
Defines functions xml2r flatDF cbindFill cleanFlatdata onlyLeafnames cleanNodenames getNodes getLeafname getSiblingname getParentsSiblingname getParentname simplifyTree2 uniqueNodenames simplifyTree detectLeafSequence detectSequence HTTPstatusMessage HTTPstatus header handleHTTPError vectorizeIt dlStatus url2apirequest xml2list nLevels getLevelnodes removeLevelnodename onlyRootChildren onlyChildren sameParent parentName as.paramlist rmSublist listElements wide2long_2 wide2long leafNames3 leafNames2 leafNames str_nextract str_cut str_after nin whichin numberedNames namesCount subTree msubTree summary.treestructure edgeMatrix visualize.treedata.jitter visualize.treedata.manual visualize.treedata visualize.treedata.vertical plot.treedata html_decode html_accent_decode html_decode_all plot.igraph2 rglplot.igraph igraph.polygon i.parse.plot.params i.get.edge.labels i.get.labels i.get.arrow.mode i.get.main i.get.xlab igraph.check.shapes curve_multiple shape_noclip shape_noplot add_shape .igraph.shape.circle.clip .igraph.shape.circle.plot .igraph.shape.square.clip .igraph.shape.square.plot .igraph.shape.csquare.clip .igraph.shape.rectangle.clip .igraph.shape.rectangle.plot .igraph.shape.crectangle.clip .igraph.shape.vrectangle.clip .igraph.shape.none.plot mypie .igraph.shape.pie.clip .igraph.shape.pie.plot .igraph.shape.sphere.plot .igraph.shape.raster.plot

# This file is part of RWebData.
# RWebData is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RWebData is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with RWebData.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# map xml according to XML2R package
# wrapper around several XML2R functions

xml2r <- 
  function(x) {
        # from XML2R::urlsToDocs
        x.doc <- try_default(xmlParse(x, asText = TRUE), 
                             NULL, quiet = TRUE)
        x.nodes <- docsToNodes(list(x.doc), "/")
        x.list <- nodesToList(x.nodes)
        x.obs <- listsToObs(x.list, "1")
        x.flat <- collapse_obs(x.obs)
        x.flat.df <- lapply(x.flat, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# flatten nested data frames
# x a data frame that potentially contains
# more data frames in one or several columns

flatDF <-
        cols <- names(x)
        colclasses <- unlist(lapply(cols, function(i){class(x[,i])=="list"}))
        if (any(colclasses)) {
              x.sub <- x[colclasses]
              subclasses <- unlist(lapply(names(x.sub), function(i){class(x.sub[,i][[1]])}))
              nesteddfs <- subclasses=="data.frame"
              x.nesteddfs <- x.sub[nesteddfs]
              flat.list <- lapply(names(x.nesteddfs), FUN=function(i){
                    df.i <- dfList(x.nesteddfs[,i])
              names(flat.list) <- names(x.nesteddfs)
              x.df <- x[, !(names(x) %in% names(flat.list))]
              x.list <- c(list(root=x.df), flat.list ) # add clean part to list
        } else {

# cbind 2 data frames with different
# numbers of rows via recycling

cbindFill <- 
  function(df1, df2) {
    for ( i in names(df2)) {
      if (1<nrow(df1)) {
            df1[,i] <- df2[,i] 


# remove duplicated columns
# and clean names

cleanFlatdata <-
  function(x) {
    x <- x[!duplicated(lapply(x, c))]
    names(x) <- sub(pattern="INPUT_:_", replacement="", x=names(x))

# postprocess names

onlyLeafnames <-
  function(x) {
    names(x) <- str_after(x=names(x), pattern=".", n="last")

# json2DataFrame(x)
# given a string containing json, the function 
# maps the tree structured json data to one or several data frames

# JSONtoDataFrame <-
#   function(x) {
#     x.list <- try(RJSONIO::fromJSON(x, nullValue=NA, simplify=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
#     if (class(test)=="try-error") {x.list <- .fromJSON_R_NA(x)} # based and dependend on rjson
#     x.vector <- flattenTree(x.list)
#     x.df <- auto.tree2flat(x.vector, primary.key.name="RWebData_ID", primary.key="a")
#     return(x.df)
#   }

# xml2DataFrame(x)
# given a string containing xml, the function 
# maps the tree structured xml data to one or several data frames

# XMLtoDataFrame <-
#   function(x) {
#     x.list <- xml2list(body)
#     x.vector <- flattenTree(x.list)
#     x.df <- auto.tree2flat(x.vector)
#     return(x.df)
#   }

# .fromJSON_R_NA, .parseValue_NA, .parseNull_NA
# The following code is taken from the rjson package (Couture-Beil)    
# and slightly changed for the use in RWebData                         
# Parses JSON null as NA, not as NULL                                  
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------
# .fromJSON_R_NA <- function( json_str ) # changed for RWebDatause
# {
#   if( !is.character(json_str) )
#     stop( "JSON objects must be a character string" )
#   chars = strsplit(json_str, "")[[1]]
#   tmp <- .parseValue_NA( chars, 1) # changed here for RWebDatause
#   if( is.null( tmp$incomplete ) )
#     return( tmp$val )
#   else
#     return( NULL )
# }
# .parseValue_NA <- function( chars, i ) # changed for RWebData use
# {
#   if( i > length( chars ) )
#     return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   #ignore whitespace
#   while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#     i = i + 1
#     if( i > length( chars ) )
#       return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   }
#   ch = chars[i]
#   if( ch == "{" ) {
#     return( .parseObj( chars, i ) )
#   }
#   if( ch == "[" ) {
#     return( .parseArray( chars, i ) )
#   }
#   if( ch == "\"" ) {
#     return( .parseString_escape( chars, i ) ) # changed for RWebData
#   }
#   if( any(grep("[0-9\\-]", ch)) ) {
#     return( rjson:::.parseNumber( chars, i ) )
#   }
#   if( ch == "t" ) {
#     return( rjson:::.parseTrue( chars, i ) )
#   }
#   if( ch == "f" ) {
#     return( rjson:::.parseFalse( chars, i ) )
#   }
#   if( ch == "n" ) {
#     return( .parseNull_NA( chars, i ) ) # changed here for RWebData use
#   }
#   #stop("shouldnt reach end of parseValue")
#   err <- paste( "unexpected data:", paste( chars[ i:length(chars)], collapse = "" ) )
#   stop( err )
# }
# .parseNull_NA <- function( chars, i )
# {
#   if( paste(chars[i:(i+3)], collapse="") == "null" )
#     return( list(val=NA,size=i+4) ) # changed val=NULL to val=NA for RWebData use
#   stop("error parsing null value (maybe the word starts with n but isnt null)")
# }
# .parseString_escape <- function( chars, i )
# {
#   str_start = i
#   if( chars[i] != "\"") stop("error")
#   i = i + 1
#   if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   while( TRUE ) {
#     while( chars[i] != "\\" && chars[i] != "\"" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     if( chars[i] == "\\" ) {
#       i = i + 2 #skip the next char
#       if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     else
#       break
#   }
#   str_end = i
#   i = i + 1
#   return(list(
#     val=eval(parse(text=gsub(pattern="\\/", replacement="/", 
#                              x=paste(chars[str_start:str_end], collapse=""), # added for RWebData
#                              fixed=TRUE))), 
#     size=i ))
# }
# .parseObj <- function( chars, i )
# {
#   obj <- list()
#   if( chars[i] != "{" ) stop("error - no openning tag")
#   i = i + 1
#   if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   first_pass <- TRUE
#   while( TRUE ) {
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     #look out for empty lists
#     if( chars[i] == "}" && first_pass == TRUE ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       break
#     }
#     first_pass <- FALSE
#     #get key
#     str = .parseString_escape( chars, i ) # changed for RWebData
#     if( is.null( str$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( str )
#     key = str$val
#     i = str$size
#     if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     #verify seperater
#     if( chars[i] != ":" ) stop("error - no seperator")
#     i = i + 1
#     if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) )
#         return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     #get value
#     val = .parseValue_NA( chars, i ) # changed for RWebData
#     if( is.null( val$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( val )
#     obj[key] <- list(val$val)
#     i = val$size
#     if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) )
#         return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     if( chars[i] == "}" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       break
#     }
#     if( chars[i] != "," ) stop("error - no closing tag")
#     i = i + 1
#     if( i > length( chars ) )
#       return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   }
#   return( list(val=obj, size=i) )
# }
# .parseArray <- function( chars, i )
# {
#   useVect <- TRUE
#   arr <- list()
#   if( chars[i] != "[" ) stop("error - no openning tag")
#   i = i + 1
#   if( i > length( chars ) )
#     return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   while( TRUE ) {
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) )
#         return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     #look out for empty arrays
#     if( chars[i] == "]" ) { 
#       i = i + 1
#       useVect <- FALSE #force an empty list instead of NULL (i.e. value = vector("list",0))
#       break
#     }
#     #get value
#     val = .parseValue_NA( chars, i ) # changed for RWebData
#     if( is.null( val$incomplete ) == FALSE ) return( val )
#     arr[length(arr)+1] <- list(val$val)
#     if( is.list(val$val) || length(val$val) > 1 || is.null(val$val) )
#       useVect <- FALSE
#     i = val$size
#     if( i > length( chars ) ) return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     #ignore whitespace
#     while( chars[i] == " " || chars[i] == "\t" || chars[i] == "\n" ) {
#       i = i + 1
#       if( i > length( chars ) )
#         return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#     }
#     if( chars[i] == "]" ) { 
#       i = i + 1
#       break
#     }
#     if( chars[i] != "," ) stop("error - no closing tag")
#     i = i + 1
#     if( i > length( chars ) )
#       return( list( "incomplete" = TRUE ) )
#   }
#   if( useVect )
#     arr <- unlist(arr)
#   return( list(val=arr, size=i) )
# }

# cleanNodenames(x)
# removes duplicated "." and ends with "." from nodenames
# x named character vector representing a tree structured document
# returns character vector

cleanNodenames <- 
  function(x) {
        xn <- names(x)
        xn <- sub(pattern="\\.{2,}", replacement="", x=xn) # remove double edges ("..")
        xn <- sub(pattern="\\.$", replacement="", x=xn) # remove edge without node to follow ("asdf.")
        names(x) <- xn

# getNodes(x, by="leafnames", match)
# returns all nodenames that match a certain criteria (i.e. leafname)
# x character string, the nodenames of a tree structured document represented in a character vector
# by character string indicating what criteria the nodes should match (so far only "leafnames")
# match character string with the matching criteria

getNodes <- 
  function(x, by="leafnames", match) {
        if (by=="leafnames") {
              l<- getLeafname(x)
              xmatch <- x[ l %in% match]
        if (by=="branch") {
              b<- getParentname(x)
              xmatch <- x[ b %in% match]

# getLeafname(x)
# a function that returns the nodename of the leaf element given a node's name including the hierarchy
# nodename character string, the name of a node (in a tree structured document represented as a character vector)

getLeafname <- 
  function(nodename, pattern="."){
        leafname <- str_after(nodename, pattern=pattern)

# getSiblingname(x)
# a function that returns the nodenames of siblings given a node's name
# x names of a named character vector representing tree structured data
# nodename character string, the name of a node (in a tree structured document represented as a character vector)

getSiblingname <- 
  function(x, nodename){
        stopifnot(is.character(nodename), is.character(x))
        parent <- getParentname(nodename)
        leaf <- getLeafname(nodename)
        if (leaf==parent){# no parent? --> no siblings --> return empty
        #siblings <- str_match_all(string=x, pattern=parent )
        siblings <- grep(pattern=parent, x=x, value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)
        siblings2 <- siblings[!grepl(pattern=leaf, x=siblings, fixed=TRUE)] # only siblings, not node itself

# getParentsSiblingname(x)
# a function that returns the nodenames of the parents siblings given a node's name
# x names of a named character vector representing tree structured data
# nodename character string, the name of a node (in a tree structured document represented as a character vector)

getParentsSiblingname <- 
  function(x, nodename){
    stopifnot(is.character(nodename), is.character(x))
    parent <- getParentname(nodename)
    leaf <- getLeafname(parent)
    parent <- getParentname(parent) # parent siblings needed, hence grandparent is parent
    if (leaf==parent){# no parent? --> no siblings --> return empty
    #siblings <- str_match_all(string=x, pattern=parent )
    siblings <- grep(pattern=parent, x=x, value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)
    siblings2 <- siblings[!grepl(pattern=leaf, x=siblings, fixed=TRUE)] # only siblings, not node itself

# getParentname(x, pattern=".")
# a function that returns the parent-node's name given a node's name
# x character string, the name of a node (in a tree structured document represented as a character vector)
# pattern character string, the pattern/symbol that separates nodes

getParentname <- 
  function(x, pattern="."){
    parent <- str_after(x, pattern=pattern, after=FALSE)

# another alternative to simplify
# x a vector or data frame representing tree structured data
# note: the names of x have first been processed with uniqueNodenames!
# names(x) <- uniqueNodenames(x)

simplifyTree2 <-
    xn <- names(x)
    # I) count occurrence of all strings
    xntab <- table(xn)
    count <- as.vector(xntab)
    names(count) <- names(xntab)
    count <- count[xn]
    # II) count occurrence of last part (leaf)
    leafs <- str_after(xn, ".")
    leafstab <- table(leafs)
    leafscount <- as.vector(leafstab)
    names(leafscount) <- names(leafstab)
    leafscount <- leafscount[leafs]
    # III) get indeces of those names that:
    # a) occur only once as a whole AND
    # b) have a last part (leaf) that shows up several times
    # c) have two or more edges
    indices <- which(count==1 & leafscount >1)
    nedges <- str_count(string=xn[indices], pattern="\\.")
    indices <- indices[nedges>1]
    # d) have the same siblings
    # if the node with the fewest leafs contains all occurring siblings,
    # it cannot be that there are nodes with other siblings
    ab <- xn[indices]
    leafs <- getLeafname(ab)
    uleafs <- unique(leafs)
    uparents <- unique(getParentname(ab))
    allsibl <- getNodes(x=xn, by="branch", match=uparents)
    uallsibl_leafs <- unique(getLeafname(allsibl))
    nleafs <- count(getParentname(ab))
    min_nleafs <- nleafs[which.min(nleafs$freq),"x"]
    min_nleafs_sibl <- getLeafname(getNodes(x=allsibl, by="branch", match=as.character(min_nleafs)))
    othersiblings <- !all(uallsibl_leafs %in% min_nleafs_sibl)
    if (othersiblings) { # any other siblings possible? check where and remove from indices
    samesibl.list <- lapply(leafs, FUN=function(i){
      i.nodes <- getNodes(ab, match=i)
      siblings <- unlist(lapply(i.nodes, FUN=function(j){getSiblingname(x=xn, nodename=j)}))
      # anyDuplicated(siblings)>0
      check <- any(duplicated(getLeafname(siblings)))
    samesibl.check <- unlist(samesibl.list)
    indices <- indices[samesibl.check]
    if (length(indices)>1) { # any unnecessary additional nodes found?
      # III) delete unnecessary additional node by replacing the names
      # Important: if any, only the parent nodes of leafs should be deleted
      # not any nodes higher up in the hierarchy (i.e.: I.1.a --> I.a, but NOT: I.C.2.b --> I.b)
      nedges <- str_count(string=xn, pattern="\\.")
      max.nedges <- max(nedges)
      if (max.nedges<=2) {
        xn[indices] <- sub(pattern="\\..+\\.", replacement="\\.", x=xn[indices])
        names(x) <- xn
      } else { # more than 2 edges involved? only consider leaf + 2 levels (see above)
        # cut in two pieces: beginning part up to leaf+2levels, and leaf+2levels, only process second part
        # and then paste back together
        xn.split <- str_cut(xn, "\\.", from.left=FALSE, n=3)
        xn.split <- do.call("rbind", xn.split)
        xn.split.first <- xn.split[,1]
        xn.split.second <- xn.split[,2]
        xn.split.second[indices] <- sub(pattern="\\..+\\.", replacement="\\.", x=xn.split.second[indices])
        xn <- paste(xn.split.first, ".", xn.split.second, sep="")
        xn <- sub(pattern="^\\.", replacement="", x=xn) # remove "." if it  is the first character
        names(x) <- xn

# uniqueNodenames(x)
# takes a vector or data frame representing tree structured data and changes identical
# nodenames that show up on different levels in the tree hierarchy to avoid ambiguity
# x a vector or data frame representing tree structured data
# details: the names are changed as follows: if two nodes have the same name, the node higher in the
# hierarchy is not changed and the one lower in the hierarchy is extended with the name of the parent element
# value: returns the names of the input vector (df) with the changed names

uniqueNodenames <-
  function(x, only.leafs) {
    xnames <- names(x)
    # I) extract nodenames for each level and arrange in matrix 
    nsep <- strsplit(xnames, split=".", fixed=TRUE)
    nsep <- lapply(nsep, FUN=function(i){
      i <- i[i!=""]
    }) # remove empty nodenames (can occur if attributes are used instead of nodes)
    ncols <- max(unlist(lapply(nsep, length)))
    nrows <- length(nsep)
    namesdf.list <- lapply(nsep, FUN=function(x){
      data.i <- t(x)
      empty <- ncols - length(data.i)
      data.i <- c(data.i, rep("", times=empty))
      #as.data.frame(t(x) , stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
    nodes.m <- do.call("rbind", namesdf.list)
    nodes.df <- as.data.frame(nodes.m, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    #nodes.df[is.na(nodes.df)] <- "" # clean NAs out
    if (ncol(nodes.df)==1) {# only one level? return xnames as it is
    } else {
      # II) replace ambigious nodenames (for-loop is potentially inefficient)
      nc <- ncol(nodes.df)
      if (only.leafs & nc>2) {
        nodes.begin <- nodes.df[,1:(nc-2)]
        nodes.df <- nodes.df[,(nc-1):nc]
      for (i in ((length(nodes.df)-1):1)) {
        u.level.i <- unique(nodes.df[,i])
        jstart <- i+1
        for (j in length(nodes.df):jstart) {
          u.level.j <- unique(nodes.df[,j])
          # rename lower level node names if duplicated with higher level
          j.duplicated <- na.omit(u.level.j[u.level.j %in% u.level.i])
          j.duplicated <- j.duplicated[j.duplicated!=""]
          nodes.df[nodes.df[,j] %in% j.duplicated ,j] <- paste(nodes.df[nodes.df[,j] %in% j.duplicated ,i],nodes.df[nodes.df[,j] %in% j.duplicated ,j], sep="_")
        } # end inner loop
      } # end outer loop
      # III) rearrange in one character vector (and clean names)
      if (only.leafs & nc>2) {
        nodes.df <- cbind(nodes.begin, nodes.df)
      nodes.list <- as.list(nodes.df)
      x2 <- do.call("paste", c(nodes.list, sep="."))
      x2 <- sub(pattern="\\.{2,}", replacement="", x=x2) # remove double edges ("..")
      x2 <- sub(pattern="\\.$", replacement="", x=x2) # remove edge without node to follow ("asdf.")

# simplifyTree(x)
# A function that attempts to simplify tree structured data in the sense that
# subtrees of the same structure and the same child nodes are merged to one subtree containing
# several edges to these child nodes (can especially make sense if the original data format is json, 
# and nodes are numbered list entries).
# example/motivation: 
# legiscandata <- apiEasyData("http://api.legiscan.com/?key=LEGISCANKEY&op=getMasterList&state=CA")
# x a nested list representing tree structured data

simplifyTree <- 
      function(x) {
            leafsequence <- detectLeafSequence(names(x)) # get the indices of the starting end ending point of repeated leaf sequences on the lowest level of the hierarchy
            if (length(leafsequence)>1) { # is there a leaf sequence? simplify the tree accordingly
                  seqfirst <- leafsequence[1]
                  seqlast <- leafsequence[length(leafsequence)]
                  # 1) check whether sequence has a break
                  in_increment <- leafsequence[2] - seqfirst
                  sim_sequence <- seq(from=seqfirst, by=in_increment, along.with=leafsequence)
                  sim_sequence[length(sim_sequence)] <- (sim_sequence[length(sim_sequence)]-1) # set the last index to the last index of the sequence, not the beginning of the next sequence
                  stopifnot(sim_sequence==leafsequence) # add error handling here...
                  # 2) remove the parent nodes of all leafs in the sequence 
                  #    (this should be sufficient if wrappers have been removed before)
                  x_leafsequence <- x[,seqfirst:seqlast]
                  parentslevel <- max(nLevels(names(x))) # the parents level is the max level of leafs in the lowest hierarchy according to nLevels (counts first level as 0; see nLevels())
                  x_leafsequence <- removeLevelnodename(x=x_leafsequence, level=parentslevel)
                  names(x)[seqfirst:seqlast] <- names(x_leafsequence)


# detectLeafSequence(x)
# returns the indeces of repeated character sequences in the names of a character vector or a data frame
# (in the context of RWebData: detects the sequence of leaf elements at the lowest hierarchy level)
# x a character vector representing the nodes of tree structured data (i.e., only the names of a vector representing the tree structured data, not the values)

detectLeafSequence <- function(x) {
  # I) extract all the leafs (lowest level only) and the respective parents
  nlev <- nLevels(x)
  leafnames <- str_after(all_leafs, ".")
  uleafnames <- unique(leafnames)
  parents <- str_after(all_leafs,".", n=max(nlev))
  parentnames <- str_after(parents,".", after=FALSE)
  uparentnames <- unique(parentnames)
  uparents <- unique(parents)
  # II) check whether there might be a sequence or several
  # a) # all leafs have the same parent node? --> no need for simplyfication, return NULL
  if (length(uparents)==1) { 
    indices <- NULL  
  #  # b) different parents with DIFFERENT leafs? --> no simplyfication, return NULL 
  #   checklist <- lapply(uparentnames, FUN=function(i) {
  #     length(uleafnames) != length(whichin(string=i, x=uparents, exact=FALSE))
  #   })
  #   if (any(unlist(checklist))) {
  #     indices <- NULL  
  #     return(indices)
  #   }
  # III) detect a sequence in the leafs
  indices <-  detectSequence(all_leafs)

# detectSequence(x)
# given a character vector with the names of nodes representing the structure of a treestructured document,
# the function returns the start- and end-points of repeatedly occuring vector entries (nodenames)
# x a character vector

detectSequence <- 
  function(x) {
    all_leafschildren <- str_after(x,".")
    all_leafschildren <- x
    u_leafschildren <- unique(all_leafschildren)
    freq <- unlist(lapply(u_leafschildren, nin, x=all_leafschildren))
    freqvar <- u_leafschildren[freq>1] # only entries that show up more than once (otherwise no sequence is possible)
    if (length(freqvar)>0) {# any leaf sequence at all? 
      # get the indices of the starting  points of the repeatedly occuring sequence
      all_children <- str_after(x,".")
      indices <- which(apply(embed(all_children, length(freqvar)), 1, identical, rev(freqvar)))
      indices <- c(indices, indices[length(indices)] + (length(freqvar)-1)) # add the index of the last part of the last sequence
    } else {# no leaf sequence at all? set to NULL
      indices <- NULL

# HTTPstatusMessage(x) 
# returns the http status code 
# x an apiresponse object
# value: numeric

HTTPstatusMessage <-
    message <- x@statusMessage

# HTTPstatus(x) 
# returns the http status code 
# x an apiresponse object
# value: numeric

HTTPstatus <-
    head <- header(x)
    status <- as.numeric(unname(head["status"]))

# header(x) 
# returns the http header of an apiresponse object
# x an apiresponse object

header <-

# handleHTTPError(x)
# handles apiresponse objects in case the HTTP status is not OK
# x an object of class apiresponse
# value an object of class apidata

handleHTTPError <-
  function(x) { # if(apiresponseOK(x)) check this outside of the function --> if ok: process via content2list and auto.tree2flat...
    stopifnot(is.apiresponse(x))           # if not: process with this function 
    sm <- HTTPstatusMessage(x)
    sc <- HTTPstatus(x)
    rx <- x@request.arguments
    flatdata <- data.frame(statusMessage=sm)
    # as there is no data to be extracted the flatdata only consists of
    # of the http status message (these data)
    # would also added to the extracted data if available
    rx.string <- paste0(names(rx), " = ", rx[1,], collapse="; ")
    warg <- paste0("HTTP response not OK for: ",rx.string,  "\nHTTP status: ", sc, " ", sm)
    warning(warg, call.=FALSE)
    # HTTP status indicates a problem, instead of atempting to process the content of the body,
    # generate a response object with the statusMessage and the parameters in used in the request
    # Remaining issue: if http request is ok, but api responds with an error (e.g., xml error tag) this
    # is not noticed so far. check whether generalized solution makes sense at all. --> is there a 
    # standard for xml/json errors by apis?!

# vectorizeIt(x)
# takes a function (i.e. request function) as an input and returns a vectorized version of it
# Note: only vectorizes over function parameters without default values!!
# x a function 
# value a function
# example:
# mMeasureRequest <- vectorizeIt(getMeasureRequest)


vectorizeIt <- 
  function(x) {
    f.internal <-  x
    args <- formals(x)
    nd.args <- args[as.list(args)==""]
    rest.args <-  args[as.list(args)!=""]
    if (length(nd.args)==0) {stop("Original function contains only arguments with default values.")}
    # function skeleton
    f <- function(){}
    # a) redefine the internal function within the new function
    body.int <- as.character(body(f.internal))
    body.int <- c( body.int, "}")
    nd.args.int <- paste0(names(nd.args), collapse=",")
    rest.args.int <- paste0(names(rest.args), "='", rest.args, "'")
    rest.args.int2 <- paste0(rest.args.int, collapse=",")
    fdef.int <- paste0("f.int <- function(", nd.args.int, ",", rest.args.int2, ")")
    body.int <- c(fdef.int,body.int)
    # b) write formals for vectorized function
    nd.args2 <- nd.args
    names(nd.args2) <- paste0("v.",names(nd.args2))
    formals(f) <- c(nd.args2, rest.args)
    # c) write vectorization (take 1:n of first non-default argument in original function)
    vec.begin <- paste0("vec.list <- lapply( 1:length(",names(nd.args2)[1], "), FUN= function(i) {")
    vec.assign <- sapply(1:length(names(nd.args)), FUN=function(a){
      paste0(names(nd.args)[a], " <- ", names(nd.args2)[a],  "[i]")
    vec.intargs <- paste0(names(nd.args), " = ", names(nd.args), collapse=", " )
    vec.intf <- paste0("f.int(", vec.intargs,")")
    vec.end <- "})"
    vec.return <- "return(redlist(vec.list))"
    body.vec <- c(vec.begin, vec.assign, vec.intf, vec.end, vec.return)
    # d) write the body of the new function
    e.int <- parse(text=body.int)
    e.vec <- parse(text=body.vec)
    e <- c(e.int, e.vec)
    body(f) <- as.call(c(as.name("{"),e))

# dlStatus(x, pause=0)
# A function that shows the current id/object in a loop or vectorized function and pauses
# the loop for a certain time if needed
# x = the current id/object in the loop
# pause 

dlStatus <-
  function(x, pause=0) {

# url2apirequest(url,key.param)
# converts an url into an apirequest-object
# url a character string with the url to query the api
# key.param (optional) a character string containing the api key parameter required in the url (included to distinguish between the key param and other parts of the query)
# details: if key.param not included, the key.param will be part of the request.arguments in the apirequest-object
# see: apiEasyData()

url2apirequest <-
  function(url, key.param=NULL) {
    stopifnot(is.character(url), (is.character(key.param) | is.null(key.param)))
    p.url <- parse_url(url)
    if (!is.null(p.url$query) & 0 < length(p.url$query)) {# url contains query parameters?
      q <- p.url$query
      rarg <- data.frame(t(unlist(q)))
      if (!is.null(key.param)) {rarg[,key.param] <- NULL}
      server <- modify_url(url, query="")
    } else { # query empty? --> use path argument
      p <- p.url$path
      rarg <- data.frame(path=p)
      server <- modify_url(url, path="")
    req <- new("apirequest", URL = url, request.arguments = rarg, 
               nodefault.parameters = data.frame(), server = server)

# xml2list(x)
# converts an xml document into a nested list
# x a character string containing a xml document
# This function is based on/adopted from the core idea in XML2R::nodesToList. It is an alternative
# to XML::xmlToList(). The difference to xmlToList() is essentially that every node and subnode is 
# converted into a sublist in the nested list (even if a logically simpler representation as element 
# of one sublist, such as a matrix would make sense). 
# Compare, e.g., the results between converting xml data from http://api.votesmart.org/Votes.getBill?
# with this function and xmlToList().

xml2list <- function(x) {

  # clean malformed xml (removes any symbols occurring before the xml-document starts)
  # x <- sub(pattern="^(.*?)\\<", replacement="<", x=x)
  x <- sub(pattern="^[^<]*<", replacement="<", x=x)
  x <- sub(pattern="^<xml", replacement="<?xml", x=x)
  # decode HTML-special characters occuring in xml document
  x <- html_decode_all(x)
  # partly taken from XML2R::urlsToDocs
  doc <- try_default(xmlParse(x, asText = TRUE), NULL, quiet = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(doc)) {
    attr(doc, "XMLsource") <- x
  docs <-list(doc) # workaround
  nodes <- docsToNodes(docs, "/*/node()")
  list <- nodesToList(nodes) # problem: does not keep all names... 
  list <- list[[1]]
  # workaround to keep names
  childnames <- names(xmlRoot(doc))
  names(list) <- childnames

# nLevels(x)
# returns the number of hierarchy levels in x
# x a data frame representing flattened treestructure data.
# pattern a character used to separate elements of different levels in the names of x
# details: note that with the current implementation the n of levels returned counts the first level as 0
# a.b thus refers to one level, a.b.c refers to 2 etc. In other words the count refers to the number of edges (".")

nLevels <- 
  function(x) {
    sapply(x, FUN=function(i) {
      str_count(string=i, "\\.")      

# getLevelnodes(x, level)
# returns the nodes of a certain hierarchy level (the complete nodes, not only the names!)
# x a data frame or vector representing tree structured data
# level numeric, which level should be returned

getLevelnodes <- function(x, level){
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(x) | is.character(x))
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    dfnames <- names(x)
    x <- as.character(t(x))
    names(x) <- dfnames}
  nlev <- nLevels(x) + 1 
  xlev <- x[nlev==level]

# removeLevelnodename(x, level)
# removes the nodes (in terms of names, not values) of a certain hierarchy level 
# x a data frame representing tree structured data
# level numeric, which level should be removed
# value a character vector 

removeLevelnodename <- function(x, level){
  stopifnot((is.data.frame(x) ))
  #   if (is.data.frame(x)) {
  #     dfnames <- names(x)
  #     x <- as.character(t(x))
  #   names(x) <- dfnames}
  nlev <- nLevels(names(x)) 
  xlev <- x[,nlev==level]
  nodenames <- names(xlev)
  nodenames_before <- str_after(x=nodenames, pattern=".", after=FALSE, n=level-1 )
  nodenames_after <- str_after(x=nodenames, pattern=".", after=TRUE, n=level+1 )
  nodenames2 <- paste(nodenames_before, nodenames_after, sep=".")
  names(x)[nlev==level] <- nodenames2

# onlyRootChildren(x) 
# returns TRUE if x only contains child elements of the root element (otherwise no ) 
# x a data frame representing flattened treestructure data.

onlyRootChildren <-
  function(x) {
    n.edges <- nin("\\.", names(x), exact=FALSE)
    onlychildren <- (n.edges==0)

# onlyChildren(x)
# returns TRUE if x only contains child elements 
# x a data frame representing flattened treestructure data.

onlyChildren <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x) | (is.data.frame(x)))
    elements <- treeStructureDF(x)
    if(is.null(elements)) {return(FALSE)}
    n_elements <- ncol(elements)
    parent <- unique(elements[,1])
    onlychildren <- (n_elements==2 & length(parent)==1) # only two levels and only top element as parent means: data only contains child elements  

# sameParent(x)
# returns TRUE if x only contains child elements of the same parent element
# x a data frame representing flattened treestructure data.

sameParent <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x) | (is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1))
    elements <- treeStructureDF(x)[,-1]
    n_elements <- ncol(elements)
    parent <- unique(elements[,1])
    sameparent <- (n_elements==2 & length(parent)==1) # only two levels and only one parent element means: data only contains child elements of the same parent element 

# parentName(x)
# returns the name of the parent element of several tree-sctructure elements. The function guesses the 
# parent name based on the elements' name  preserving the tree structure (element-names separated by
# a sep character). i.e. if there are several elements of the same type called "x.y.a", "x.y.b", "x.y.c", where
# x is the top/root element, y is recognized as the parent element of a, b, and c.
# x a data frame containing a flattened nested list representing tree structured data.
# pattern the character separating list elements in the names of x (defaults to ".")

parentName <- 
  function(x, pattern=".") {
    stopifnot(is.character(x) | (is.data.frame(x) ))
    if (onlyChildren(x)) {return("top")} # if only contains child elements, return "top" (not the best solution, but simple to avoid errors)
    element.names <- names(x) 
    if(is.null(element.names)) {return(NA)}
    if (length(unique(element.names))==1) { #only one element type in x? simply return the name of the first element
      parentname <- unique(str_after(element.names, pattern=pattern, after=FALSE, n=1))
    } else { # different element types? figure out the common parent element...
      parts.df <- treeStructureDF(x)[,-1]
      #       # OLD:
      #     parts <- strsplit(element.names, split=pattern, fixed=TRUE)
      #     parts <- lapply(parts, function(x){as.data.frame(t(x))})
      #     parts.df <- dfList(parts)
      n = 1
      column = 0
      while (n==1) {
        column <- column + 1
        name <- unique(parts.df[,column])  
        n <-  length(name)
      parentname <- as.character(unique(parts.df[,(column-1)]))

# as.paramlist 
# converts a two-column matrix or data-frame to a list of function parameters (name/value)
# x a two-column matrix or data-frame containing the parameter names in column 1
# and the parameter values in column 2. If a parameter should not have a default-value,
# the respective row in the second column should be NA.
# Value: a list. the names of the list entries are the parameter names, the respective 
# list entries are the parameter values. The list can then directly be used to set 
# function parameters via formals()
# Example:
# x <- matrix(c("stateId", "officeId", "year", "CA", NA, "2012"), nrow=3) 
# f <- function(){}
# formals(f) <- as.paramlist(x)
# f

as.paramlist <-
    stopifnot( (is.data.frame(x) | is.matrix(x)), ncol(x)==2)
    if (is.data.frame(x)){
      x[,1] <- as.character(x[,1])
      x[,2] <- as.character(x[,2])
    # extract and coerce function parameters
    # to generate parameters without default, the workaround solution
    # formals(function(x){})$x  is used to get empty (not NULL!) list entries
    param.nodefault <- x[is.na(x[,2]),1]
    nodefaultvalues <- structure(replicate(length(param.nodefault), formals(function(x){})$x ), names=param.nodefault)
    param.null <- na.omit(x[x[,2]=="defaultNULL",1])
    nulldefaultvalues <- structure(replicate(length(param.null), NULL), names=param.null)
    param.default <- x[(!is.na(x[,2]) & !x[,2]=="defaultNULL"),]
    defaultvalues <- structure( as.list(param.default[,2]), names = param.default[,1]) 
    params <- c(nodefaultvalues, defaultvalues, nulldefaultvalues)
    pstrings <- c(param.nodefault, param.default[,1], param.null)
    params.list <- list(parameters=params, p.strings=pstrings, nodefaults=param.nodefault)

# -------------------------
# rmSublist(x, rm)
# x a nested list 
# rm a character string/vector indicating lists to be removed from the top list
# -------------------------
rmSublist <-
  function(x, rm) {
    stopifnot(is.list(x), is.character(rm))
    sublistnames <- names(x)
    for (i in rm) {
      rmindex <- whichin(i,sublistnames)
      x <- x[[-rmindex]]

# listElements(x, na.omit=TRUE)
# summarizes the elements of a tree structured data set for each level.
# returns the summaries for n levels in a list of length n.
# x a nested list representing tree structured data

listElements <-
  function(x, na.omit=TRUE) {
    stopifnot(is.list(x), is.logical(na.omit))
    xflat <- flattenTree(x)
    xdf <- treeStructureDF(xflat)
    elementlist <- lapply(1:ncol(xdf), FUN=function(i){ 
      if (na.omit==TRUE) eli <- na.omit(factor(xdf[,i]))
      if (na.omit==FALSE) eli <- factor(xdf[,i])

# wide2long_2(x)
# transform a wide data.frame (repeated column-names from different observations) to a long data.frame
# x a wide data.frame

wide2long_2 <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x) | (is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1))
    vars <- names(x)
    uvars <- unique(vars)
    if (length(uvars)==1) { # consists of only one variable? simply transpose and return...
      flattable.df <- data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      names(flattable.df) <- uvars
    xntab <- table(vars)
    freqvar <- as.vector(xntab)
    names(freqvar) <- names(xntab)
    freqvar <- freqvar[vars]# keep the order of vars!
    freqvar <- freqvar[freqvar>1]
    if (length(unique(names(freqvar)))<=1) { # only one or no name shows up repeatedly? --> there is no repeated frequence of variables, but just duplicated variable names
      # this indicates, that the data frame is already in "long" format, hence return as such
      return(data.frame(t(x), row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    seqfirst <- names(freqvar[1])
    seqlast  <- names(freqvar[length(freqvar)])
    seqbegin <- sapply(c(seqfirst, seqlast), function(x) { which(vars==x)})
    stopifnot((length(seqbegin)>0)) # this is rather as check during the development/tests with diverse apis (could be removed if never occurs)
    if ( is.list(seqbegin)) { # makes function robust to malformed XML source data (only XML attributes)
      seqstart <- seqbegin[[seqfirst]]
    } else {
      seqstart <- seqbegin[,1]
      flattable.list <- lapply(1:(length(seqstart)-1), FUN=function(i){
        start <- seqstart[i]
        end <- seqstart[i+1]-1
        xi <- as.data.frame(t(x[start:end]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL) 
        names(xi) <- numberedNames(xi)
      # add the rest 
      rest <- as.data.frame(t(x[seqstart[length(seqstart)]:length(x)]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
      names(rest) <- numberedNames(rest)
      flattable.list <- c(flattable.list, list(rest))
    flattable.df <- dfList(flattable.list) # combine to one df

# wide2long(x)
# transform a wide data.frame (repeated column-names from different observations) to a long data.frame
# x a wide data.frame

wide2long <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x) | (is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1))
    vars <- names(x)
    uvars <- unique(vars)
    if (length(uvars)==1) { # consists of only one variable? simply transpose and return...
      flattable.df <- data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      names(flattable.df) <- uvars
    freqvar <- summary(factor(vars))[vars] # keep the order of vars!
    freqvar <- freqvar[freqvar>1]
    if (length(unique(names(freqvar)))<=1) { # only one or no name shows up repeatedly? --> there is no repeated frequence of variables, but just duplicated variable names
      # this indicates, that the data frame is already in "long" format, hence return as such
      return(data.frame(t(x), row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    seqfirst <- names(freqvar[1])
    seqlast  <- names(freqvar[length(freqvar)])
    seqbegin <- sapply(c(seqfirst, seqlast), function(x) { which(vars==x)})
    stopifnot((length(seqbegin)>0)) # this is rather as check during the development/tests with diverse apis (could be removed if never occurs)
    if ( is.list(seqbegin)) { # makes function robust to malformed XML source data (only XML attributes)
      seqstart <- seqbegin[[seqfirst]]
      flattable.list <- lapply(1:(length(seqbegin[[seqfirst]])-1), FUN=function(i){
        start <- seqstart[i]
        end <- seqstart[i+1]-1
        xi <- as.data.frame(t(x[start:end]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL) # if dfList is changed to work with vectors (not dfs) this should also be simplifyed
        names(xi) <- numberedNames(xi)
    # add the rest 
    rest <- as.data.frame(t(x[seqstart[length(seqstart)]:length(x)]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
    names(rest) <- numberedNames(rest)
    flattable.list <- c(flattable.list, list(rest))
    } else {

    flattable.list <- lapply(1:nrow(seqbegin), FUN=function(i){
      start <- seqbegin[i,1]
      end <- seqbegin[i,2]
      xi <- as.data.frame(t(x[start:end]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE ) # if dfList is changed to work with vectors (not dfs) this should also be simplifyed
    #      flattable.df <- do.call("rbind", flattable.list)
    #      flattable.df <- as.data.frame(flattable.df, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    flattable.df <- dfList(flattable.list)
    names(flattable.df) <- numberedNames(flattable.df)

# leafNames3(x)
# a function that extracts all leafnames only occuring once in the tree (= all leafs directly describing the entity behind the tree data)
# x a flattened nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
leafNames3 <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot((is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1) | is.character(x) )
    varnames <- names(x)
    unames <- unique(varnames)
    nodes <- summary(factor(varnames))[unames]
    unodes <- unique(summary(nodes))
    leafnames <- na.omit(names(nodes[nodes==1]))
    noleafsnames <- names(nodes[nodes!=1])
    if (length(noleafsnames) > 1 & length(leafnames)>0 ) { # the additional steps below make only sense if there are more than one 
      # additional node (otherwhise the adding of only singly remaining nodes to main.df in
      # auto.tree2.flat would not be consistent )
      # and if there are any leafnames
      # make sure that none of the nodes identyfied as leafs wouldn't fit better in
      # an other df (not top) --> only occurring once does not mean the top df is the most logical
      # unclear if the following procedure is enough.  Idea: occurrs only once & no siblings in 
      # more frequently occurring nodes up to highest level.
      nlev <- max(nLevels(leafnames))
      if (nlev>0) {
      for (i in 1:nlev) {
      # parents of leafs should not occur in parents of noleafs
      leafparents <- str_after(x=leafnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE, n=i)
      noleafsparents <- unique(str_after(x=noleafsnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE, n=i))
      leafnames <- leafnames[!(leafparents %in% noleafsparents)]

    #     if (length(unodes)==1) { # all node names occur the same number of times means they are all on the same level, hence all leafs if an api returns data on several entities
    #       leafnames <- unames
    #     } else { # if there are different number of occurances, the ones only showing up once are leafs
    #       leafnames <- names(nodes[nodes==1])
    #     }

# leafNames2(x)
# a function that extracts all leafnames only occuring once in the tree (= all leafs directly describing the entity behind the tree data)
# x a flattened nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
leafNames2 <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot((is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1) | is.character(x) )
    varnames <- names(x)
    unames <- unique(varnames)
    nodes <- summary(factor(varnames))[unames]
    unodes <- unique(summary(nodes))
    # I) what complete nodenames occur only once
    leafnames <- na.omit(names(nodes[nodes==1]))
    noleafsnames <- names(nodes[nodes!=1])
    if (length(noleafsnames) > 1) { # the additional steps below make only sense if there are more than one 
      # additional node (otherwhise the adding of only singly remaining nodes to main.df in
      # auto.tree2.flat would not be consistent )
      # make sure that none of the nodes identyfied as leafs wouldn't fit better in
      # an other df (not top) --> only occurring once does not mean the top df is the most logical
      # unclear if the following procedure is enough
      leafparents <- str_after(x=leafnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE)
      noleafsparents <- unique(str_after(x=noleafsnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE))
      leafnames <- leafnames[!(leafparents %in% noleafsparents)]
      # II) make sure the branches (all up to the leafname) also occor only once
      parents <- getParentname(leafnames)
      partab <- table(parents)
      occ <- as.vector(partab)
      names(occ) <- names(partab)
      occleafs <- occ[occ==1]
      leafnames <- leafnames[names(occleafs) %in% parents]

# leafNames(x)
# a function that extracts all leafnames only occuring once in the tree (= all leafs directly describing the entity behind the tree data)
# x a flattened nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
leafNames <-
  function(x) {
    stopifnot((is.data.frame(x) & nrow(x)==1) | is.character(x) )
    varnames <- names(x)
    unames <- unique(varnames)
    nodes <- summary(factor(varnames))[unames]
    unodes <- unique(summary(nodes))
    leafnames <- na.omit(names(nodes[nodes==1]))
    noleafsnames <- names(nodes[nodes!=1])
    if (length(noleafsnames) > 1) { # the additional steps below make only sense if there are more than one 
      # additional node (otherwhise the adding of only singly remaining nodes to main.df in
      # auto.tree2.flat would not be consistent )
      # make sure that none of the nodes identyfied as leafs wouldn't fit better in
      # an other df (not top) --> only occurring once does not mean the top df is the most logical
      # unclear if the following procedure is enough. Problem: go up two levels is somewhat arbitrary
      # find a simpler approach that does the same! Idea: occurrs only once & no siblings in 
      # more frequently occurring nodes up to highest level
      # parents of leafs should not occur in parents of noleafs
      leafparents <- str_after(x=leafnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE)
      noleafsparents <- unique(str_after(x=noleafsnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE))
      leafnames <- leafnames[!(leafparents %in% noleafsparents)]
#       # parents of parents of leafs should not occur in parents of noleafs
#       leafparents <- str_after(x=leafnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE, n=2)
#       noleafsparents <- unique(str_after(x=noleafsnames, pattern=".", after=FALSE, n=2))
#       leafnames <- leafnames[!(leafparents %in% noleafsparents)]
    #     if (length(unodes)==1) { # all node names occur the same number of times means they are all on the same level, hence all leafs if an api returns data on several entities
    #       leafnames <- unames
    #     } else { # if there are different number of occurances, the ones only showing up once are leafs
    #       leafnames <- names(nodes[nodes==1])
    #     }

# str_nextract(x, pattern, from.left=TRUE, n)
# return the parts of strings in a vector up to the nth occurrence of a certain pattern (counted either from left or right -->  begin or end of string)
# x a character vector
# from.left logical, indicating whether the nth occurrence of the pattern is counted from the left or the right (defaults to TRUE --> count from the left)
# n positive numeric indicating at what number of occurrences of the pattern the string should be cut

str_nextract <-
  function(x, pattern, from.left=TRUE, n) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x), is.numeric(n), is.logical(from.left), is.character(pattern))
    parts <- strsplit(x, split=pattern, fixed=TRUE)
    lengths <- lapply(parts,length)
    if (from.left) {
      cut.list <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
        begin <- paste(i[1:n], collapse=pattern)
    } else {
      cut.list <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
        end.cut <- ((length(i)-n)+1)
        end <- paste(i[end.cut:length(i)], collapse=pattern)

# str_cut(x, pattern, from.left=TRUE, n)
# return the  strings in a vector in two pieces, cut at the nth occurrence of a certain pattern (counted either from left or right -->  begin or end of string)
# x a character vector
# from.left logical, indicating whether the nth occurrence of the pattern is counted from the left or the right (defaults to TRUE --> count from the left)
# n positive numeric indicating at what number of occurrences of the pattern the string should be cut

str_cut <-
  function(x, pattern, from.left=TRUE, n) {
    stopifnot(is.character(x), is.numeric(n), is.logical(from.left), is.character(pattern))
    pattern.loc <- str_locate_all(x, pattern)
    if (from.left) {
      split.list  <- lapply(1:length(x), FUN=function(i){
        i.x <- x[i]
        i.l <- pattern.loc[[i]]
        i.occ <-  nrow(i.l)
        i.splitpoint <- ifelse(i.occ<n, 0, i.l[n,])
        i.firststart <- 1
        i.firstend <- (i.splitpoint-1)
        i.first <- str_sub(i.x, start=i.firststart, end=i.firstend)
        i.secondstart <- ifelse(i.splitpoint==0, 0, (i.splitpoint+1))
        i.secondend <- ifelse(i.splitpoint==0, 0, -1)
        i.second <- str_sub(i.x, start=i.secondstart, i.secondend)
        c(i.first, i.second)
    } else {
      split.list  <- lapply(1:length(x), FUN=function(i){
        i.x <- x[i]
        i.l <- pattern.loc[[i]]
        i.occ <-  nrow(i.l)
        i.splitpoint <- ifelse(i.occ<n, 0, i.l[i.occ+1-n,])
        i.firststart <- ifelse(i.splitpoint==0, 0, 1)
        i.firstend <- ifelse(i.splitpoint==0, 0, (i.splitpoint-1))
        i.first <- str_sub(i.x, start=i.firststart, end=i.firstend)
        i.secondstart <- (i.splitpoint+1)
        i.second <- str_sub(i.x, start=i.secondstart)
        c(i.first, i.second)

# strafter
# extract substring containing all after or before the first or last occurrence of certain character pattern
# x a character vector
# pattern a character string
# after logical, indicating whether the substring after or before the ocurrence of the pattern should be extracted
# (defaults to TRUE)
# n positive numeric (or character "last") indicating whether the part before or after the nth occurrence (or the last occurence: "last") should
# be extracted. (default is "last")

str_after <-
  function(x, pattern, after=TRUE, n="last") {
    stopifnot(is.character(x), (n=="last" | (is.numeric(n) & n>0)), is.logical(after), is.character(pattern))
    parts <- strsplit(x, split=pattern, fixed=TRUE)
    if (after) { # return substring after pattern...
      if (n=="last") {
        resp <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
          nlast <- length(i)
          i[nlast] })
      } else{
        resp <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
          nlast <- length(i)
          if (nlast < n) n <- nlast
          paste(i[n:length(i)], collapse=pattern)
    } else { # return substring before pattern...
      if (n=="last") {
        resp <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
          nlast <- length(i)
          paste(i[1:(nlast-1)], collapse=pattern) })
      } else {
        resp <- lapply(parts, FUN=function(i){
          nlast <- length(i)
          if (nlast < n) n <- nlast
          paste(i[1:n], collapse=pattern)
    resp <- unlist(resp)

# how often is a certain string in a character vector x?
nin <- function(string, x, exact=TRUE) {
  if (exact==TRUE) {
    sum(as.numeric(x %in% string))
  } else {
    sum(as.numeric(grepl(pattern=string, x=x )))

# in which elements of a character vector x is a certain string?
whichin <- function(string, x, exact=TRUE) {
  if (exact==TRUE) {
    namesmatch <- x %in% string
  } else {
    namesmatch <- grepl(pattern=string, x=x )  
  nnames <- 1:length(x)
  indeces <- nnames[namesmatch]

# numberedNames
# check if several variables with same name describing this obs, add numbering if yes
# x a data frame 
numberedNames <- 
  function(x, .sep=".") {
    varnames <- names(x)
    unames <- unique(names(x))
    if (length(varnames)==length(unames)) { # no need to change names
    } else {
      namefreq <- sapply(unames, nin, x=names(x))
      freqnames <- names(namefreq[namefreq>1])
      for (n in freqnames) {
        indeces <- whichin(n, names(x)) # example
        for (i in 1:length(indeces)) { 
          j <- indeces[i]  
          names(x)[j] <- paste(names(x)[j],.sep,i, sep="")
    } # end else/changes

# namesCount
# count the nth occurrence for each name of a vector or data.frame (colname)
# returns a vector of length length(names(x)) with the number the respective 
# element (of the same name) occurred so far in the vector
# x a data frame 
namesCount <- 
  function(x) {
      uname <- unique(names(x))
      name <- names(x)
      count <- list()
      length(count) <- length(name)
      for (n in uname) {
        indeces <- whichin(n, name) # example
        n.count <- 1:length(indeces)
        count[indeces] <- n.count

# from httr:
"%||%" <- function(a, b) {
  if (!is.null(a)) a else b

# based on a post from Bert Gunter: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/fast-subsetting-of-lists-in-lists-tp3076502p3077105.html
# x is a named list (of lists of ...)
# nm is the name of the variable containing a sub-tree to be extracted
subTree <- 
  function(x,nm) {
    st <- NULL
    for(nmx in names(x)) st <-  c(st,
  z <- x[[nmx]]
  if(nmx==nm) z
  else if(is.list(z)) Recall(z,nm)
  } # should be extended with adding of primary keys (rel. database idea), here reference : subTree(x=x.list, "address_components") ?

# partly based on a post from Bert Gunter: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/fast-subsetting-of-lists-in-lists-tp3076502p3077105.html
# returns a list with lists representing subtrees to be transformed to flat representation individually
# x is a named list (of lists of ...)
# parts a character vector with the names of variables containing  sub-trees to be extracted
msubTree <- 
  function(x, parts) {
    parts.list <- lapply(parts, subTree, x=x)

# summary.treestructure(x)
# prints a summary of a tree structure object
# x a data.frame describing a tree structured data set entry (see treeStructureDF)
# ------------------------
summary.treestructure <-
    stopifnot(is.list(x)) # consider changing to a class check when using this as a method$
    elementlist <- listElements(x, na.omit=TRUE)
    levelnames <- c("Toplevel:", paste("Level ", 2:length(elementlist),": ", sep=""))
    levelsummaries <- lapply(elementlist, FUN=function(i){
      sumi <- paste(names(i), " (", as.numeric(i),")", sep="")
      sumi_string <- paste(sumi, collapse=", ")
    levelsummaries <- paste(levelsummaries, "\n")
    ind <- 2 # indentation after "Level..."
    exd <- max(nchar(levelnames)) + ind +1 # indentation next paragraph
    levelsummaries <- str_wrap(levelsummaries, width=100, indent=ind, exdent=exd)
    for (j in 1:length(levelsummaries)) {
      cat(levelsummaries[j], labels=levelnames[j], fill=TRUE)

# edgeMatrix(x, all=FALSE)
# a function returning a two-column matrix, each row defining one edge between a parent element in the first column
# and the child element in the second column. The edge-matrix is needed as input variable in the plot methods.
# x a nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
# all logical, indicating whether the edge-matrix should be generated for all elements (i.e. also duplicated parent-child combinations)
#     defaults to FALSE
# check.nodenames logical, indicating whether potentially ambigious nodenames should be changed (default is FALSE; see details for more info)

edgeMatrix <-
  function(x, all=FALSE, check.nodenames=TRUE) {
    stopifnot((is.list(x) | is.character(x)))
    if (is.list(x)) { x.flat <-  flattenTree(x=x)
    } else {
      x.flat <- x
    nodes.df <- treeStructureDF(x.flat, check.nodenames=check.nodenames)
    if (all==FALSE) {
      vertex.list <- lapply(1:(ncol(nodes.df)-1), FUN=function(i){
        unique.occ <- na.omit(unique(nodes.df[,i:(i+1)]))
      edge.matrix <- do.call("rbind", vertex.list)
    } else {
      vertex.list <- lapply(1:(ncol(nodes.df)-1), FUN=function(i){
        occ <- na.omit(nodes.df[,i:(i+1)])
      edge.matrix <- do.call("rbind", vertex.list)

# visualize.treedata.jitter(x, charlim, ...)
# plot function for treedata objects with a jitter for elements with long names on the same level
# (in order to make the node labels readable in the plot)
# x a nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
# charlim numeric, indicating the upper bound number of characters in node-labels without jittering 
# the labels on a level. 
# all logical, indicating whether the edge-matrix should be generated for all elements (i.e. also duplicated parent-child combinations)
#     defaults to FALSE (passed on to edgeMatrix())
# leveldist numeric, indicating the extent if the jitter (y-axis distance within a level with jittered elements)
# further parameters --> igraph.plot parameters 
#Details: the core of this function is a wrapper around the layout.reingold.tilford() function from the igraph package.

visualize.treedata.jitter <-
  function(x, char.lim, all=FALSE, check.nodenames=TRUE, leveldist=0.1, vertex.size=16, vertex.shape="none", vertex.label.cex=0.7, vertex.label.family="sans", vertex.label.color="steelblue", ...) {
    stopifnot((is.list(x) | is.character(x)), is.numeric(char.lim), length(char.lim)==1, is.numeric(leveldist), length(leveldist)==1)
    # generate tree graph and get basic tree layout
    edge.matrix <- edgeMatrix(x,all=all, check.nodenames=check.nodenames)
    gtree <- graph.edgelist(el=edge.matrix, directed=FALSE)
    l <- layout.reingold.tilford(gtree, root=1)
    # check if vertex names might be too long for a nice graph
    vn <- get.vertex.attribute(gtree, "name")
    vertex.labelnchar <- nchar(vn)
    toolong <- vertex.labelnchar > char.lim
    # add additional levels to make long vertex labels readable
    levels.toolng <- unique(l[toolong,2])
    for (i in levels.toolng){
      new.i <- rep_len(c(i, i-leveldist), length(l[l[,2]==i,2]) )
      l[l[,2]==i,2] <- new.i
    # actual plot function

# visualize.treedata.manual(x, charlim, ...)
# plot function for treedata objects based on manual scaling (optimized for treas with many branches/leafs, in order to make the node labels readable in the plot)
# x a nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
# all logical, indicating whether the edge-matrix should be generated for all elements (i.e. also duplicated parent-child combinations)
#     defaults to FALSE (passed on to edgeMatrix())
# further parameters --> igraph.plot parameters 
#Details: the core of this function is a wrapper around the layout.reingold.tilford() function from the igraph package.

visualize.treedata.manual <-
  function(x, all=FALSE, check.nodenames=TRUE, vertex.size=60, vertex.shape="none", vertex.label.cex=0.4, vertex.label.family="sans", vertex.label.color="steelblue", ...) {
    stopifnot((is.list(x) | is.character(x)))
    # generate tree graph and get basic tree layout
    edge.matrix <- edgeMatrix(x,all=all, check.nodenames=check.nodenames)
    gtree <- graph.edgelist(el=edge.matrix, directed=FALSE)
    l <- layout.reingold.tilford(gtree, root=1)
    # change layout for manual scaling
    l <- data.frame(l)
    names(l) <- c("x", "y")
    minx <- min(l$x)
    maxx <- max(l$x)
    miny <- 0
    maxy <- (maxx-minx)/2
    ulevels <- unique(l$y)
    ynew <- seq(from=maxy, to=miny, length.out=length(ulevels))
    ynew <- data.frame(y=ulevels,ynew=ynew)
    l <- merge(l, ynew, by="y", all.x=TRUE)
    l <- as.matrix(l[,c("x","ynew")])
    xl <- c((minx), (maxx))
    yl <- c((miny), (maxy))
    l <- l[order(l[,2], decreasing=TRUE),]
    # actual plotting

# visualize.treedata(x, all, vertex.size, vertex.shape, vertex.label.cex)
# plot function for treedata objects based on manual scaling (optimized for treas with many branches/leafs, in order to make the node labels readable in the plot)
# x a nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
# all logical, indicating whether the edge-matrix should be generated for all elements (i.e. also duplicated parent-child combinations)
#     defaults to FALSE (passed on to edgeMatrix())
# further parameters --> igraph.plot parameters 
#Details: the core of this function is a wrapper around the layout.reingold.tilford() function from the igraph package.

visualize.treedata <-
  function(x, all=FALSE, check.nodenames=TRUE, vertex.size=15, vertex.shape="none", vertex.label.cex=0.7, vertex.label.family="sans", vertex.label.color="steelblue", ...) {
    stopifnot((is.list(x) | is.character(x)), is.logical(all), is.numeric(vertex.size), is.character(vertex.shape), is.numeric(vertex.label.cex))
    # generate tree graph and get basic tree layout
    edge.matrix <- edgeMatrix(x,all=all, check.nodenames=check.nodenames)
    gtree <- graph.edgelist(el=edge.matrix, directed=FALSE)
    l <- layout.reingold.tilford(gtree, root=1)
    # actual plotting

# visualize.treedata.vertical(x, all, vertex.size, vertex.shape, vertex.label.cex)
# plot function for treedata objects based on manual scaling (optimized for trees with many branches/leafs, in order to make the node labels readable in the plot)
# x a nested list representing tree structured data (XML/JSON)
# all logical, indicating whether the edge-matrix should be generated for all elements (i.e. also duplicated parent-child combinations)
#     defaults to FALSE (passed on to edgeMatrix())
# further parameters --> igraph.plot parameters 
#Details: the core of this function is a wrapper around the layout.reingold.tilford() function from the igraph package.

visualize.treedata.vertical <-
     function(x, all=FALSE, check.nodenames=TRUE, vertex.size=15, vertex.shape="none", vertex.label.cex=0.7, vertex.label.family="sans", vertex.label.color="steelblue", ...) {
          stopifnot((is.list(x) | is.character(x)), is.logical(all), is.numeric(vertex.size), is.character(vertex.shape), is.numeric(vertex.label.cex))
          # generate tree graph and get basic tree layout
          edge.matrix <- edgeMatrix(x,all=all, check.nodenames=check.nodenames)
          gtree <- graph.edgelist(el=edge.matrix, directed=FALSE)
          l <- layout.reingold.tilford(gtree, root=1)
          # actual plotting

# plot.treedata(x)
# a plot method for treedata
# x nested list representing tree structured data

plot.treedata <-
  function(x, type="normal", char.lim=8, all=FALSE, leveldist=0.1, vertex.size=1, vertex.shape="none", vertex.label.cex=0.6) 
    stopifnot(is.list(x), (type=="normal" | type=="jitter" | type=="manualscale"))
    if (type=="normal") { visualize.treedata(x=x, all=all, vertex.size=vertex.size, vertex.shape=vertex.shape, vertex.label.cex=vertex.label.cex)}
    if (type=="jitter") { visualize.treedata.jitter(x=x, char.lim=char.lim, leveldist=leveldist, all=all, vertex.size=vertex.size, vertex.shape=vertex.shape, vertex.label.cex=vertex.label.cex)}
    if (type=="manualscale") { visualize.treedata.manual(x=x, all=all, vertex.size=vertex.size, vertex.shape=vertex.shape, vertex.label.cex=vertex.label.cex)}

# converts an HTML-encoded string to its character representation as an R string
# usefull for urls and email addresses transmitted in html-encoded format
# references: http://www.metaprog.com/samples/encoder.htm
# details: the email address fred.flintstone@bedrock.com can be represented as html-encoded string: &#102;&#114;&#101;&#100;&#46;&#102;&#108;&#105;&#110;&#116;&#115;&#116;&#111;&#110;&#101;&#64;&#98;&#101;&#100;&#114;&#111;&#99;&#107;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;
#  HTML Codes for accent marks: http://www.starr.net/is/type/htmlcodes.html

html_decode <- 
	function(x) {
		if (any(grepl(pattern = ";", x))){
			xparsed <- gsub(pattern = "&#", replacement = "", x, fixed = TRUE)
			xsep <- unlist(strsplit(xparsed, split = ";", fixed = TRUE))
			xsep <- xsep[xsep!=""]
		} else {
			xsep <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = "&#", fixed = TRUE))
			xsep <- xsep[xsep!=""]
		xchar <- rawToChar(as.raw(xsep))

html_accent_decode <-
	function(x) {
		not_accent <- x %in% c("&amp;", "&quot;","&nbsp;")
		if (!not_accent) { # only replace accents
			xdec <- lapply(x, FUN=function(y) {
				xmlValue(getNodeSet(htmlParse(y, asText = TRUE), "//p")[[1]]) 
			xdec <- unlist(xdec)
		} else {
			xdec <- x

html_decode_all <- 
		# decode and replace html-encoded strings (with ascii number)
		allenc <- unlist(str_extract_all(x, "(&#[0-9]+)+;?"))
		allenc <- unique(allenc[allenc!=""])
		alldec <- unlist(lapply(allenc, html_decode))
		not_empty <- which(alldec!="")
		alldec <- alldec[not_empty]
		allenc <- allenc[not_empty]
		nreplacements <- length(allenc)
		if (nreplacements > 0) {
		      for (i in 1:nreplacements){
		            enc.i <- allenc[i]
		            dec.i <- alldec[i]
		            x <- gsub(enc.i, dec.i, x, fixed=TRUE)

		# decode and replace html-encoded accents etc
		allenc <- unlist(str_extract_all(x, "&[a-z]+;"))
		allenc <- unique(allenc[allenc!=""])
		alldec <- unlist(lapply(allenc, html_accent_decode))
		not_empty <- which(alldec!="")
		alldec <- alldec[not_empty]
		allenc <- allenc[not_empty]
		nreplacements <- length(allenc)
		if (nreplacements > 0) {
		      for (i in 1:nreplacements){
		            enc.i <- allenc[i]
		            dec.i <- alldec[i]
		            x <- gsub(enc.i, dec.i, x, fixed=TRUE)


######## THE FOLLOWING CODE IS TAKEN FROM THE igraph PACKAGE (see author and license statement below) ########
# minor changes by UM, in order to plot vertex labels vertically, following
# the suggestion in https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues/106
# if the issue is resolved at some time by incorporating this feature in the igraph package,
# the following code can be removed and the visualize.treedata-functions can be updated accordingly in order
# to incorporate the option of vertical labels.
# The current implementation relies on loading the slighly modified code below (the plot.igraph2 -function and its dependencies)

#   IGraph R package
#   Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301 USA

# ##' Plotting of graphs
# ##' 
# ##' \code{plot.igraph} is able to plot graphs to any R device. It is the
# ##' non-interactive companion of the \code{tkplot} function.
# ##' 
# ##' One convenient way to plot graphs is to plot with \code{\link{tkplot}}
# ##' first, handtune the placement of the vertices, query the coordinates by the
# ##' \code{\link{tk_coords}} function and use them with \code{plot} to
# ##' plot the graph to any R device.
# ##' 
# ##' @aliases plot.graph
# ##' @param x The graph to plot.
# ##' @param axes Logical, whether to plot axes, defaults to FALSE.
# ##' @param add Logical scalar, whether to add the plot to the current device, or
# ##' delete the device's current contents first.
# ##' @param xlim The limits for the horizontal axis, it is unlikely that you want
# ##' to modify this.
# ##' @param ylim The limits for the vertical axis, it is unlikely that you want
# ##' to modify this.
# ##' @param mark.groups A list of vertex id vectors. It is interpreted as a set
# ##' of vertex groups. Each vertex group is highlighted, by plotting a colored
# ##' smoothed polygon around and \dQuote{under} it. See the arguments below to
# ##' control the look of the polygons.
# ##' @param mark.shape A numeric scalar or vector. Controls the smoothness of the
# ##' vertex group marking polygons. This is basically the \sQuote{shape}
# ##' parameter of the \code{\link[graphics]{xspline}} function, its possible
# ##' values are between -1 and 1. If it is a vector, then a different value is
# ##' used for the different vertex groups.
# ##' @param mark.col A scalar or vector giving the colors of marking the
# ##' polygons, in any format accepted by \code{\link[graphics]{xspline}}; e.g.
# ##' numeric color ids, symbolic color names, or colors in RGB.
# ##' @param mark.border A scalar or vector giving the colors of the borders of
# ##' the vertex group marking polygons. If it is \code{NA}, then no border is
# ##' drawn.
# ##' @param mark.expand A numeric scalar or vector, the size of the border around
# ##' the marked vertex groups. It is in the same units as the vertex sizes. If a
# ##' vector is given, then different values are used for the different vertex
# ##' groups.
# ##' @param \dots Additional plotting parameters. See \link{igraph.plotting} for
# ##' the complete list.
# ##' @return Returns \code{NULL}, invisibly.
# ##' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
# ##' @seealso \code{\link{layout}} for different layouts,
# ##' \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the detailed description of the plotting
# ##' parameters and \code{\link{tkplot}} and \code{\link{rglplot}} for other
# ##' graph plotting functions.
# ##' @method plot igraph
# ##' @export
# ##' @export plot.igraph
# ##' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
# ##' @importFrom graphics plot polygon text par
# ##' @keywords graphs
# ##' @examples
# ##' 
# ##' g <- ring(10)
# ##' \dontrun{plot(g, layout=layout_with_kk, vertex.color="green")}

plot.igraph2 <- function(x, 
                        # SPECIFIC: #####################################
                        axes=FALSE, add=FALSE,
                        xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,1),
                        mark.groups=list(), mark.shape=1/2,
                        mark.col=rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha=0.3),
                        mark.border=rainbow(length(mark.groups), alpha=1),
                        ...) {
     graph <- x
     if (!is_igraph(graph)) {
          stop("Not a graph object")
     ## Visual parameters
     params <- i.parse.plot.params(graph, list(...))
     vertex.size        <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     label.family       <- params("vertex", "label.family")
     label.font         <- params("vertex", "label.font")
     label.cex          <- params("vertex", "label.cex")
     label.degree       <- params("vertex", "label.degree")
     label.color        <- params("vertex", "label.color")
     label.dist         <- params("vertex", "label.dist")
     labels             <- params("vertex", "label")
     shape              <- igraph.check.shapes(params("vertex", "shape"))
     edge.color         <- params("edge", "color")
     edge.width         <- params("edge", "width")
     edge.lty           <- params("edge", "lty")
     arrow.mode         <- params("edge", "arrow.mode")
     edge.labels        <- params("edge", "label")
     loop.angle         <- params("edge", "loop.angle")
     edge.label.font    <- params("edge", "label.font")
     edge.label.family  <- params("edge", "label.family")
     edge.label.cex     <- params("edge", "label.cex")
     edge.label.color   <- params("edge", "label.color")
     elab.x             <- params("edge", "label.x")
     elab.y             <- params("edge", "label.y")
     arrow.size         <- params("edge", "arrow.size")[1]
     arrow.width        <- params("edge", "arrow.width")[1]
     curved             <- params("edge", "curved")
     if (is.function(curved)) { curved <- curved(graph) }
     layout             <- params("plot", "layout")
     margin             <- params("plot", "margin")
     margin <- rep(margin, length=4)
     rescale            <- params("plot", "rescale")
     asp                <- params("plot", "asp")
     frame              <- params("plot", "frame")
     main               <- params("plot", "main")
     sub                <- params("plot", "sub")
     xlab               <- params("plot", "xlab")
     ylab               <- params("plot", "ylab")
     palette            <- params("plot", "palette")
     if (!is.null(palette)) {
          old_palette <- palette(palette)
          on.exit(palette(old_palette), add = TRUE)
     # the new style parameters can't do this yet
     arrow.mode         <- i.get.arrow.mode(graph, arrow.mode)
     ## create the plot
     maxv <- max(vertex.size)
     if (rescale) {
          # norm layout to (-1, 1)
          layout <- norm_coords(layout, -1, 1, -1, 1)
          xlim <- c(xlim[1]-margin[2]-maxv, xlim[2]+margin[4]+maxv)
          ylim <- c(ylim[1]-margin[1]-maxv, ylim[2]+margin[3]+maxv)
     if (!add) {
          plot(0, 0, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
               axes=axes, frame=frame, asp=asp, main=main, sub=sub)
     ## Mark vertex groups
     if (!is.list(mark.groups) && is.numeric(mark.groups)) {
          mark.groups <- list(mark.groups)
     mark.shape  <- rep(mark.shape,  length=length(mark.groups))
     mark.border <- rep(mark.border, length=length(mark.groups))
     mark.col    <- rep(mark.col,    length=length(mark.groups))
     mark.expand <- rep(mark.expand, length=length(mark.groups))
     for (g in seq_along(mark.groups)) {
          v <- V(graph)[mark.groups[[g]]]
          if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
               vs <- vertex.size
          } else {
               vs <- rep(vertex.size, length=vcount(graph))[v]
     ## calculate position of arrow-heads
     el <- as_edgelist(graph, names=FALSE)
     loops.e <- which(el[,1] == el[,2])
     nonloops.e <- which(el[,1] != el[,2])
     loops.v <- el[,1] [loops.e]
     loop.labels <- edge.labels[loops.e]
     loop.labx <- if (is.null(elab.x)) {
          rep(NA, length(loops.e))
     } else {
     loop.laby <- if (is.null(elab.y)) {
          rep(NA, length(loops.e))
     } else {
     edge.labels <- edge.labels[nonloops.e]
     elab.x <- if (is.null(elab.x)) NULL else elab.x[nonloops.e]
     elab.y <- if (is.null(elab.y)) NULL else elab.y[nonloops.e]
     el <- el[nonloops.e,,drop=FALSE]
     edge.coords <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(el), ncol=4)
     edge.coords[,1] <- layout[,1][ el[,1] ]
     edge.coords[,2] <- layout[,2][ el[,1] ]
     edge.coords[,3] <- layout[,1][ el[,2] ]
     edge.coords[,4] <- layout[,2][ el[,2] ]
     if ( length(unique(shape)) == 1) {
          ## same vertex shape for all vertices
          ec <- .igraph.shapes[[ shape[1] ]]$clip(edge.coords, el,
                                                  params=params, end="both")
     } else {
          ## different vertex shapes, do it by "endpoint"
          shape <- rep(shape, length=vcount(graph))
          ec <- edge.coords
          ec[,1:2] <- t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(el)), function(x) {
               .igraph.shapes[[ shape[el[x,1]] ]]$clip(edge.coords[x,,drop=FALSE],
                                                       params=params, end="from")
          ec[,3:4] <- t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(el)), function(x) {
               .igraph.shapes[[ shape[el[x,2]] ]]$clip(edge.coords[x,,drop=FALSE],
                                                       params=params, end="to")
     x0 <- ec[,1] ; y0 <- ec[,2] ; x1 <- ec[,3] ; y1 <- ec[,4]
     ## add the loop edges
     if (length(loops.e) > 0) {
          ec <- edge.color
          if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[loops.e] }
          point.on.cubic.bezier <- function(cp, t) {
               c <- 3 * (cp[2,] - cp[1,])
               b <- 3 * (cp[3,] - cp[2,]) - c
               a <- cp[4,] - cp[1,] - c - b
               t2 <- t*t;
               t3 <- t*t*t
               a*t3 + b*t2 + c*t + cp[1,]
          compute.bezier <- function(cp, points) {
               dt <- seq(0, 1, by=1/(points-1))
               sapply(dt, function(t) point.on.cubic.bezier(cp, t))
          plot.bezier <- function(cp, points, color, width, arr, lty, arrow.size, arr.w) {
               p <- compute.bezier( cp, points )
               polygon(p[1,], p[2,], border=color, lwd=width, lty=lty)
               if (arr==1 || arr==3) {
                    igraph.Arrows(p[1,ncol(p)-1], p[2,ncol(p)-1], p[1,ncol(p)], p[2,ncol(p)],
                                  sh.col=color, h.col=color, size=arrow.size,
                                  sh.lwd=width, h.lwd=width, open=FALSE, code=2, width=arr.w)
               if (arr==2 || arr==3) {
                    igraph.Arrows(p[1,2], p[2,2], p[1,1], p[2,1],
                                  sh.col=color, h.col=color, size=arrow.size,
                                  sh.lwd=width, h.lwd=width, open=FALSE, code=2, width=arr.w)
          loop <- function(x0, y0, cx=x0, cy=y0, color, angle=0, label=NA,
                           width=1, arr=2, lty=1, arrow.size=arrow.size,
                           arr.w=arr.w, lab.x, lab.y) {
               rad <- angle
               center <- c(cx,cy)
               cp <- matrix( c(x0,y0, x0+.4,y0+.2, x0+.4,y0-.2, x0,y0),
                             ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
               phi <- atan2(cp[,2]-center[2], cp[,1]-center[1])
               r <- sqrt((cp[,1]-center[1])**2 + (cp[,2]-center[2])**2)
               phi <- phi + rad
               cp[,1] <- cx+r*cos(phi)
               cp[,2] <- cy+r*sin(phi)
               plot.bezier(cp, 50, color, width, arr=arr, lty=lty, arrow.size=arrow.size, arr.w=arr.w)
               if (is.language(label) || !is.na(label)) {
                    lx <- x0+.3
                    ly <- y0
                    phi <- atan2(ly-center[2], lx-center[1])
                    r <- sqrt((lx-center[1])**2 + (ly-center[2])**2)
                    phi <- phi + rad
                    lx <- cx+r*cos(phi)
                    ly <- cy+r*sin(phi)
                    if (!is.na(lab.x)) { lx <- lab.x }
                    if (!is.na(lab.y)) { ly <- lab.y }
                    text(lx, ly, label, col=edge.label.color, font=edge.label.font,
                         family=edge.label.family, cex=edge.label.cex)
          ec <- edge.color
          if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[loops.e] }
          vs <- vertex.size
          if (length(vertex.size)>1) { vs <- vs[loops.v] }
          ew <- edge.width
          if (length(edge.width)>1) { ew <- ew[loops.e] }
          la <- loop.angle
          if (length(loop.angle)>1) { la <- la[loops.e] }
          lty <- edge.lty
          if (length(edge.lty)>1) { lty <- lty[loops.e] }
          arr <- arrow.mode
          if (length(arrow.mode)>1) { arr <- arrow.mode[loops.e] }
          asize <- arrow.size
          if (length(arrow.size)>1) { asize <- arrow.size[loops.e] }
          xx0 <- layout[loops.v,1] + cos(la) * vs
          yy0 <- layout[loops.v,2] - sin(la) * vs
          mapply(loop, xx0, yy0,
                 color=ec, angle=-la, label=loop.labels, lty=lty,
                 width=ew, arr=arr, arrow.size=asize, arr.w=arrow.width,
                 lab.x=loop.labx, lab.y=loop.laby)
     ## non-loop edges
     if (length(x0) != 0) {
          if (length(edge.color)>1) { edge.color <- edge.color[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(edge.width)>1) { edge.width <- edge.width[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(edge.lty)>1) { edge.lty <- edge.lty[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(arrow.mode)>1) { arrow.mode <- arrow.mode[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(arrow.size)>1) { arrow.size <- arrow.size[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(curved)>1) { curved <- curved[nonloops.e] }
          if (length(unique(arrow.mode))==1) {
               lc <-igraph.Arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, h.col=edge.color, sh.col=edge.color,
                                  sh.lwd=edge.width, h.lwd=1, open=FALSE, code=arrow.mode[1],
                                  sh.lty=edge.lty, h.lty=1, size=arrow.size,
                                  width=arrow.width, curved=curved)
               lc.x <- lc$lab.x
               lc.y <- lc$lab.y
          } else {
               ## different kinds of arrows drawn separately as 'arrows' cannot
               ## handle a vector as the 'code' argument
               curved <- rep(curved, length=ecount(graph))[nonloops.e]
               lc.x <- lc.y <- numeric(length(curved))
               for (code in 0:3) {
                    valid <- arrow.mode==code
                    if (!any(valid)) { next }
                    ec <- edge.color ; if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[valid] }
                    ew <- edge.width ; if (length(ew)>1) { ew <- ew[valid] }
                    el <- edge.lty   ; if (length(el)>1) { el <- el[valid] }
                    lc <- igraph.Arrows(x0[valid], y0[valid], x1[valid], y1[valid],
                                        code=code, sh.col=ec, h.col=ec, sh.lwd=ew, h.lwd=1,
                                        h.lty=1, sh.lty=el, open=FALSE, size=arrow.size,
                                        width=arrow.width, curved=curved[valid])
                    lc.x[valid] <- lc$lab.x
                    lc.y[valid] <- lc$lab.y
          if (!is.null(elab.x)) { lc.x <- ifelse(is.na(elab.x), lc.x, elab.x) }
          if (!is.null(elab.y)) { lc.y <- ifelse(is.na(elab.y), lc.y, elab.y) }
          text(lc.x, lc.y, labels=edge.labels, col=edge.label.color,
               family=edge.label.family, font=edge.label.font, cex=edge.label.cex)
     rm(x0, y0, x1, y1)
     # add the vertices
     if (length(unique(shape)) == 1) {
          .igraph.shapes[[ shape[1] ]]$plot(layout, params=params)
     } else {
          sapply(seq(length=vcount(graph)), function(x) {
               .igraph.shapes[[ shape[x] ]]$plot(layout[x,,drop=FALSE], v=x,
     # add the labels
     x <- layout[,1]+label.dist*cos(-label.degree)* 
     y <- layout[,2]+label.dist*sin(-label.degree)*
     if (length(label.family)==1) {
          text(x, y, labels=labels, col=label.color, family=label.family,
               font=label.font, cex=label.cex, srt=90) # UM: added srt=90, following the suggestion in https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues/106
          # NOTE: if the suggested feature is added to the igraph package at some point, this code should be simplified: igraph-internal code wil become obsolete, but simply adjust the visualize.treedata.vertical function
     } else {
          if1 <- function(vect, idx) if (length(vect)==1) vect else vect[idx]
          sapply(seq_len(vcount(graph)), function(v) {
               text(x[v], y[v], labels=if1(labels, v), col=if1(label.color, v),
                    family=if1(label.family, v), font=if1(label.font, v),
                    cex=if1(label.cex, v), srt=90) # UM: added srt=90, following the suggestion in https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues/106
               # NOTE: if the suggested feature is added to the igraph package at some point, this code should be simplified: igraph-internal code wil become obsolete, but simply adjust the visualize.treedata.vertical function
     rm(x, y)

# #' 3D plotting of graphs with OpenGL
# #' 
# #' Using the \code{rgl} package, \code{rglplot} plots a graph in 3D. The plot
# #' can be zoomed, rotated, shifted, etc. but the coordinates of the vertices is
# #' fixed.
# #' 
# #' Note that \code{rglplot} is considered to be highly experimental. It is not
# #' very useful either. See \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the possible
# #' arguments.
# #' 
# #' @aliases rglplot rglplot.igraph
# #' @param x The graph to plot.
# #' @param \dots Additional arguments, see \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for the
# #' details
# #' @return \code{NULL}, invisibly.
# #' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
# #' @seealso \code{\link{igraph.plotting}}, \code{\link{plot.igraph}} for the 2D
# #' version, \code{\link{tkplot}} for interactive graph drawing in 2D.
# #' @export
# #' @keywords graphs
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' 
# #' \dontrun{
# #' g <- make_lattice( c(5,5,5) )
# #' coords <- layout_with_fr(g, dim=3)
# #' rglplot(g, layout=coords)
# #' }
# #' 
# rglplot        <- function(x, ...)
#      UseMethod("rglplot", x)
# #' @method rglplot igraph
# #' @export

rglplot.igraph <- function(x, ...) {
     graph <- x
     if (!is_igraph(graph)) {
          stop("Not a graph object")
     create.edge <- function(v1, v2, r1, r2, ec, ew, am, as) {
          ## these could also be parameters:
          aw <- 0.005*3*as                      # arrow width
          al <- 0.005*4*as                      # arrow length    
          dist <- sqrt(sum((v2-v1)^2))   # distance of the centers
          if (am==0) {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,
                                      -ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,  -ew/2,-ew/2,0,1, ew/2,-ew/2,0,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,0,1, -ew/2,ew/2,0,1),
                                    c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8))
          } else if (am==1) {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,dist,1, -ew/2,ew/2,dist,1,
                                      -ew/2,-ew/2,al+r1,1, ew/2,-ew/2,al+r1,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,al+r1,1, -ew/2,ew/2,al+r1,1,
                                      -aw/2,-aw/2,al+r1,1, aw/2,-aw/2,al+r1,1,
                                      aw/2,aw/2,al+r1,1, -aw/2,aw/2,al+r1,1, 0,0,r1,1),
                                    c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
                                      9,10,11,12, 9,12,13,13, 9,10,13,13, 10,11,13,13,
          } else if (am==2) {
               box <- dist-r2-al
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,box,1, ew/2,-ew/2,box,1, ew/2,ew/2,box,1,
                                      -ew/2,ew/2,box,1,  -ew/2,-ew/2,0,1, ew/2,-ew/2,0,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,0,1, -ew/2,ew/2,0,1,
                                      -aw/2,-aw/2,box,1, aw/2,-aw/2,box,1, aw/2,aw/2,box,1,
                                      -aw/2,aw/2,box,1, 0,0,box+al,1),
                                    c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
                                      9,10,11,12, 9,12,13,13, 9,10,13,13, 10,11,13,13,
          } else {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-ew/2,-ew/2,dist-al-r2,1, ew/2,-ew/2,dist-al-r2,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,dist-al-r2,1, -ew/2,ew/2,dist-al-r2,1,
                                      -ew/2,-ew/2,r1+al,1, ew/2,-ew/2,r1+al,1,
                                      ew/2,ew/2,r1+al,1, -ew/2,ew/2,r1+al,1,
                                      -aw/2,-aw/2,dist-al-r2,1, aw/2,-aw/2,dist-al-r2,1,
                                      aw/2,aw/2,dist-al-r2,1, -aw/2,aw/2,dist-al-r2,1,
                                      -aw/2,-aw/2,r1+al,1, aw/2,-aw/2,r1+al,1,
                                      aw/2,aw/2,r1+al,1, -aw/2,aw/2,r1+al,1,
                                      0,0,dist-r2,1, 0,0,r1,1),
                                    c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7, 4,1,5,8,
                                      9,10,11,12, 9,12,17,17, 9,10,17,17, 10,11,17,17,
                                      13,14,15,16, 13,16,18,18, 13,14,18,18, 14,15,18,18,
          ## rotate and shift it to its position
          phi<- -atan2(v2[2]-v1[2],v1[1]-v2[1])-pi/2
          psi<- acos((v2[3]-v1[3])/dist)    
          rot1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,cos(psi),sin(psi)), c(0,-sin(psi),cos(psi)))
          rot2 <- rbind(c(cos(phi),sin(phi),0),c(-sin(phi),cos(phi),0), c(0,0,1))
          rot <- rot1 %*% rot2
          edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::rotationMatrix(matrix=rot))
          edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::translationMatrix(v1[1], v1[2], v1[3]))
          ## we are ready 
          rgl::shade3d(edge, col=ec)
     create.loop <- function(v, r, ec, ew, am, la, la2, as) {
          aw <- 0.005*3*as
          al <- 0.005*4*as
          wi <- aw*2                          # size of the loop
          wi2 <- wi+aw-ew                     # size including the arrow heads
          hi <- al*2+ew*2
          gap <- wi-2*ew
          if (am==0) {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,0,1, -wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,0,1, wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1
               c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
                 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
                 11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
                 5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14
          } else if (am==1 || am==2) {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, -wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,0,1, gap/2,-ew/2,0,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,0,1, wi/2,ew/2,0,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
                                      # the arrow
                                      -wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2+aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
                                      -wi2/2+aw,aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
               c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
                 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
                 11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
                 5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14,
                 # the arrow
                 21,22,23,24, 21,22,25,25, 22,23,25,25, 23,24,25,25,
          } else if (am==3) {
               edge <- rgl::qmesh3d(c(-wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, -wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,r+al,1, gap/2,-ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,r+al,1, wi/2,ew/2,r+al,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, gap/2,-ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      gap/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi-ew+r,1,
                                      -wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, -wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
                                      wi/2,-ew/2,hi+r,1, wi/2,ew/2,hi+r,1,
                                      # the arrows
                                      -wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2+aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
                                      -wi2/2+aw,aw/2,r+al,1, -wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
                                      wi2/2,-aw/2,r+al,1, wi2/2-aw,-aw/2,r+al,1,
                                      wi2/2-aw,aw/2,r+al,1, wi2/2,aw/2,r+al,1,
               c(1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 1,2,6,5, 2,3,7,6, 3,4,8,7,
                 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16, 9,10,14,13, 10,11,15,14,
                 11,12,16,15, 9,12,20,19,
                 5,13,19,17, 17,18,20,19, 8,16,20,18, 6,7,15,14,
                 # the arrows
                 21,22,23,24, 21,22,25,25, 22,23,25,25, 23,24,25,25,
                 26,27,28,29, 26,27,30,30, 27,28,30,30, 28,29,30,30,
          # rotate and shift to its position
          rot1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,cos(la2),sin(la2)), c(0,-sin(la2),cos(la2)))
          rot2 <- rbind(c(cos(la),sin(la),0),c(-sin(la),cos(la),0), c(0,0,1))
          rot <- rot1 %*% rot2
          edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::rotationMatrix(matrix=rot))
          edge <- rgl::transform3d(edge, rgl::translationMatrix(v[1], v[2], v[3]))
          ## we are ready
          rgl::shade3d(edge, col=ec)
     # Visual parameters
     params <- i.parse.plot.params(graph, list(...))
     labels <- params("vertex", "label")
     label.color <- params("vertex", "label.color")
     label.font <- params("vertex", "label.font")
     label.degree <- params("vertex", "label.degree")
     label.dist <- params("vertex", "label.dist")
     vertex.color <- params("vertex", "color")
     vertex.size <- (1/200) * params("vertex", "size")
     loop.angle <- params("edge", "loop.angle")
     loop.angle2 <- params("edge", "loop.angle2")
     edge.color <- params("edge", "color")
     edge.width <- (1/200) * params("edge", "width")
     edge.labels <- params("edge","label")
     arrow.mode <- params("edge","arrow.mode")
     arrow.size <- params("edge","arrow.size")
     layout <- params("plot", "layout")
     rescale <- params("plot", "rescale")
     # the new style parameters can't do this yet
     arrow.mode         <- i.get.arrow.mode(graph, arrow.mode)
     # norm layout to (-1, 1)
     if (ncol(layout)==2) { layout <- cbind(layout, 0) }
     if (rescale) {
          layout <- norm_coords(layout, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1)
     # add the edges, the loops are handled separately
     el <- as_edgelist(graph, names=FALSE)
     # It is faster this way
     # edges first
     for (i in seq(length=nrow(el))) {
          from <- el[i,1]
          to   <- el[i,2]
          v1 <- layout[from,]
          v2 <- layout[to,]
          am <- arrow.mode; if (length(am)>1) { am <- am[i] }
          ew <- edge.width; if (length(ew)>1) { ew <- ew[i] }
          ec <- edge.color; if (length(ec)>1) { ec <- ec[i] }
          r1 <- vertex.size; if (length(r1)>1) { r1 <- r1[from] }
          r2 <- vertex.size; if (length(r2)>1) { r2 <- r2[to] }
          if (from!=to) {
          } else {
               la <- loop.angle; if (length(la)>1) { la <- la[i] }
               la2 <- loop.angle2; if (length(la2)>1) { la2 <- la2[i] }      
     # add the vertices
     if (length(vertex.size)==1) { vertex.size <- rep(vertex.size, nrow(layout)) }
     rgl::rgl.spheres(layout[,1], layout[,2], layout[,3], radius=vertex.size,
     # add the labels, 'l1' is a stupid workaround of a mysterious rgl bug
     labels[is.na(labels)] <- ""
     x <- layout[,1]+label.dist*cos(-label.degree)* 
     y <- layout[,2]+label.dist*sin(-label.degree)*
     z <- layout[,3]
     l1 <- labels[1]
     labels[1] <- ""
     rgl::rgl.texts(x,y,z, labels, col=label.color, adj=0)
     rgl::rgl.texts(c(0,x[1]), c(0,y[1]), c(0,z[1]),
                    c("",l1), col=c(label.color[1],label.color[1]), adj=0)
     edge.labels[is.na(edge.labels)] <- ""
     if (any(edge.labels != "")) {
          x0 <- layout[,1][el[,1]]
          x1 <- layout[,1][el[,2]]
          y0 <- layout[,2][el[,1]]
          y1 <- layout[,2][el[,2]]
          z0 <- layout[,3][el[,1]]
          z1 <- layout[,4][el[,2]]
          rgl::rgl.texts((x0+x1)/2, (y0+y1)/2, (z0+z1)/2, edge.labels,
     # draw everything

# This is taken from the IDPmisc package,
# slightly modified: code argument added

#' @importFrom graphics par xyinch segments xspline lines polygon

igraph.Arrows <-
     function (x1, y1, x2, y2,
               size= 1,     
               width= 1.2/4/cin,
               sh.col=if(is.R()) par("fg") else 1,
## Author: Andreas Ruckstuhl, refined by Rene Locher
## Version: 2005-10-17
          cin <- size * par("cin")[2]
          width <- width * (1.2/4/cin)
          uin <- if (is.R()) 
          else par("uin")
          x <- sqrt(seq(0, cin^2, length = floor(35 * cin) + 2))
          delta <-  sqrt(h.lwd)*par("cin")[2]*0.005      ## has been 0.05
          x.arr <- c(-rev(x), -x)
          wx2 <- width * x^2
          y.arr <- c(-rev(wx2 + delta), wx2 + delta)
          deg.arr <- c(atan2(y.arr, x.arr), NA)
          r.arr <- c(sqrt(x.arr^2 + y.arr^2), NA)
          ## backup
          bx1 <- x1 ; bx2 <- x2 ; by1 <- y1 ; by2 <- y2
          ## shaft
          lx <- length(x1)
          r.seg <- rep(cin*sh.adj, lx)
          theta1 <- atan2((y1 - y2) * uin[2], (x1 - x2) * uin[1])
          th.seg1 <- theta1 + rep(atan2(0, -cin), lx)
          theta2 <- atan2((y2 - y1) * uin[2], (x2 - x1) * uin[1])
          th.seg2 <- theta2 + rep(atan2(0, -cin), lx)
          x1d <- y1d <- x2d <- y2d <- 0
          if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
               x2d <- r.seg*cos(th.seg2)/uin[1]
               y2d <- r.seg*sin(th.seg2)/uin[2]
          if (code %in% c(2,3)) {
               x1d <- r.seg*cos(th.seg1)/uin[1]
               y1d <- r.seg*sin(th.seg1)/uin[2]
          if (is.logical(curved) && all(!curved) ||
              is.numeric(curved) && all(!curved)) {
               segments(x1+x1d, y1+y1d, x2+x2d, y2+y2d, lwd=sh.lwd, col=sh.col, lty=sh.lty)
               phi <- atan2(y1-y2, x1-x2)
               r <- sqrt( (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 )
               lc.x <- x2 + 2/3*r*cos(phi)
               lc.y <- y2 + 2/3*r*sin(phi)
          } else {
               if (is.numeric(curved)) {
                    lambda <- curved
               } else {
                    lambda <- as.logical(curved) * 0.5
               lambda <- rep(lambda, length.out = length(x1))
               c.x1 <- x1+x1d
               c.y1 <- y1+y1d
               c.x2 <- x2+x2d
               c.y2 <- y2+y2d
               midx <- (x1+x2)/2
               midy <- (y1+y2)/2  
               spx <- midx - lambda * 1/2 * (c.y2-c.y1)
               spy <- midy + lambda * 1/2 * (c.x2-c.x1)
               sh.col <- rep(sh.col, length=length(c.x1))
               sh.lty <- rep(sh.lty, length=length(c.x1))
               sh.lwd <- rep(sh.lwd, length=length(c.x1))
               lc.x <- lc.y <- numeric(length(c.x1))
               for (i in seq_len(length(c.x1))) {
                    ## Straight line?
                    if (lambda[i] == 0) {
                         segments(c.x1[i], c.y1[i], c.x2[i], c.y2[i],
                                  lwd = sh.lwd[i], col = sh.col[i], lty = sh.lty[i])
                         phi <- atan2(y1[i] - y2[i], x1[i] - x2[i])
                         r <- sqrt( (x1[i] - x2[i])^2 + (y1[i] - y2[i])^2 )
                         lc.x[i] <- x2[i] + 2/3*r*cos(phi)
                         lc.y[i] <- y2[i] + 2/3*r*sin(phi)
                    } else {
                         spl <- xspline(x=c(c.x1[i],spx[i],c.x2[i]),
                                        y=c(c.y1[i],spy[i],c.y2[i]), shape=1, draw=FALSE)
                         lines(spl, lwd=sh.lwd[i], col=sh.col[i], lty=sh.lty[i])
                         if (code %in% c(2,3)) {
                              x1[i] <- spl$x[3*length(spl$x)/4]
                              y1[i] <- spl$y[3*length(spl$y)/4]
                         if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
                              x2[i] <- spl$x[length(spl$x)/4]
                              y2[i] <- spl$y[length(spl$y)/4]
                         lc.x[i] <- spl$x[2/3 * length(spl$x)]
                         lc.y[i] <- spl$y[2/3 * length(spl$y)]
          ## forward arrowhead
          if (code %in% c(2,3)) {    
               theta <- atan2((by2 - y1) * uin[2], (bx2 - x1) * uin[1])
               Rep <- rep(length(deg.arr), lx)
               p.x2 <- rep(bx2, Rep)
               p.y2 <- rep(by2, Rep)
               ttheta <- rep(theta, Rep) + rep(deg.arr, lx)
               r.arr <- rep(r.arr, lx)  
               if(open) lines((p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1]),
                              (p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2]), 
                              lwd=h.lwd, col = h.col.bo, lty=h.lty) else
                                   polygon(p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1], p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2], 
                                           col = h.col, lwd=h.lwd,
                                           border=h.col.bo, lty=h.lty)
          ## backward arrow head
          if (code %in% c(1,3)) {
               x1 <- bx1; y1 <- by1
               tmp <- x1 ; x1 <- x2 ; x2 <- tmp
               tmp <- y1 ; y1 <- y2 ; y2 <- tmp
               theta <- atan2((y2 - y1) * uin[2], (x2 - x1) * uin[1])
               lx <- length(x1)
               Rep <- rep(length(deg.arr), lx)
               p.x2 <- rep(x2, Rep)
               p.y2 <- rep(y2, Rep)
               ttheta <- rep(theta, Rep) + rep(deg.arr, lx)
               r.arr <- rep(r.arr, lx)
               if(open) lines((p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1]),
                              (p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2]), 
                              lwd=h.lwd, col = h.col.bo, lty=h.lty) else
                                   polygon(p.x2 + r.arr * cos(ttheta)/uin[1], p.y2 + r.arr*sin(ttheta)/uin[2], 
                                           col = h.col, lwd=h.lwd,
                                           border=h.col.bo, lty=h.lty)
          list(lab.x=lc.x, lab.y=lc.y)
     } # Arrows

#' @importFrom graphics xspline

igraph.polygon <- function(points, vertex.size=15/200, expand.by=15/200,
                           shape=1/2, col="#ff000033", border=NA) {
     by <- expand.by
     pp <- rbind(points,
                 cbind(points[,1]-vertex.size-by, points[,2]),
                 cbind(points[,1]+vertex.size+by, points[,2]),
                 cbind(points[,1], points[,2]-vertex.size-by),
                 cbind(points[,1], points[,2]+vertex.size+by))
     cl <- convex_hull(pp)
     xspline(cl$rescoords, shape=shape, open=FALSE, col=col, border=border)

#   IGraph R package
#   Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301 USA

# Common functions for plot and tkplot

i.parse.plot.params <- function(graph, params) {
     ## store the arguments
     p <- list(vertex=list(), edge=list(), plot=list())
     for (n in names(params)) {
          if (substr(n, 1, 7)=="vertex.") {
               nn <- substring(n, 8)
               p[["vertex"]][[nn]] <- params[[n]]
          } else if (substr(n, 1, 5)=="edge.") {
               nn <- substring(n, 6)
               p[["edge"]][[nn]] <- params[[n]]
          } else {
               p[["plot"]][[n]] <- params[[n]]
     func <- function(type, name, range=NULL, dontcall=FALSE) {
          if (! type %in% names(p)) {
               stop("Invalid plot option type")
          ret <- function() {
               v <- p[[type]][[name]]
               if (is.function(v) && !dontcall) {
                    v <- v(graph)
               if (is.null(range)) {
                    return (v)        
               } else {
                    if (length(v)==1) {
                         return(rep(v, length(range)))
                    } else {
                         return (rep(v, length=max(range)+1)[[range+1]])
          if (name %in% names(p[[type]])) {
               ## we already have the parameter
          } else {
               ## we don't have the parameter, check attributes first
               if (type=="vertex" && name %in% vertex_attr_names(graph)) {
                    p[[type]][[name]] <- vertex_attr(graph, name)
               } else if (type=="edge" && name %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) {
                    p[[type]][[name]] <- edge_attr(graph, name)
               } else if (type=="plot" && name %in% graph_attr_names(graph)) {
                    p[[type]][[name]] <- graph_attr(graph, name)
               } else {
                    ## no attributes either, check igraph parameters
                    n <- paste(sep="", type, ".", name)
                    v <- igraph_opt(n)
                    if (!is.null(v)) {
                         p[[type]][[name]] <- v
                    ## no igraph parameter either, use default value
                    p[[type]][[name]] <- i.default.values[[type]][[name]]
     return (func)

i.get.edge.labels <- function(graph, edge.labels=NULL) {
     if (is.null(edge.labels)) {
          edge.labels <- rep(NA, ecount(graph))

i.get.labels <- function(graph, labels=NULL) {
     if (is.null(labels)) {
          if ("name" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph)) {
               labels <- vertex_attr(graph, "name")
          } else {
               labels <- seq_len(vcount(graph))

i.get.arrow.mode <- function(graph, arrow.mode=NULL) {
     if (is.character(arrow.mode) &&
         length(arrow.mode)==1 && substr(arrow.mode, 1, 2)=="a:") {
          arrow.mode <- vertex_attr(graph, substring(arrow.mode,3))
     if (is.character(arrow.mode)) {
          tmp <- numeric(length(arrow.mode))
          tmp[ arrow.mode %in% c("<", "<-") ] <- 1
          tmp[ arrow.mode %in% c(">", "->") ] <- 2
          tmp[ arrow.mode %in% c("<>", "<->") ] <- 3
          arrow.mode <- tmp
     if (is.null(arrow.mode)) {
          if (is_directed(graph)) {
               arrow.mode <- 2
          } else {
               arrow.mode <- 0

i.get.main <- function(graph) {
     if (igraph_opt("annotate.plot")) {
          n <- graph$name[1]
     } else {

i.get.xlab <- function(graph) {
     if (igraph_opt("annotate.plot")) {
          paste(vcount(graph), "vertices,", ecount(graph), "edges")
     } else {

igraph.check.shapes <- function(x) {
     xx <- unique(x)
     bad.shapes <- ! xx %in% ls(.igraph.shapes)
     if (any(bad.shapes)) {
          bs <- paste(xx[bad.shapes], collapse=", ")
          stop("Bad vertex shape(s): ", bs, ".")

# #' Optimal edge curvature when plotting graphs
# #' 
# #' If graphs have multiple edges, then drawing them as straight lines does not
# #' show them when plotting the graphs; they will be on top of each other. One
# #' solution is to bend the edges, with diffenent curvature, so that all of them
# #' are visible.
# #' 
# #' \code{curve_multiple} calculates the optimal \code{edge.curved} vector for
# #' plotting a graph with multiple edges, so that all edges are visible.
# #'
# #' @aliases autocurve.edges
# #' @param graph The input graph.
# #' @param start The curvature at the two extreme edges. All edges will have a
# #' curvature between \code{-start} and \code{start}, spaced equally.
# #' @return A numeric vector, its length is the number of edges in the graph.
# #' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
# #' @seealso \code{\link{igraph.plotting}} for all plotting parameters,
# #' \code{\link{plot.igraph}}, \code{\link{tkplot}} and \code{\link{rglplot}}
# #' for plotting functions.
# #' @export
# #' @importFrom stats ave
# #' @keywords graphs
# #' @examples
# #'  
# #' g <- graph( c(0,1,1,0,1,2,1,3,1,3,1,3,
# #'               2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,0,1)+1 )
# #' 
# #' curve_multiple(g)
# #' 
# #' \dontrun{
# #' set.seed(42)
# #' plot(g)
# #' }
# #' 
curve_multiple <- function(graph, start=0.5) {
     el <- apply(as_edgelist(graph, names=FALSE), 1, paste, collapse=":")
     ave(rep(NA, length(el)), el, FUN=function(x) {
          if (length(x) == 1) {
          } else {
               return(seq(-start, start, length=length(x)))

.igraph.logo.raster <-
     structure(c(16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
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                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
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                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L, 
                 16777215L, 16777215L, 16777215L), .Dim = c(64L, 64L), class = "nativeRaster", channels = 4L)

i.vertex.default <- list(color=1,
                         pie.color=list(c("white", "lightblue", "mistyrose",
                                          "lightcyan", "lavender", "cornsilk")),
                         pie.border=list(c("white", "lightblue","mistyrose",
                                           "lightcyan", "lavender", "cornsilk")),

i.edge.default <- list(color="darkgrey",

i.plot.default <- list(palette=categorical_pal(8),

i.default.values <- new.env()

i.default.values[["vertex"]] <- i.vertex.default
i.default.values[["edge"]]   <- i.edge.default
i.default.values[["plot"]]   <- i.plot.default

#   IGraph R package
#   Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301 USA

## API design
## A vertex shape is defined by two functions: the clipping function and
## the plotting function.
## The clipping function is called to determine where to put the
## arrowhead of a potential (incoming) incident edge. Its signature is
##    function(coords, el, params, end=c("both", "from", "to"))
## where the arguments are:
##    coords    A matrix with one row for each edge, and four columns.
##              It contains the coordinates of the end points of all
##              edges. The first two columns are the coordinates of the
##              first end points (sources, if the graph is directed),
##              the last two columns are for the other end points
##              (targets if the graph is directed).
##    el        The edge list itself, with vertex ids.
##    params    A function object to query plotting parameters.
##    end       Which end points to calculate. "both" means both,
##              "from" means the first end point, "to" the second.
## The clipping function must return the new version of "coords",
## modified according to the vertex sizes/shapes, with proper positions
## for the potential arrow heads. The positions are for the tips of the
## arrows.
## The plotting function plots the vertex. Its signature is
##    function(coords, v=NULL, params)
## where the arguments are
##    coords    Two column matrix, the coordinates for the vertices to draw.
##    v         The vertex ids of the vertices to draw. If NULL, then all
##              vertices are drawn.
##    params    A function object to query plotting parameters.
## shapes()         - lists all vertex shapes
## shapes(shape)    - returns the clipping and plotting functions
##                           for a given vertex shape
## add_shape()             - adds a new vertex shape, the clipping and
##                           plotting functions must be given, and
##                           optionally the newly introduced plotting
##                           parameters. This function can also be used
##                           to overwrite a given vertex shape.
## Examples:
## add_shape("image", clip=image.clip, plot=image.plot,
##                   parameters=list(filename=NA))
## add_shape("triangle", clip=shapes("circle")$clip,
##                   plot=triangle.plot)
## add_shape("polygon", clip=shapes("circle")$clip,
##                   plot=polygon.plot)

# #' Various vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphs
# #'
# #' Starting from version 0.5.1 igraph supports different
# #' vertex shapes when plotting graphs.
# #'
# #' @details
# #' In igraph a vertex shape is defined by two functions: 1) provides
# #' information about the size of the shape for clipping the edges and 2)
# #' plots the shape if requested. These functions are called \dQuote{shape
# #'   functions} in the rest of this manual page. The first one is the
# #' clipping function and the second is the plotting function.
# #'
# #' The clipping function has the following arguments:
# #' \describe{
# #'   \item{coords}{A matrix with four columns, it contains the
# #'     coordinates of the vertices for the edge list supplied in the
# #'     \code{el} argument.}
# #'   \item{el}{A matrix with two columns, the edges of which some end
# #'     points will be clipped. It should have the same number of rows as
# #'     \code{coords}.}
# #'   \item{params}{This is a function object that can be called to query
# #'     vertex/edge/plot graphical parameters. The first argument of the
# #'     function is \dQuote{\code{vertex}}, \dQuote{\code{edge}} or
# #'     \dQuote{\code{plot}} to decide the type of the parameter, the
# #'     second is a character string giving the name of the
# #'     parameter. E.g.
# #'     \preformatted{
# #'	params("vertex", "size")
# #'     }
# #'   }
# #'   \item{end}{Character string, it gives which end points will be
# #'     used. Possible values are \dQuote{\code{both}},
# #'     \dQuote{\code{from}} and \dQuote{\code{to}}. If
# #'     \dQuote{\code{from}} the function is expected to clip the
# #'     first column in the \code{el} edge list, \dQuote{\code{to}}
# #'     selects the second column, \dQuote{\code{both}} selects both.}
# #' }
# #'
# #' The clipping function should return a matrix
# #' with the same number of rows as the \code{el} arguments.
# #' If \code{end} is \code{both} then the matrix must have four
# #' columns, otherwise two. The matrix contains the modified coordinates,
# #' with the clipping applied.
# #'
# #' The plotting function has the following arguments:
# #' \describe{
# #'   \item{coords}{The coordinates of the vertices, a matrix with two
# #'     columns.}
# #'   \item{v}{The ids of the vertices to plot. It should match the number
# #'     of rows in the \code{coords} argument.}
# #'   \item{params}{The same as for the clipping function, see above.}
# #' }
# #'
# #' The return value of the plotting function is not used.
# #'
# #' \code{shapes} can be used to list the names of all installed
# #' vertex shapes, by calling it without arguments, or setting the
# #' \code{shape} argument to \code{NULL}. If a shape name is given, then
# #' the clipping and plotting functions of that shape are returned in a
# #' named list.
# #'
# #' \code{add_shape} can be used to add new vertex shapes to
# #' igraph. For this one must give the clipping and plotting functions of
# #' the new shape. It is also possible to list the plot/vertex/edge
# #' parameters, in the \code{parameters} argument, that the clipping
# #' and/or plotting functions can make use of. An example would be a
# #' generic regular polygon shape, which can have a parameter for the
# #' number of sides.
# #'
# #' \code{shape_noclip} is a very simple clipping function that the
# #' user can use in their own shape definitions. It does no clipping, the
# #' edges will be drawn exactly until the listed vertex position
# #' coordinates.
# #'
# #' \code{shape_noplot} is a very simple (and probably not very
# #' useful) plotting function, that does not plot anything.
# #'
# #' @aliases add.vertex.shape igraph.shape.noclip igraph.shape.noplot
# #'   vertex.shapes igraph.vertex.shapes
# #'
# #' @param shape Character scalar, name of a vertex shape. If it is
# #'    \code{NULL} for \code{shapes}, then the names of all defined
# #'    vertex shapes are returned.
# #' @param clip An R function object, the clipping function.
# #' @param plot An R function object, the plotting function.
# #' @param parameters Named list, additional plot/vertex/edge
# #'    parameters. The element named define the new parameters, and the
# #'    elements themselves define their default values.
# #'    Vertex parameters should have a prefix
# #'    \sQuote{\code{vertex.}}, edge parameters a prefix
# #'    \sQuote{\code{edge.}}. Other general plotting parameters should have
# #'    a prefix \sQuote{\code{plot.}}. See Details below.
# #' @param coords,el,params,end,v See parameters of the clipping/plotting
# #'    functions below.
# #' @return \code{shapes} returns a character vector if the
# #'    \code{shape} argument is \code{NULL}. It returns a named list with
# #'    entries named \sQuote{clip} and \sQuote{plot}, both of them R
# #'    functions.
# #'
# #'    \code{add_shape} returns \code{TRUE}, invisibly.
# #'
# #'    \code{shape_noclip} returns the appropriate columns of its
# #'    \code{coords} argument.
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' # all vertex shapes, minus "raster", that might not be available
# #' shapes <- setdiff(shapes(), "")
# #' g <- make_ring(length(shapes))
# #' set.seed(42)
# #' plot(g, vertex.shape=shapes, vertex.label=shapes, vertex.label.dist=1,
# #'      vertex.size=15, vertex.size2=15,
# #'      vertex.pie=lapply(shapes, function(x) if (x=="pie") 2:6 else 0),
# #'      vertex.pie.color=list(heat.colors(5)))
# #'
# #' # add new vertex shape, plot nothing with no clipping
# #' add_shape("nil")
# #' plot(g, vertex.shape="nil")
# #'
# #' #################################################################
# #' # triangle vertex shape
# #' mytriangle <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
# #'   vertex.color <- params("vertex", "color")
# #'   if (length(vertex.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
# #'     vertex.color <- vertex.color[v]
# #'   }
# #'   vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
# #'   if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
# #'     vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
# #'   }
# #'
# #'   symbols(x=coords[,1], y=coords[,2], bg=vertex.color,
# #'           stars=cbind(vertex.size, vertex.size, vertex.size),
# #'           add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)
# #' }
# #' # clips as a circle
# #' add_shape("triangle", clip=shapes("circle")$clip,
# #'                  plot=mytriangle)
# #' plot(g, vertex.shape="triangle", vertex.color=rainbow(vcount(g)),
# #'      vertex.size=seq(10,20,length=vcount(g)))
# #'
# #' #################################################################
# #' # generic star vertex shape, with a parameter for number of rays
# #' mystar <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
# #'   vertex.color <- params("vertex", "color")
# #'   if (length(vertex.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
# #'     vertex.color <- vertex.color[v]
# #'   }
# #'   vertex.size  <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
# #'   if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
# #'     vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
# #'   }
# #'   norays <- params("vertex", "norays")
# #'   if (length(norays) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
# #'     norays <- norays[v]
# #'   }
# #'
# #'   mapply(coords[,1], coords[,2], vertex.color, vertex.size, norays,
# #'          FUN=function(x, y, bg, size, nor) {
# #'            symbols(x=x, y=y, bg=bg,
# #'                    stars=matrix(c(size,size/2), nrow=1, ncol=nor*2),
# #'                    add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)
# #'          })
# #' }
# #' # no clipping, edges will be below the vertices anyway
# #' add_shape("star", clip=shape_noclip,
# #'                  plot=mystar, parameters=list(vertex.norays=5))
# #' plot(g, vertex.shape="star", vertex.color=rainbow(vcount(g)),
# #'      vertex.size=seq(10,20,length=vcount(g)))
# #' plot(g, vertex.shape="star", vertex.color=rainbow(vcount(g)),
# #'      vertex.size=seq(10,20,length=vcount(g)),
# #'      vertex.norays=rep(4:8, length=vcount(g)))
# #'
# #' #################################################################
# #' # Pictures as vertices.
# #' # Similar musicians from last.fm, we start from an artist and
# #' # will query two levels. We will use the XML, png and jpeg packages
# #' # for this, so these must be available. Otherwise the example is
# #' # skipped
# #'
# #' loadIfYouCan <- function(pkg) suppressWarnings(do.call(require, list(pkg)))
# #'
# #' if (loadIfYouCan("XML") && loadIfYouCan("png") &&
# #'     loadIfYouCan("jpeg")) {
# #'   url <- paste(sep="",
# #'                'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/',
# #'                '2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&artist=%s',
# #'                '&api_key=1784468ada3f544faf9172ee8b99fca3')
# #'   getartist <- function(artist) {
# #'     cat("Downloading from last.fm. ... ")
# #'     txt <- readLines(sprintf(url, URLencode(artist)))
# #'     xml <- xmlTreeParse(txt, useInternal=TRUE)
# #'     img <- xpathSApply(xml, "/lfm/artist/image[@@size='medium'][1]",
# #'                        xmlValue)
# #'     if (img != "") {
# #'       con <- url(img, open="rb")
# #'       bin <- readBin(con, what="raw", n=10^6)
# #'       close(con)
# #'       if (grepl("\\\\.png$", img)) {
# #'         rast <- readPNG(bin, native=TRUE)
# #'       } else if (grepl("\\\\.jpe?g$", img)) {
# #'         rast <- readJPEG(bin, native=TRUE)
# #'       } else {
# #'         rast <- as.raster(matrix())
# #'       }
# #'     } else {
# #'       rast <- as.raster(numeric())
# #'     }
# #'     sim <- xpathSApply(xml, "/lfm/artist/similar/artist/name", xmlValue)
# #'     cat("done.\\n")
# #'     list(name=artist, image=rast, similar=sim)
# #'   }
# #'
# #'   ego <- getartist("Placebo")
# #'   similar <- lapply(ego$similar, getartist)
# #'
# #'   edges1 <- cbind(ego$name, ego$similar)
# #'   edges2 <- lapply(similar, function(x) cbind(x$name, x$similar))
# #'   edges3 <- rbind(edges1, do.call(rbind, edges2))
# #'   edges <- edges3[ edges3[,1] %in% c(ego$name, ego$similar) &
# #'                    edges3[,2] %in% c(ego$name, ego$similar), ]
# #'
# #'   musnet <- simplify(graph_from_data_frame(edges, dir=FALSE,
# #'                      vertices=data.frame(name=c(ego$name, ego$similar))))
# #'   print_all(musnet)
# #'
# #'   V(musnet)$raster <- c(list(ego$image), lapply(similar, "[[", "image"))
# #'   plot(musnet, layout=layout_as_star, vertex.shape="raster",
# #'        vertex.label=V(musnet)$name, margin=.2,
# #'        vertex.size=50, vertex.size2=50,
# #'        vertex.label.dist=2, vertex.label.degree=0)
# #' } else {
# #'   message("You need the `XML', `png' and `jpeg' packages to run this")
# #' }
# shapes <- function(shape=NULL) {
#      if (is.null(shape)) {
#           ls(.igraph.shapes)
#      } else {
#           ## checkScalarString(shape)
#           .igraph.shapes[[shape]]
#      }
# }
# #' @rdname shapes
# #' @export

shape_noclip <- function(coords, el, params,
                         end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- igraph.match.arg(end)
     if (end=="both") {
     } else if (end=="from") {
     } else {

# #' @rdname shapes
# #' @export

shape_noplot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {

# #' @rdname shapes
# #' @export
add_shape <- function(shape, clip=shape_noclip,
                      parameters=list()) {
     ## TODO
     ## checkScalarString(shape)
     ## checkFunction(clip)
     ## checkFunction(plot)
     ## checkList(parameters, named=TRUE)
     assign(shape, value=list(clip=clip, plot=plot), envir=.igraph.shapes)
     do.call(igraph.options, parameters)

## These are the predefined shapes

.igraph.shape.circle.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                      end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     if (end=="from") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          vsize.from <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + vsize.from*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + vsize.from*sin(phi) )
     } else if (end=="to") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          r <- sqrt( (coords[,3] - coords[,1])^2 + (coords[,4] - coords[,2])^2 )
          vsize.to <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + (r-vsize.to)*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + (r-vsize.to)*sin(phi) )
     } else if (end=="both") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          r <- sqrt( (coords[,3] - coords[,1])^2 + (coords[,4] - coords[,2])^2 )
          vsize.from <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          vsize.to <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + vsize.from*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + vsize.from*sin(phi),
                       coords[,1] + (r-vsize.to)*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + (r-vsize.to)*sin(phi) )

#' @importFrom graphics symbols

.igraph.shape.circle.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     vertex.color       <- params("vertex", "color")
     if (length(vertex.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.color <- vertex.color[v]
     vertex.frame.color <- params("vertex", "frame.color")
     if (length(vertex.frame.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.frame.color <- vertex.frame.color[v]
     vertex.size        <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
     vertex.size <- rep(vertex.size, length=nrow(coords))
     symbols(x=coords[,1], y=coords[,2], bg=vertex.color, fg=vertex.frame.color,
             circles=vertex.size, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)

.igraph.shape.square.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                      end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     square.shift <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, vsize) {
          m <- (y0-y1)/(x0-x1)
          l <- cbind(x1-vsize/m , y1-vsize,
                     x1-vsize , y1-vsize*m,
                     x1+vsize/m, y1+vsize,
                     x1+vsize , y1+vsize*m )
          v <- cbind(x1-vsize <= l[,1] & l[,1] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize <= l[,2] & l[,2] <= y1+vsize,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,3] & l[,3] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize <= l[,4] & l[,4] <= y1+vsize,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,5] & l[,5] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize <= l[,6] & l[,6] <= y1+vsize,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,7] & l[,7] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize <= l[,8] & l[,8] <= y1+vsize)
          d <- cbind((l[,1]-x0)^2 + (l[,2]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,3]-x0)^2 + (l[,4]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,5]-x0)^2 + (l[,6]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,7]-x0)^2 + (l[,8]-y0)^2)
          t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(l)), function(x) {
               d[x,][!v[x,]] <- Inf
               m <- which.min(d[x,])
               l[x, c(m*2-1, m*2)]
     if (end %in% c("from", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          res <- res1 <- square.shift(coords[,3], coords[,4], coords[,1], coords[,2],
     if (end %in% c("to", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- res2 <- square.shift(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], coords[,4],
     if (end=="both") {
          res <- cbind(res1, res2)

#' @importFrom graphics symbols

.igraph.shape.square.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     vertex.color       <- params("vertex", "color")
     if (length(vertex.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.color <- vertex.color[v]
     vertex.frame.color <- params("vertex", "frame.color")
     if (length(vertex.frame.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.frame.color <- vertex.frame.color[v]
     vertex.size        <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
     vertex.size <- rep(vertex.size, length=nrow(coords))
     symbols(x=coords[,1], y=coords[,2], bg=vertex.color, fg=vertex.frame.color,
             squares=2*vertex.size, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)

.igraph.shape.csquare.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                       end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     square.shift <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, vsize) {
          l <- cbind(x1,       y1-vsize,
                     x1-vsize, y1,
                     x1,       y1+vsize,
                     x1+vsize, y1)
          d <- cbind((l[,1]-x0)^2 + (l[,2]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,3]-x0)^2 + (l[,4]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,5]-x0)^2 + (l[,6]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,7]-x0)^2 + (l[,8]-y0)^2)
          t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(l)), function(x) {
               m <- which.min(d[x,])
               l[x, c(m*2-1, m*2)]
     if (end %in% c("from", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          res <- res1 <- square.shift(coords[,3], coords[,4], coords[,1], coords[,2],
     if (end %in% c("to", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- res2 <- square.shift(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], coords[,4],
     if (end=="both") {
          res <- cbind(res1, res2)

.igraph.shape.csquare.plot <- .igraph.shape.square.plot

.igraph.shape.rectangle.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                         end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     vertex.size2 <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size2")
     rec.shift <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, vsize, vsize2) {
          m <- (y0-y1)/(x0-x1)
          l <- cbind(x1-vsize/m,  y1-vsize2,
                     x1-vsize,    y1-vsize*m,
                     x1+vsize2/m, y1+vsize2,
                     x1+vsize,    y1+vsize*m )
          v <- cbind(x1-vsize <= l[,1] & l[,1] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize2 <= l[,2] & l[,2] <= y1+vsize2,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,3] & l[,3] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize2 <= l[,4] & l[,4] <= y1+vsize2,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,5] & l[,5] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize2 <= l[,6] & l[,6] <= y1+vsize2,
                     x1-vsize <= l[,7] & l[,7] <= x1+vsize &
                          y1-vsize2 <= l[,8] & l[,8] <= y1+vsize2)
          d <- cbind((l[,1]-x0)^2 + (l[,2]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,3]-x0)^2 + (l[,4]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,5]-x0)^2 + (l[,6]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,7]-x0)^2 + (l[,8]-y0)^2)
          t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(l)), function(x) {
               d[x,][!v[x,]] <- Inf
               m <- which.min(d[x,])
               l[x, c(m*2-1, m*2)]
     if (end %in% c("from", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,1] ]
          res <- res1 <- rec.shift(coords[,3], coords[,4], coords[,1], coords[,2],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end %in% c("to", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,2] ]
          res <- res2 <- rec.shift(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], coords[,4],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end=="both") {
          res <- cbind(res1, res2)

#' @importFrom graphics symbols

.igraph.shape.rectangle.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     vertex.color       <- params("vertex", "color")
     if (length(vertex.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.color <- vertex.color[v]
     vertex.frame.color <- params("vertex", "frame.color")
     if (length(vertex.frame.color) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.frame.color <- vertex.frame.color[v]
     vertex.size        <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
     vertex.size <- rep(vertex.size, length=nrow(coords))   
     vertex.size2       <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size2")
     if (length(vertex.size2) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
          vertex.size2 <- vertex.size2[v]
     vertex.size <- cbind(vertex.size, vertex.size2)
     symbols(x=coords[,1], y=coords[,2], bg=vertex.color, fg=vertex.frame.color,
             rectangles=2*vertex.size, add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)

.igraph.shape.crectangle.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                          end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     vertex.size2 <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size2")
     rec.shift <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, vsize, vsize2) {
          l <- cbind(x1,       y1-vsize2,
                     x1-vsize, y1,
                     x1,       y1+vsize2,
                     x1+vsize, y1)
          d <- cbind((l[,1]-x0)^2 + (l[,2]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,3]-x0)^2 + (l[,4]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,5]-x0)^2 + (l[,6]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,7]-x0)^2 + (l[,8]-y0)^2)
          t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(l)), function(x) {
               m <- which.min(d[x,])
               l[x, c(m*2-1, m*2)]
     if (end %in% c("from", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,1] ]
          res <- res1 <- rec.shift(coords[,3], coords[,4], coords[,1], coords[,2],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end %in% c("to", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,2] ]
          res <- res2 <- rec.shift(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], coords[,4],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end=="both") {
          res <- cbind(res1, res2)

.igraph.shape.crectangle.plot <- .igraph.shape.rectangle.plot

.igraph.shape.vrectangle.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                          end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     vertex.size2 <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size2")
     rec.shift <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, vsize, vsize2) {
          l <- cbind(x1-vsize, y1, x1+vsize, y1)
          d <- cbind((l[,1]-x0)^2 + (l[,2]-y0)^2,
                     (l[,3]-x0)^2 + (l[,4]-y0)^2)
          t(sapply(seq(length=nrow(l)), function(x) {
               m <- which.min(d[x,])
               l[x, c(m*2-1, m*2)]
     if (end %in% c("from", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,1] ]
          res <- res1 <- rec.shift(coords[,3], coords[,4], coords[,1], coords[,2],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end %in% c("to", "both")) {
          vsize <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          vsize2 <- if (length(vertex.size2)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size2[ el[,2] ]
          res <- res2 <- rec.shift(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], coords[,4],
                                   vsize, vsize2)
     if (end=="both") {
          res <- cbind(res1, res2)

.igraph.shape.vrectangle.plot <- .igraph.shape.rectangle.plot

.igraph.shape.none.clip <- .igraph.shape.circle.clip

.igraph.shape.none.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     ## does not plot anything at all

#' @importFrom graphics par polygon

mypie <- function(x, y, values, radius, edges=200, col=NULL, angle=45,
                  density=NULL, border=NULL, lty=NULL, init.angle=90, ...) {
     values <- c(0, cumsum(values)/sum(values))
     dx <- diff(values)
     nx <- length(dx)
     twopi <- 2 * pi
     if (is.null(col)) 
          col <- if (is.null(density)) 
               c("white", "lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan", 
                 "lavender", "cornsilk")
     else par("fg")
     col <- rep(col, length.out = nx)
     border <- rep(border, length.out = nx)
     lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nx)
     angle <- rep(angle, length.out = nx)
     density <- rep(density, length.out = nx)
     t2xy <- function(t) {
          t2p <- twopi * t + init.angle * pi/180
          list(x = radius * cos(t2p), y = radius * sin(t2p))
     for (i in 1:nx) {
          n <- max(2, floor(edges * dx[i]))
          P <- t2xy(seq.int(values[i], values[i + 1], length.out = n))
          polygon(x+c(P$x, 0), y+c(P$y, 0), density = density[i], angle = angle[i], 
                  border = border[i], col = col[i], lty = lty[i], ...)

.igraph.shape.pie.clip <- function(coords, el, params,
                                   end=c("both", "from", "to")) {
     end <- match.arg(end)
     if (length(coords)==0) { return (coords) }     
     vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
     if (end=="from") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          vsize.from <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + vsize.from*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + vsize.from*sin(phi) )
     } else if (end=="to") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          r <- sqrt( (coords[,3] - coords[,1])^2 + (coords[,4] - coords[,2])^2 )
          vsize.to <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + (r-vsize.to)*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + (r-vsize.to)*sin(phi) )
     } else if (end=="both") {
          phi <- atan2(coords[,4] - coords[,2], coords[,3] - coords[,1])
          r <- sqrt( (coords[,3] - coords[,1])^2 + (coords[,4] - coords[,2])^2 )
          vsize.from <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,1] ]
          vsize.to <- if (length(vertex.size)==1) {
          } else {
               vertex.size[ el[,2] ]
          res <- cbind(coords[,1] + vsize.from*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + vsize.from*sin(phi),
                       coords[,1] + (r-vsize.to)*cos(phi),
                       coords[,2] + (r-vsize.to)*sin(phi) )

#' @importFrom stats na.omit

.igraph.shape.pie.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     getparam <- function(pname) {
          p <- params("vertex", pname)
          if (length(p) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
               p <- p[v]
     vertex.color       <- getparam("color")
     vertex.frame.color <- getparam("frame.color")
     vertex.size        <- rep(1/200 * getparam("size"), length=nrow(coords))
     vertex.pie         <- getparam("pie")
     vertex.pie.color   <- getparam("pie.color")
     vertex.pie.angle   <- getparam("pie.angle")
     vertex.pie.density <- getparam("pie.density")
     vertex.pie.lty     <- getparam("pie.lty")
     for (i in seq_len(nrow(coords))) {
          pie <- if(length(vertex.pie)==1) {
          } else {
          col <- if (length(vertex.pie.color)==1) {
          } else {
          mypie(x=coords[i,1], y=coords[i,2], pie,
                radius=vertex.size[i], edges=200, col=col,

.igraph.shape.sphere.clip <- .igraph.shape.circle.clip

#' @importFrom graphics rasterImage
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb as.raster

.igraph.shape.sphere.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     getparam <- function(pname) {
          p <- params("vertex", pname)
          if (length(p) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
               p <- p[v]
     vertex.color       <- rep(getparam("color"), length=nrow(coords))
     vertex.size        <- rep(1/200 * getparam("size"), length=nrow(coords))
     ## Need to create a separate image for every different vertex color
     allcols <- unique(vertex.color)
     images <- lapply(allcols, function(col) {
          img <- .Call(C_R_igraph_getsphere, pos=c(0.0,0.0,10.0), radius=7.0,
                       color=col2rgb(col)/255, bgcolor=c(0,0,0),
                       lightpos=list(c(-2,2,2)), lightcolor=list(c(1,1,1)),
                       width=100L, height=100L)
     whichImage <- match(vertex.color, allcols)  
     for (i in seq_len(nrow(coords))) {
          vsp2 <- vertex.size[i]
          rasterImage(images[[ whichImage[i] ]],
                      coords[i,1]-vsp2, coords[i,2]-vsp2,
                      coords[i,1]+vsp2, coords[i,2]+vsp2)

.igraph.shape.raster.clip <- .igraph.shape.rectangle.clip

#' @importFrom graphics rasterImage

.igraph.shape.raster.plot <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
     getparam <- function(pname) {
          p <- params("vertex", pname)
          if (is.list(p) && length(p) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
               p <- p[v]
     size   <- rep(1/200 * getparam("size"), length=nrow(coords))
     size2  <- rep(1/200 * getparam("size2"), length=nrow(coords))
     raster <- getparam("raster")
     for (i in seq_len(nrow(coords))) {
          ras <- if (!is.list(raster) || length(raster)==1) raster else raster[[i]]
          rasterImage(ras, coords[i,1]-size[i], coords[i,2]-size2[i],
                      coords[i,1]+size[i], coords[i,2]+size2[i])

.igraph.shapes <- new.env()
.igraph.shapes[["circle"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.circle.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["square"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.square.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["csquare"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.csquare.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["rectangle"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.rectangle.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["crectangle"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.crectangle.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["vrectangle"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.vrectangle.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["none"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.none.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["pie"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.pie.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["sphere"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.sphere.clip,
.igraph.shapes[["raster"]] <- list(clip=.igraph.shape.raster.clip,
umatter/RWebData documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:47 a.m.