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(as_bm_bitmap.pattern_hex(x), col = col)
# }
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pattern_square <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(as_bm_bitmap.pattern_square(x), col = col)
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pattern_weave <- function(x, ..., col = getOption("bittermelon.col", col_bitmap)) {
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(as_bm_bitmap.pattern_weave(x), col = col)
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pixmapGrey <- function(x, ...) {
grey <- as.double(x@grey)
colors <- grDevices::rgb(grey, grey, grey)
m <- flip_matrix_vertically(matrix(colors, nrow = x@size[1L], ncol = x@size[2L]))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pixmapIndexed <- function(x, ...) {
bm <- as_bm_bitmap.pixmapIndexed(x)
as_bm_pixmap(bm, col = x@col)
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pixmapRGB <- function(x, ...) {
red <- as.double(x@red)
green <- as.double(x@green)
blue <- as.double(x@blue)
colors <- grDevices::rgb(red, green, blue)
m <- flip_matrix_vertically(matrix(colors, nrow = x@size[1L], ncol = x@size[2L]))
# nativeRaster is same dimension as raster
# if you cast to vector by **rows** (instead of **columns**)
# but then build a matrix from this vector by **columns** (instead of **rows**)
# nativeRaster uses integer for colors...
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.nativeRaster <- function(x, ...) {
if (nrow(x) > 0L && ncol(x) > 0L) {
cols <- int2col(as.integer(x))
m <- flip_matrix_vertically(matrix(cols, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE))
class(m) <- c("bm_pixmap", "bm_matrix", class(m))
} else {
as_bm_pixmap.matrix(matrix("#FFFFFF00", nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.pixeltrix <- function(x, ...) {
bm <- as_bm_bitmap.pixeltrix(x)
as_bm_pixmap.bm_bitmap(bm, col = attr(x, "colours"))
#' @rdname as_bm_pixmap
#' @export
as_bm_pixmap.raster <- function(x, ...) {
# Standardize all colors to #RRGGBBAA format
if (nrow(x) > 0L && ncol(x) > 0L) {
cols <- col2hex(as.character(flip_matrix_vertically(as.matrix(x))))
m <- matrix(cols, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
class(m) <- c("bm_pixmap", "bm_matrix", class(m))
} else {
as_bm_pixmap.matrix(matrix("#FFFFFF00", nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)))
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