Man pages for trichelab/h5testR
Tests for HDF5-backed DNAme, RNAseq, and MultiAssayExperiment objects

genomicFilesFromBedscreate a GenomicFiles from the results of sesamizeToBeds (or...
HMM_CpG_islands.hg38Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based CpG island boundaries for...
read.methdf5process an IDATs directly into an RGChannelSet backed by HDF5
read.methdf5.sheetprocess as sample sheet directly into an RGChannelSet backed...
sesamizeToBedsprocess IDAT pairs directly into tabix'ed BED files using...
tabixedToGrScan Tabix'ed files into a merged GRangesList (for...
tabixFileListToGrScan a TabixFileList into a joint GRanges by union()'ing each...
tabixToGrScan a single Tabix'ed file's ranges (only!) into a GRanges...
verifyChannelVerify that a channel of an HDF5 RGChannelSet matches its...
verifyRGsetsVerify that an RGChannelSet backed by HDF5 files matches an...
trichelab/h5testR documentation built on July 12, 2020, 5:18 p.m.