# A tibble: 36 x 5
element i_part x y param_type
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 stalk 0 10 40 bezier start point
2 stalk 0 10.0 40.9 bezier control point 1
3 stalk 0 20.0 39.4 bezier control point 2
4 stalk 0 20 40 bezier end point
5 half 2 1 20 40 bezier start point
6 half 2 1 22 36 bezier control point 1
7 half 2 1 29 35.2 bezier control point 2
8 half 2 1 34 35 bezier end point
9 half 2 2 34 35 bezier start point
10 half 2 2 39 34.8 bezier control point 1
# i 26 more rows
# A tibble: 436 x 8
b i_leaf element i_part x y type param_type
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 1_0_branch 0 branch 1 70 280 branch bezier start point
2 1_0_branch 0 branch 1 84 245 branch bezier control poin~
3 1_0_branch 0 branch 1 126 217 branch bezier control poin~
4 1_0_branch 0 branch 1 168 217 branch bezier end point
5 0_1_stalk 1 stalk 0 75.7 269. leaf_bezier bezier start point
6 0_1_stalk 1 stalk 0 75.8 269. leaf_bezier bezier control poin~
7 0_1_stalk 1 stalk 0 82.9 266. leaf_bezier bezier control poin~
8 0_1_stalk 1 stalk 0 83.0 267. leaf_bezier bezier end point
9 1_1_half 2 1 half 2 1 83.0 267. leaf_bezier bezier start point
10 1_1_half 2 1 half 2 1 83.0 264. leaf_bezier bezier control poin~
# i 426 more rows
# A tibble: 900 x 5
b i_part element x y
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0_stalk 0 stalk 10 40
2 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.0 40.0
3 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.0 40.1
4 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.0 40.1
5 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.1 40.1
6 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.1 40.1
7 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.1 40.1
8 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.2 40.2
9 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.2 40.2
10 0_stalk 0 stalk 10.2 40.2
# i 890 more rows
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