
Defines functions content2list

# This file is part of RWebData.
# RWebData is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RWebData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with RWebData.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## Extract the body of an apiresponse object as nested list
## Transforms the HTTP response body stored in an apiresponse object (either XML or JSON) to a nested list
## @usage content2list(x)
## @param x an apiresponse or apidata object 
## @return a nested list
## @examples
## # First, make sure the necessary API key is saved in your R session:
## # (This example is based on the Project Vote Smart API [PVS API])
## saveAPIkey(key.var="pvs", key="YOUR-KEY-HERE")
## # first create a request function:
## pvsmeasure <- "http://api.votesmart.org/Measure.getMeasure?"
## measureparameters <- data.frame(parameter="measureId", value=NA)
## getMeasureRequest <- apiRequestFunction(x=measureparameters, base.url=pvsmeasure,key.param="key",
## key.object="pvs")
## # get some data from the PVS API...
## mr <- getMeasureRequest(measureId=1632) # create a request object
## \dontrun{x <- apiGET(mr)}
## \dontrun{x.list <- content2list(x)}

content2list <-
      function(x)  {
            stopifnot(is.apiresponse(x) | is.apidata(x))
            if (is.apiresponse(x)) {
                  body <- x@body
                  type.json <- grepl(pattern="json", x@type)
                  type.xml <- grepl(pattern="xml", x@type) # should also work for rss
                  type.yaml <- grepl(pattern="yaml", x@type)
                  if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) { # type not found? guess type based on url
                        mime <- guess_type(as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments)))
                        type.json <- any(grepl(pattern="json", mime))
                        type.xml <- any(grepl(pattern="xml", mime))
                        type.yaml <- any(grepl(pattern="yaml", mime))
                        if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) {  # type still not found? guess type based on request arguments
                              type.json <- any(grepl(pattern="json", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary
                              type.xml <- any(grepl(pattern="xml", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary --> find better solution
                              type.yaml <- any(grepl(pattern="yaml", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary --> find better solution
                              if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) { #  type still not clear? guess based on string (so far only json)
                                    type.json <- jsonlite::validate(body)
                  } else {
                        body <- x@raw.data
                        type.json <- grepl(pattern="json", x@raw.type)
                        type.xml <- grepl(pattern="xml", x@raw.type)
                        type.yaml <- grepl(pattern="yaml", x@raw.type)
                        if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) { # type not found? guess type based on url
                              mime <- guess_type(as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments)))
                              type.json <- any(grepl(pattern="json", mime))
                              type.xml <- any(grepl(pattern="xml", mime))
                              type.yaml <- any(grepl(pattern="yaml", mime))
                              if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) { # type still not found? guess type based on request arguments
                                   type.json <- any(grepl(pattern="json", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary
                                   type.xml <- any(grepl(pattern="xml", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary --> find better solution
                                   type.yaml <- any(grepl(pattern="yaml", as.character(unlist(x@request.arguments))))  # temporary --> find better solution
                                    if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) { #  type still not clear? guess based on string (so far only json)
                                          type.json <- validate(body)
            if (!(type.xml | type.json | type.yaml )) {
                  stop("Media-type is neither xml/rss, yaml, nor json!")
            if (type.json) {
                  rx <- try(fromJSON(body, simplifyVector=FALSE), silent=TRUE)  # stable in case of missing values 
                  if (is.character(rx)) {
                        if (validate(rx)) {
                              rx <- try(fromJSON(rx, simplifyVector=FALSE), silent=TRUE)  # special case, if json is theoretically valid but contains too many escapes 
                  # jsonlite is, however, sensitive to not very well formatted json (throws lexical errors)
                  # see, e.g., http://api.opencongress.org/people?last_name=Kerry&format=json
                  # therefore also apply other existing/extended parsers to make this function most robust.
                  if (class(rx)=="try-error"){
                        rx <- try(RJSONIO::fromJSON(body, nullValue=NA, simplify=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
                        if (class(rx)=="try-error") {
                              stop("json parsing error")
                         #     rx <- .fromJSON_R_NA(body) # based and dependend on rjson (depreciated, check if necessary after unit test)
      	if (type.xml) {
      		rx <- try(xml2list(body), silent=TRUE)  # xml2list instead of XML::xmlToList, depends on XML
      		# xml parse failed? potential reason: html-encoded url strings (xmlParse cannot deal with e.g. "&#23")
      		if (class(rx)=="try-error"){
      			bodydecoded <- html_decode_all(body)
      			rx <- xml2list(bodydecoded)
            if (type.yaml) {
                  rx <- yaml.load(body)
umatter/RWebData documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:47 a.m.