
context("Checking rm_repeated_phrases")

test_that("rm_repeated_phrases is removing/replacing repeated phrases strings",{

    x <- c(
        "this is a big is a Big deal",
        "I want want to see",
        "I want, want to see",
        "I want...want to see see see how",
        "I like it. It is cool",
        "this is a big is a Big deal for those of, those of you who are."
        c("this deal", "I to see", "I to see", "I to how", 
            "I like it. It is cool", "this deal for you who are.")

test_that("rm_repeated_phrases is extracting repeated phrases strings",{

    x <- c(
        "this is a big is a Big deal",
        "I want want to see",
        "I want, want to see",
        "I want...want to see see see how",
        "I like it. It is cool",
        "this is a big is a Big deal for those of, those of you who are."
        rm_repeated_phrases(x, extract=TRUE),
        structure(list("is a big is a Big", "want want", "want, want", 
            c("want...want", "see see see"), NA_character_, c("is a big is a Big", 
            "those of, those of")), class = c("extracted", "list"))
trinker/qdapRegex documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 11:31 p.m.