Man pages for trias-project/trias
Process Data for the Project Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS)

apply_decision_rulesApply decision rules to time series and assess emerging...
apply_gamApply GAM to time series and assess emerging status
climate_matchCreate a set of climate matching outputs
futureFuture climate list of sf objects
GBIF_distr_termsAccepted GBIF distribution terms
gbif_get_taxaGet taxa information from GBIF
gbif_has_distributionCompare desired distribution information with actual one.
gbif_verify_keysCheck keys against GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
get_credInteractively get & store credentials in the system...
get_table_pathwaysPathway count indicator table
indicator_introduction_yearPlot number of new introductions per year.
indicator_native_range_yearCreate an interactive plot for the number of alien species...
indicator_total_yearCreate cumulative number of alien species indicator plot.
legendsLegends for climate shapefiles
observedHistorical climate sf objects
pathways_cbdPathways of introduction as defined by CBD
plot_ribbon_emPlot time series with confidence limits and emerging status
update_download_listUpdate the list with all downloads
verify_taxaVerify taxa that the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy does not...
visualize_pathways_level1Plot number of introduced taxa for CBD pathways level 1
visualize_pathways_level2Plot number of introduced taxa for CBD pathways level 2
visualize_pathways_year_level1Plot number of introduced taxa over time for pathways level 1
visualize_pathways_year_level2Plot number of introduced taxa over time for pathways level 2
trias-project/trias documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 11:50 a.m.