legends: Legends for climate shapefiles

legendsR Documentation

Legends for climate shapefiles


Legends for climate shapefiles




legends contains two data.frames, KG_A1FI and KG_Beck, matching Koppen-Geiger climate zones to A1FI and Beck scenarios respectively.

Each data.frame contains two columns:

  • GRIDCODE: (numeric) grid value corresponding to a climate zone

  • Classification: (character) Koppen-Geiger climate classification value

  • Description: (character) verbose description of the Koppen-Geiger climate zone, e.g. "Tropical rainforest climate"

  • Group: (character) group the Koppen-Geiger climate zone belongs to, e.g. "Tropical"

  • ⁠Precipitation Type⁠: (character) Type of precipitations associated to the climate zone, e.g. "Rainforest"

  • ⁠Level of Heat⁠: (character) Heat level associated to the climate zone, e.g. "Cold"


Koppen-Geiger climate zones

See Also

Other climate data: future, observed

trias-project/trias documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 5:30 p.m.