
Defines functions generate_waterline_overlay

Documented in generate_waterline_overlay

#'@title Generate Waterline Overlay
#'@description Using a height map or a boolean matrix, generates a semi-transparent waterline overlay to
#'layer onto an existing map. This uses the method described by P. Felzenszwalb & D. Huttenlocher in 
#'"Distance Transforms of Sampled Functions" (Theory of Computing, Vol. 8, No. 19, September 2012) 
#'to calculate the distance to the coast. This distance matrix can be returned directly by setting 
#'the `return_distance_matrix` argument to `TRUE`.
#'@param heightmap A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point. 
#'If `boolean = TRUE`, this will instead be interpreted as a logical matrix indicating areas of water.
#'@param width Default `NA`. Width of the resulting image array. Default the same dimensions as height map.
#'@param height Default `NA`. Width of the resulting image array. Default the same dimensions as height map.
#'@param resolution_multiply Default `1`. If passing in `heightmap` instead of width/height, amount to 
#'increase the resolution of the overlay, which should make lines/polygons/text finer. 
#'Should be combined with `add_overlay(rescale_original = TRUE)` to ensure those added details are captured
#'in the final map.
#'@param color Default `white`. Color of the lines.
#'@param linewidth Default `1`. Line width.
#'@param boolean Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this is a boolean matrix (0 and 1) indicating contiguous areas in 
#'which the lines are generated (instead of a height matrix, from which the boolean matrix is derived using `detect_water()`)
#'@param min Default `0.001`. Percent distance (measured from the furthest point from shore) where the waterlines stop.
#'@param max Default `0.2`. Percent distance (measured from the furthest point from shore) where the waterlines begin.
#'@param breaks Default `9`. Number of water lines.
#'@param smooth Default `0`, no smoothing. Increase this to smooth water lines around corners.
#'@param fade Default `TRUE`. If `FALSE`, lines will not fade with distance from shore.
#'@param alpha_dist Default to the value specified in `max`. Percent distance (measured from the furthest point from shore) where the 
#'waterlines fade entirely, when `fade = TRUE`.
#'@param alpha Default `1`. Maximum transparency for waterlines. This scales the transparency for all other levels.
#'@param falloff Default `1.3`. Multiplicative decrease in distance between each waterline level.
#'@param evenly_spaced Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, `falloff` will be ignored and the lines will be evenly spaced.
#'@param zscale Default `1`. Arguments passed to `detect_water()`. Ignored if `boolean = TRUE`. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal) and the z axis. For example, if the elevation levels are in units
#'of 1 meter and the grid values are separated by 10 meters, `zscale` would be 10.
#'@param cutoff Default `0.999`. Arguments passed to `detect_water()`. Ignored if `boolean = TRUE`.The lower limit of the z-component of the unit normal vector to be classified as water.
#'@param min_area Default `length(heightmap)/400`. Arguments passed to `detect_water()`. Ignored if `boolean = TRUE`. Minimum area (in units of the height matrix x and y spacing) to be considered a body of water.
#'@param max_height Default `NULL`. Arguments passed to `detect_water()`. Ignored if `boolean = TRUE`. If passed, this number will specify the maximum height a point can be considered to be water.
#'`FALSE`, the direction will be reversed.
#'@param return_distance_matrix Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this function will return the boolean distance matrix instead of
#'contour lines.
#'@return 4-layer RGB array representing the waterline overlay.
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Create a flat body of water for Monterey Bay
#' montbay = montereybay
#' montbay[montbay < 0] = 0
#' #Generate base map with no lines
#' basemap = montbay %>%
#'   height_shade() %>%
#'   add_water(detect_water(montbay), color="dodgerblue") %>%
#'   add_shadow(texture_shade(montbay, detail=1/3, brightness = 15, contrast = 5),0) %>%
#'   add_shadow(lamb_shade(montbay,zscale=50),0) 
#' plot_map(basemap)
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Add waterlines
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Change minimum line distance:
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, min = 0.02)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Change maximum line distance
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, max = 0.4)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Smooth waterlines
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, max = 0.4, smooth=2)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Increase number of breaks
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, breaks = 20, max=0.4)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Make lines evenly spaced:
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, evenly_spaced = TRUE)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Change variable distance between each line
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, falloff=1.5)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Turn off fading
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, fade=FALSE)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
#' if(run_documentation()) {
#' #Fill up the entire body of water with lines and make them all 50% transparent
#' basemap %>% 
#'   add_overlay(generate_waterline_overlay(montbay, fade=FALSE, max=1, alpha = 0.5, color="white",
#'                                          evenly_spaced = TRUE, breaks=50)) %>% 
#'   plot_map()
#' }
generate_waterline_overlay = function(heightmap, color = "white", linewidth=1, boolean = FALSE, 
                                      min = 0.001, max = 0.20, breaks = 9, smooth = 0, 
                                      fade = TRUE, alpha_dist = max, alpha = 1,
                                      falloff = 1.3, evenly_spaced = FALSE, 
                                      zscale = 1, cutoff = 0.999, 
                                      width = NA, height = NA, resolution_multiply = 1,
                                      max_height = NULL, return_distance_matrix = FALSE) {
  breaks = breaks + 1
  if(smooth < 0 || !is.numeric(smooth)) {
    stop("`smooth` should be a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.")
  if(breaks < 1) {
    stop("`breaks` should be a value greater than or equal to one.")
  if(alpha > 1 || alpha < 0) {
    stop("`alpha` should be a value greater than zero or less than one")
  if(!boolean) {
    is_water = detect_water(heightmap, zscale=zscale, 
                            cutoff=cutoff, min_area=min_area, 
  } else {
    is_water = heightmap
  water_dist = rayimage::render_boolean_distance(is_water != 1)
  if(return_distance_matrix) {
  water_dist_bool = scales::rescale(water_dist, to=c(0,1))
  if(smooth != 0) {
    water_dist_bool = rayimage::render_convolution(water_dist_bool, kernel = smooth, kernel_dim = 21)
    water_dist_bool[!is_water] = 0
    water_dist_bool = scales::rescale(water_dist_bool, to=c(0,1))
  water_dist_bool = flipud(water_dist_bool)
  if(!evenly_spaced) {
    levels = rep(0,breaks)
    temp = max 
    for(i in seq_len(breaks)) {
      levels[i] = temp
      temp = temp/falloff
  } else {
    levels = seq(0,1,length.out = breaks)
  levels = scales::rescale(levels, to = c(min, max))
  overlay = generate_contour_overlay(water_dist_bool, levels=levels, 
                                     width=width, height=height, 
                                     resolution_multiply = resolution_multiply,
                                     color = color, linewidth=linewidth)
  if(fade) {
    alpha_vals = water_dist_bool
    alpha_vals = alpha_vals/alpha_dist
    alpha_vals[alpha_vals > 1] = 1
    alpha_vals = 1-alpha_vals
    overlay[,,4] =  overlay[,,4] * (t(alpha_vals))
  overlay[,,4] = overlay[,,4] * alpha
tylermorganwall/rayshader documentation built on July 3, 2024, 11:50 p.m.