
Defines functions showClusterStatus

Documented in showClusterStatus

#' Show information about available computational resources on cluster.
#' @description
#' Currently only supported for multicore and SSH mode.
#' Displays: Name of node, current load, number of running R processes, number of R processes
#' with more than 50% load, number of BatchJobs jobs running.
#' The latter counts either jobs belonging to \code{reg} or all BatchJobs jobs if reg was not passed.
#' @param reg [\code{\link{Registry}}]\cr
#'   Registry.
#'   Must not be passed and this is the default.
#' @return [\code{data.frame}].
#' @export
showClusterStatus = function(reg) {
  if (missing(reg)) {
    file.dir = ""
  } else {
    checkRegistry(reg, writeable = FALSE)
    file.dir = reg$file.dir
  conf = getBatchJobsConf()
  cf = conf$cluster.functions
  if (cf$name %nin% c("Multicore", "SSH"))
    stop("showWorkerStatus can only be used in multicore or SSH mode!")
  workers = environment(cf$submitJob)$workers
  data = rbindlist(lapply(workers, getWorkerStatus, file.dir = file.dir))
  data$ncpus = extractSubList(workers, "ncpus")
  setDF(data, rownames = names(workers))
tudo-r/BatchJobs documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:28 a.m.