
## UI.R
function(request) {
    titlePanel(NULL, windowTitle = "RLumShiny - RadialPlot"),
      # 2- width = 5 -> refers to twitters bootstrap grid system
      # where the the maximum width is 12 that is to be shared between all
      # elements
      sidebarPanel(width = 5,
                   # include a tabs in the input panel for easier navigation
                   tabsetPanel(id = "tabs", type = "pill", selected = "Data",
                               # Tab 1: Data input
                                        # informational text
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Data upload")),
                                        # file upload button (data set 1)
                                        fileInput(inputId = "file1",
                                                  label = strong("Primary data set"),
                                                  accept="text/plain, .csv, text/csv"),
                                        # file upload button (data set 2)
                                        fileInput(inputId = "file2",
                                                  label = strong("Secondary data set"),
                                                  accept="text/plain, .csv, text/csv"),
                                        # rhandsontable input/output
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 rHandsontableOutput(outputId = "table_in_primary")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 rHandsontableOutput(outputId = "table_in_secondary"))
                                        actionButton(inputId = "refresh", label = "Refresh", icon = icon("fas fa-sync")),
                                        tooltip(refId = "refresh", text = "Redraw the plot")

                               # Tab 2: Statistical information
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Summary")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 checkboxInput(inputId = "summary",
                                                               label = "Show summary",
                                                               value = FALSE),
                                                 tooltip(refId = "summary", text = "Adds numerical output to the plot")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "sumpos",
                                                             label = "Summary position",
                                                             selected = "topleft",
                                                             choices = list("Subtitle" = "sub",
                                                                            "Center" = "center",
                                                                            Top=c("Top" = "top",
                                                                                  "Top left" = "topleft",
                                                                                  "Top right"= "topright"),
                                                                            Bottom=c("Bottom" = "bottom",
                                                                                     "Bottom left" = "bottomleft",
                                                                                     "Bottom right" = "bottomright")
                                                 tooltip(refId = "sumpos", attr = "for", text = "Position of the statistical summary. The keyword \"Subtitle\" will only work if no plot subtitle is used.")
                                        checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "stats",
                                                           label = "Parameters",
                                                           selected = c("n","mean"),
                                                           choices = c("n" = "n",
                                                                       "Mean" = "mean",
                                                                       "weighted Mean" = "mean.weighted",
                                                                       "Median" = "median",
                                                                       "weighted Median" = "median.weighted",
                                                                       "rel. Standard deviation" = "sdrel",
                                                                       "abs. Standard deviation" = "sdabs",
                                                                       "rel. Standard error" = "serel",
                                                                       "abs. Standard error" = "seabs",
                                                                       #"25 % Quartile" = "q25", #not implemented yet
                                                                       #"75 % Quartile" = "q75", #not implemented yet
                                                                       "KDEmax"  = "kdemax",
                                                                       "Skewness" = "skewness",
                                                                       "Kurtosis" = "kurtosis"
                                        tooltip(refId = "stats", text = "Statistical parameters to be shown in the summary"),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Datapoint labels")),
                                        div(align = "center", checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "statlabels", inline = TRUE,
                                                                                 label = NULL,
                                                                                 choices = c("Min" = "min",
                                                                                             "Max" = "max",
                                                                                             "Median" = "median"))),
                                        tooltip(refId = "statlabels", text = "Additional labels of statistically important values in the plot.")

                               # Tab 3: input that refer to the plot rather than the data
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Title")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "main",
                                                           label = "Title",
                                                           value = "Radial Plot")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "mtext",
                                                           label = "Subtitle",
                                                           value = "")
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Scaling")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # inject sliderInput from Server.R
                                                 uiOutput(outputId = "centValue"),
                                                 tooltip(refId = "centValue", text = "User-defined central value, primarily used for horizontal centering of the z-axis")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 sliderInput(inputId = "cex",
                                                             label = "Scaling factor",
                                                             min = 0.5, max = 2,
                                                             value = 1.0, step = 0.1)
                                        selectInput(inputId = "centrality",
                                                    label = "Centrality",
                                                    list("Mean" = "mean",
                                                         "Median" = "median",
                                                         "Weighted mean" = "mean.weighted",
                                                         "Weighted median" = "median.weighted")),
                                        tooltip(refId = "centrality", attr = "for", text = "Measure of centrality, used for the standardisation, centering the plot and drawing the central line.")

                               # Tab 4: modify axis parameters
                                        div(align = "center", h5("X-axis")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "xlab1",
                                                           label = "Label x-axis (upper)",
                                                           value = "Relative error [%]")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "xlab2",
                                                           label = "Label x-axis (lower)",
                                                           value = "Precision")
                                        # inject sliderInput from Server.R
                                        uiOutput(outputId = "xlim"),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Y-axis")),
                                        checkboxInput(inputId = "yticks",
                                                      label = HTML("Show ±2σ label"),
                                                      value = TRUE),
                                        tooltip(refId = "yticks", text = "Option to hide y-axis labels."),
                                        textInput(inputId = "ylab",
                                                  label = "Label y-axis",
                                                  value = "Standardised estimate"),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Z-axis")),
                                        checkboxInput(inputId = "logz",
                                                      label = "Logarithmic z-axis",
                                                      value = TRUE),
                                        tooltip(refId = "logz", text = "Option to display the z-axis in logarithmic scale."),
                                        textInput(inputId = "zlab",
                                                  label = "Label z-axis",
                                                  value = "Equivalent dose [Gy]"),
                                        # inject sliderInput from Server.R
                                        uiOutput(outputId = "zlim"),
                                        sliderInput('curvature', 'Z-axis curvature',
                                                    min=0, max=3,
                                                    value=4.5/5.5, step=0.01, round=FALSE),
                                        tooltip(refId = "curvature", attr = "for", text = "User-defined plot area ratio (i.e. curvature of the z-axis). If omitted, the default value (4.5/5.5) is used and modified automatically to optimise the z-axis curvature. The parameter should be decreased when data points are plotted outside the z-axis or when the z-axis gets too elliptic.")

                               # Tab 5: modify data point representation
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Primary data set")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "pch",
                                                             label = "Style",
                                                             selected = "17",
                                                             choices = c("Square"= "1",
                                                                         "Triangle point up"="3",
                                                                         "Triangle point down"="7",
                                                                         "Square cross"="8",
                                                                         "Diamond plus"="10",
                                                                         "Circle plus"="11",
                                                                         "Triangles up and down"="12",
                                                                         "Square plus"="13",
                                                                         "Circle cross"="14",
                                                                         "Square and Triangle down"="15",
                                                                         "filled Square"="16",
                                                                         "filled Circle"="17",
                                                                         "filled Triangle point up"="18",
                                                                         "filled Diamond"="19",
                                                                         "solid Circle"="20",
                                                                         "Bullet (smaller Circle)"="21",
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom symbol is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.pch == 'custom'",
                                                                  textInput(inputId = "custompch",
                                                                            label = "Insert character",
                                                                            value = "?"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "color", label = "Datapoint color",
                                                             choices = list("Black" = "black",
                                                                            "Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Red" = "#b22222",
                                                                            "Green" = "#6E8B3D",
                                                                            "Blue" = "#428bca",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.color == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgb",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Secondary data set")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 ## DATA SET 2
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "pch2",
                                                             label = "Style",
                                                             selected = "17",
                                                             choices = c("Square"= "1",
                                                                         "Triangle point up"="3",
                                                                         "Triangle point down"="7",
                                                                         "Square cross"="8",
                                                                         "Diamond plus"="10",
                                                                         "Circle plus"="11",
                                                                         "Triangles up and down"="12",
                                                                         "Square plus"="13",
                                                                         "Circle cross"="14",
                                                                         "Square and Triangle down"="15",
                                                                         "filled Square"="16",
                                                                         "filled Circle"="17",
                                                                         "filled Triangle point up"="18",
                                                                         "filled Diamond"="19",
                                                                         "solid Circle"="20",
                                                                         "Bullet (smaller Circle)"="21",
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom symbol is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.pch2 == 'custom'",
                                                                  textInput(inputId = "custompch2",
                                                                            label = "Insert character",
                                                                            value = "?"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "color2", label = "Datapoint color",
                                                             selected = "#b22222",
                                                             choices = list("Black" = "black",
                                                                            "Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Red" = "#b22222",
                                                                            "Green" = "#6E8B3D",
                                                                            "Blue" = "#428bca",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.color2 == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgb2",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))

                               # Tab 6: add additional lines to the plot
                                        helpText("Here you can add additional lines."),
                                        # options for custom lines:
                                        # 1 - z-value, 2 - color, 3 - label
                                        # only the options for the first line are shown
                                        numericInput(inputId = "line1",
                                                     label = strong("Line #1"),
                                                     value =  NA, min = 0),
                                        tooltip(refId = "line1", text = "Numeric values of the additional lines to be added."),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 HTML("Choose a color<br>"),
                                                 jscolorInput(inputId = "colline1")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "labline1",
                                                           label = "Label",
                                                           value = "")
                                        # conditional chain: if valid input (i.e. the z-value is > 0) is provided
                                        # for the previous line, show options for a new line (currently up to eight)
                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line1 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line2", strong("Line #2"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline2")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline2","Label",value = ""))
                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line2 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line3", strong("Line #3"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline3")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline3","Label",value = ""))

                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line3 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line4", strong("Line #4"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline4")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline4","Label",value = ""))

                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line4 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line5", strong("Line #5"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline5")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline5","Label",value = ""))

                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line5 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line6", strong("Line #6"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline6")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline6","Label",value = ""))

                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line6 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line7", strong("Line #7"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline7")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline7","Label",value = ""))

                                        conditionalPanel(condition = "input.line7 > 0",
                                                         numericInput(inputId = "line8", strong("Line #8"), NA, min = 0),
                                                           column(width = 6, HTML("Choose a color<br>"),jscolorInput(inputId = "colline8")),
                                                           column(width = 6, textInput("labline8","Label",value = ""))


                               # Tab 7: modify the 2-sigma bar (radial plot), grid (both) and polygon (KDE)
                               tabPanel("Bars & Grid",
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Central line")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 numericInput(inputId = "lwd",
                                                              label = "Central line width #1",
                                                              min = 0, max = 5,
                                                              value = 1)
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 numericInput(inputId = "lwd2",
                                                              label = "Central line width #2",
                                                              min = 0, max = 5,
                                                              value = 1)
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "lty",
                                                             label = "Line type",
                                                             selected = 2,
                                                             choices = list("Blank" = 0,
                                                                            "Solid" = 1,
                                                                            "Dashed" = 2,
                                                                            "Dotted" = 3,
                                                                            "Dot dash" = 4,
                                                                            "Long dash" = 5,
                                                                            "Two dash" = 6))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "lty2",
                                                             label = "Line type",
                                                             selected = 2,
                                                             choices = list("Blank" = 0,
                                                                            "Solid" = 1,
                                                                            "Dashed" = 2,
                                                                            "Dotted" = 3,
                                                                            "Dot dash" = 4,
                                                                            "Long dash" = 5,
                                                                            "Two dash" = 6))

                                        div(align = "center", HTML("<h5>2&sigma; bar</h5>")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "bar", label = HTML("2&sigma; bar color"),
                                                             choices = list("Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom",
                                                                            "None" = "none"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "bar2", label = HTML("2&sigma; bar color #2"),
                                                             choices = list("Grey" = "grey50",
                                                                            "Custom" = "custom",
                                                                            "None" = "none"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = " == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgbBar",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))
                                          column(width = 6,

                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.bar2 == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgbBar2",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))
                                        sliderInput(inputId = "",
                                                    label = "Transparency",
                                                    min = 0, max = 100,
                                                    step = 1, value = 66),
                                        div(align = "center", h5("Grid")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput("grid", "Grid color",
                                                             list("Grey" = "grey",
                                                                  "Custom" = "custom",
                                                                  "None" = "none")),
                                                 tooltip(refId = "grid", attr = "for", text = "colour of the grid lines (originating at [0,0] and stretching to the z-scale). To disable grid lines, use \"none\".")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 # show only if custom color is desired
                                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.grid == 'custom'",
                                                                  jscolorInput(inputId = "rgbGrid",
                                                                               label = "Choose a color"))
                                        sliderInput(inputId = "alpha.grid",
                                                    label = "Transparency",
                                                    min = 0, max = 100,
                                                    step = 1, value = 100)

                                        div(align = "center", h5("Legend")),
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 checkboxInput(inputId = "showlegend",
                                                               label = "Show legend",
                                                               value = FALSE),
                                                 tooltip(refId = "showlegend", text = "Legend content to be added to the plot.")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 selectInput(inputId = "legend.pos",
                                                             label = "Legend position",
                                                             selected = "bottomleft",
                                                             choices = c("Top" = "top",
                                                                         "Top left" = "topleft",
                                                                         "Top right"= "topright",
                                                                         "Center" = "center",
                                                                         "Bottom" = "bottom",
                                                                         "Bottom left" = "bottomleft",
                                                                         "Bottom right" = "bottomright"))
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "legendname",
                                                           label = "Primary data label",
                                                           value = "primary data")
                                          column(width = 6,
                                                 textInput(inputId = "legendname2",
                                                           label = "Secondary data label",
                                                           value = "secondary data")

                               RLumShiny:::exportTab("export", filename = "radial plot"),
                               RLumShiny:::aboutTab("about", "radialplot")

      # 3 - output panel
      mainPanel(width = 7,
                # insert css code inside <head></head> of the generated HTML file:
                # allow open dropdown menus to reach over the container
                tags$head(tags$style(type="text/css",".tab-content {overflow: visible;}")),
                # divide output in separate tabs via tabsetPanel
                  tabPanel("Plot", plotOutput(outputId = "main_plot", height = "500px")),
                  tabPanel("Primary data set", dataTableOutput("dataset")),
                  tabPanel("Secondary data set", dataTableOutput("dataset2")),
                  tabPanel("Central Age Model", dataTableOutput("CAM")),
                  tabPanel("R plot code", verbatimTextOutput("plotCode"))
tzerk/RLumShiny documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 1:54 p.m.