qpf4ratio: Estimate admixture proportions via f4 ratios

qpf4ratioR Documentation

Estimate admixture proportions via f4 ratios


Estimate admixture proportions via f4 ratios


qpf4ratio(data, pops, boot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



Input data in one of three forms:

  1. A 3d array of blocked f2 statistics, output of f2_from_precomp or f2_from_geno (fastest option)

  2. A directory which contains pre-computed f2-statistics

  3. The prefix of genotype files (slowest option)


A vector of 5 populations or a five column population matrix. The following ratios will be computed: ⁠f4(1, 2; 3, 4)/f4(1, 2; 5, 4)⁠


If FALSE (the default), block-jackknife resampling will be used to compute standard errors. Otherwise, block-bootstrap resampling will be used to compute standard errors. If boot is an integer, that number will specify the number of bootstrap resamplings. If boot = TRUE, the number of bootstrap resamplings will be equal to the number of SNP blocks.


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qpf4ratio returns a data frame with f4 ratios

uqrmaie1/admixtools documentation built on June 14, 2024, 11:26 a.m.