
Defines functions setup

Documented in setup

setup <- function(autostart=NULL){

	if(!interactive() & is.null(autostart)) {
		stop('setup function is for interactive use', call.=TRUE)

	if (interactive() && is.null(autostart)) {

  cat('\nBegining Agroft Analysis app setup...\n')
  cat('\nYou can have an Agroft session start automatically when you open R.')
  cat('\n\nChoose "yes" if you want Agroft to open automatically when you open the R application\n (recommended for beginning users)')
  cat("\nThis option is designed for people who will only be using the Agroft software, and do not plan to learn R programming.")
  cat('\n\nChoose "no" if you want Agroft to load only when you tell it to.')
  cat('\nThis option is designed for people who use or plan to use R and its programming capabilities for purposes other than running the Agroft software.\n\n')
  cat('Do you want Agroft to open automatically when you start R?\n')

  autostart <- readline(prompt = 'Type "yes", "no", or "cancel": ')

  code <- 'local({old <- getOption("defaultPackages"); options(defaultPackages = c(old, "agroft"))})'

  rpf <- Sys.getenv('R_PROFILE_USER')

  if (grepl('yes', autostart, ignore.case=TRUE)) {
    if (rpf == '') {
      if (!file.exists('~/.Rprofile')) {
        cat(code, file = '~/.Rprofile')
      } else {
        rp <- readLines('~/.Rprofile', warn=FALSE)
        cat(rp, code, sep='\n',file = '~/.Rprofile')
    } else {
      rp <- readLines(rpf, warn=FALSE)
      cat(rp, code, sep='\n', file = rpf)
  	y <- TRUE

  if (grepl('no', autostart, ignore.case=TRUE)) {
    if (rpf == '') {
      if (file.exists('~/.Rprofile')) {
        rp <- readLines('~/.Rprofile', warn=FALSE)
        rp2 <- setdiff(rp, code)
        cat(rp2, file='~/.Rprofile')
    } else {
      if (file.exists(rpf)) {
        rp <- readLines(rpf, warn=FALSE)
        rp2 <- setdiff(rp, code)
        cat(rp2, rpf, sep='\n', file = rpf)
  	red <- length(rp) > length(rp2)
  	y <- FALSE

  n1 <- 'An Agroft session will no longer automatically start when R starts'
  n2 <- 'An Agroft session will not start automatically when R starts'
  y1 <- 'An Agroft session will now run start automatically when you start R'
  c1 <- 'Action cancelled'

  msg <- if (exists('y', inherits=FALSE)) {if (y) y1 else if (red) n1 else n2} else c1
ucd-ipo/aip-analysis documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:21 p.m.