gbif_verify_keys: Check keys against GBIF Backbone Taxonomy

View source: R/gbif_verify_keys.R

gbif_verify_keysR Documentation

Check keys against GBIF Backbone Taxonomy


This function performs three checks:

  • keys are valid GBIF taxon keys. That means that adding a key at the end of the URL returns a GBIF page related to a taxa.

  • keys are taxon keys of the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy checklist. That means that adding a key at the end of the URL returns a GBIF page related to a taxa of the GBIF Backbone.)

  • keys are synonyms of other taxa (taxonomicStatus neither ACCEPTED nor DOUBTFUL).


gbif_verify_keys(keys, col_keys = "key")



(character or numeric) a vector, a list, or a data.frame containing the keys to verify.


(character) name of column containing keys in case keys is a data.frame.


a data.frame with the following columns:

  • key: (numeric) keys as input keys.

  • is_taxonKey: (logical) is the key a valid GBIF taxon key?

  • is_from_gbif_backbone: (logical) is the key a valid taxon key from GBIF Backbone Taxonomy checklist?

  • is_synonym: (logical) is the key related to a synonym (not ACCEPTED or DOUBTFUL)?

If a key didn't pass the first check (is_taxonKey = FALSE) then NA for other two columns. If a key didn't pass the second check (is_from_gbif_backbone = FALSE) then is_synonym = NA.


## Not run: 
# input is a vector
keys1 <- c(
  "12323785387253", # invalid GBIF taxonKey
  "128545334", # valid taxonKey, not a GBIF Backbone key
  "1000693", # a GBIF Backbone key, synonym
  "1000310", # a GBIF Backbone key, accepted
  NA, NA
# input is a df
keys2 <- data.frame(
  keys = keys1,
  other_col =, size = length(keys1)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# input is a named list
keys3 <- keys1
names(keys3) <- purrr::map_chr(
  ~ paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 3),
    collapse = ""
# input keys are numeric
keys4 <- as.numeric(keys1)

gbif_verify_keys(keys2, col_keys = "keys")

## End(Not run)

trias-project/trias documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 5:30 p.m.