#' Build a site map of WQP sites or ECHO facilities
#' Build a map of sample sites, facilities, or both. Map includes sites, beneficial use and assessment unit polygons, and satellite and topo baselayers.
#' This is designed to work with column names as extracted from WQP or AWQMS & ECHO via udwqTools functions readWQP(), readAWQMS() and readECHO_fac(). Map will launch in default browser (or R-Studio's browser if using R-Studio).
#' Site and assessment unit features are searchable by idetifier and name via the search button on the left side of the map.
#' The most recently turned on layer is "on top" of the map. Only features on top will show their pop-up on click.
#' @param fac Facility locations queried via readECHO_fac.
#' @param sites Site locations queried via readWQP(type="sites"). May also be a data file with WQP site information merged to it.
#' @param au_poly Optional. Polygon file to be mapped as assessment units. Useful for mapping a subset of specific assessment units. If missing, the default state wide AU polygon is used.
#' @param bu_poly Optional. Polygon file to be mapped as beneficial uses. Useful for mapping a subset of beneficial uses. If missing, the default state wide uses polygon is used.
#' @param ss_poly Optional. Polygon file to be mapped as site specific standards. Useful for mapping a subset of ss polygons. If missing, the default state wide ss polygon is used.
#' @param search Vector of objects to be made searchable. One or both of "sites" and "aus". Defaults to c("sites","aus"). Any other inputs are ignored.
#' @import leaflet
#' @importFrom leaflet.extras addSearchFeatures
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom sf st_centroid
#' @importFrom sf st_coordinates
#' @examples
#' # Read sites & facility locations
#' jr_sites=readWQP(type="sites",
#' siteid=c("UTAHDWQ_WQX-4994100","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4994120","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4991860",
#' "UTAHDWQ_WQX-4994190","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4994172","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4994090",
#' "UTAHDWQ_WQX-4992890","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4992880","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4992480",
#' "UTAHDWQ_WQX-4992055","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4991940","UTAHDWQ_WQX-4991880"))
#' jr_fac=readECHO_fac(p_pid=c("UT0024392","UT0024384","UT0025852","UT0021725"))
#' #Build some maps
#' map1=buildMap(sites=jr_sites, fac=jr_fac) #define new object for use later
#' map1 #call generated map object to launch in browser
#' buildMap(sites=jr_sites) #just sites, launch w/o generating map object in workspace
#' buildMap(fac=jr_fac) #just facilities
#' buildMap() #Build an empty map w/ just AU, BU, and SS std polys
#' #html maps can be saved via htmlwidgets package saveWidget(map1, file="your/path/map1.html")
#' @export
buildMap=function(fac, sites, au_poly, bu_poly, ss_poly, search=c("sites","aus"), plot_polys=TRUE, dragging=T, ...){
if(missing(fac) & missing(sites)){
#Build empty map
map=leaflet::leaflet(options = leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE, dragging=dragging))
map=leaflet::addProviderTiles(map,"Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite", options = providerTileOptions(updateWhenZooming = FALSE,updateWhenIdle = TRUE))
map=leaflet::addProviderTiles(map, "Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo", options = providerTileOptions(updateWhenZooming = FALSE,updateWhenIdle = TRUE))
map=addMapPane(map,"underlay_polygons", zIndex = 410)
map=addMapPane(map,"huc12_poly", zIndex = 412)
map=addMapPane(map,"au_poly", zIndex = 415)
map=addMapPane(map,"markers", zIndex = 420)
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=au_centroids$Y, lng=au_centroids$X, group="au_names", label=au_centroids$AU_NAME, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"AU ID: ", au_centroids$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU Name: ", au_centroids$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU Type: ", au_centroids$AU_Type))
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=au_centroids$Y, lng=au_centroids$X, group="au_ids", label=au_centroids$ASSESS_ID, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"AU name: ", au_centroids$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU ID: ", au_centroids$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU type: ", au_centroids$AU_Type))
map=addPolygons(map, data=bu_poly,group="Beneficial uses",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="green", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
"Description: ", bu_poly$R317Descrp,
"<br> Uses: ", bu_poly$bu_class)
map=addPolygons(map, data=au_poly,group="Assessment units",fillOpacity = 0.1, layerId=au_poly$polyID,weight=3,color="orange", options = pathOptions(pane = "au_poly"),
"AU name: ", au_poly$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU ID: ", au_poly$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU type: ", au_poly$AU_Type)
map=addPolygons(map, data=ss_poly,group="Site-specific standards",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="blue", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
popup=paste0("SS std: ", ss_poly$SiteSpecif)
map=addPolygons(map, data=wmu_poly,group="Watershed management units",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="red", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
map=addPolygons(map, data=ut_poly,group="UT boundary",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="purple", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"))
#map=addPolygons(map, data=huc8_poly,group="HUC 8",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="yellow", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"), popup=~HUC8)
#map=addPolygons(map, data=huc12_poly,group="HUC 12",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="pink", options = pathOptions(pane = "huc12_poly"), popup=~HUC12)
position ="topleft",
baseGroups = c("Topo","Satellite"),overlayGroups = c("Assessment units","Beneficial uses", "Site-specific standards", "Watershed management units", "UT boundary"),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE, autoZIndex=FALSE))
map=hideGroup(map, "Assessment units")
map=hideGroup(map, "Site-specific standards")
map=hideGroup(map, "Beneficial uses")
map=hideGroup(map, "UT boundary")
map=hideGroup(map, "Watershed management units")
#map=hideGroup(map, "HUC 8")
#map=hideGroup(map, "HUC 12")
if("aus" %in% search){
targetGroups = c('au_ids','au_names'),
options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(
zoom=12, openPopup = TRUE, firstTipSubmit = TRUE,
autoCollapse = TRUE, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE ))
map=leaflet::addMeasure(map, position="topright", primaryLengthUnit='meters', secondaryLengthUnit='kilometers')
fac_coords=data.frame(fac$properties[,c("SourceID","CWPName")], (fac_coords))
#Color palette for points
pal <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))
pal=leaflet::colorFactor(pal(length(unique(locs$locationType))), domain = locs$locationType)
#Build map
map=leaflet::leaflet(options = leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE, dragging=dragging), ...)
map=leaflet::addProviderTiles(map,"Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite", options = providerTileOptions(updateWhenZooming = FALSE,updateWhenIdle = TRUE))
map=leaflet::addProviderTiles(map, "Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo", options = providerTileOptions(updateWhenZooming = FALSE,updateWhenIdle = TRUE))
map=addMapPane(map,"underlay_polygons", zIndex = 410)
map=addMapPane(map,"huc12_poly", zIndex = 412)
map=addMapPane(map,"au_poly", zIndex = 415)
map=addMapPane(map,"markers", zIndex = 420)
map=leaflet::addCircleMarkers(map, lat=locs$LatitudeMeasure, lng=locs$LongitudeMeasure, group="Sites",
color = pal(locs$locationType), opacity=0.8, layerId=locs$locationID, options = pathOptions(pane = "markers"),
popup = paste0(
"Location ID: ", locs$locationID,
"<br> Name: ", locs$locationName,
"<br> Type: ", locs$locationType,
"<br> Lat: ", locs$LatitudeMeasure,
"<br> Long: ", locs$LongitudeMeasure))
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=au_centroids$Y, lng=au_centroids$X, group="au_names", label=au_centroids$AU_NAME, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"AU ID: ", au_centroids$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU Name: ", au_centroids$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU Type: ", au_centroids$AU_Type))
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=au_centroids$Y, lng=au_centroids$X, group="au_ids", label=au_centroids$ASSESS_ID, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"AU name: ", au_centroids$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU ID: ", au_centroids$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU type: ", au_centroids$AU_Type))
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=locs$LatitudeMeasure, lng=locs$LongitudeMeasure, group="locationID", label=locs$locationID, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"Location ID: ", locs$locationID,
"<br> Name: ", locs$locationName,
"<br> Type: ", locs$locationType,
"<br> Lat: ", locs$LatitudeMeasure,
"<br> Long: ", locs$LongitudeMeasure))
map=leaflet::addCircles(map, lat=locs$LatitudeMeasure, lng=locs$LongitudeMeasure, group="locationName", label=locs$locationName, stroke=F, fill=F,
popup = paste0(
"Location ID: ", locs$locationID,
"<br> Name: ", locs$locationName,
"<br> Type: ", locs$locationType,
"<br> Lat: ", locs$LatitudeMeasure,
"<br> Long: ", locs$LongitudeMeasure))
map=leaflet::addLabelOnlyMarkers(map, group="Labels", lat=locs$LatitudeMeasure, lng=locs$LongitudeMeasure,
label=locs$locationID,labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = T, textsize = "15px"),
map=addPolygons(map, data=bu_poly,group="Beneficial uses",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="green", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
"Description: ", bu_poly$R317Descrp,
"<br> Uses: ", bu_poly$bu_class)
map=addPolygons(map, data=au_poly,group="Assessment units",fillOpacity = 0.1, layerId=au_poly$polyID,weight=3,color="orange", options = pathOptions(pane = "au_poly"),
"AU name: ", au_poly$AU_NAME,
"<br> AU ID: ", au_poly$ASSESS_ID,
"<br> AU type: ", au_poly$AU_Type)
map=addPolygons(map, data=ss_poly,group="Site-specific standards",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="blue", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
popup=paste0("SS std: ", ss_poly$SiteSpecif)
map=addPolygons(map, data=ut_poly,group="UT boundary",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="purple", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"))
map=addPolygons(map, data=wmu_poly,group="Watershed management units",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="red", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"),
#map=addPolygons(map, data=huc8_poly,group="HUC 8",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="yellow", options = pathOptions(pane = "underlay_polygons"))
#map=addPolygons(map, data=huc12_poly,group="HUC 12",fillOpacity = 0.1,weight=3,color="pink", options = pathOptions(pane = "huc12_poly"))
position ="topleft",
baseGroups = c("Topo","Satellite"),overlayGroups = c("Assessment units","Beneficial uses", "Site-specific standards", "Watershed management units", "UT boundary","Sites","Labels"),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE, autoZIndex=FALSE))
map=hideGroup(map, "Assessment units")
map=hideGroup(map, "Site-specific standards")
map=hideGroup(map, "Beneficial uses")
map=hideGroup(map, "Labels")
map=hideGroup(map, "UT boundary")
map=hideGroup(map, "Watershed management units")
#map=hideGroup(map, "HUC 8")
#map=hideGroup(map, "HUC 12")
position ="topleft",
baseGroups = c("Topo","Satellite"),overlayGroups = c("Sites","Labels"),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE, autoZIndex=FALSE))
map=hideGroup(map, "Labels")
map=leaflet::addLegend(map, position = 'topright',
colors = unique(pal(locs$locationType)),
labels = unique(locs$locationType))
#map=addControl(map, "<P><B>Search</B>", position='topleft')
if("sites" %in% search & "aus" %in% search){
targetGroups = c('au_ids','au_names','locationID','locationName'),
options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(
zoom=12, openPopup = TRUE, firstTipSubmit = TRUE,
autoCollapse = TRUE, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE ))
if("sites" %in% search & !"aus" %in% search){
targetGroups = c('locationID','locationName'),
options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(
zoom=12, openPopup = TRUE, firstTipSubmit = TRUE,
autoCollapse = TRUE, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE ))
if(!"sites" %in% search & "aus" %in% search){
targetGroups = c('au_ids','au_names'),
options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(
zoom=12, openPopup = TRUE, firstTipSubmit = TRUE,
autoCollapse = TRUE, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE ))
map=leaflet::addMeasure(map, position="topright")
map=leaflet::fitBounds(map, min(locs$LongitudeMeasure)*0.999, min(locs$LatitudeMeasure)*0.999, max(locs$LongitudeMeasure)*1.001, max(locs$LatitudeMeasure)*1.001)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.