
Defines functions page_popup

Documented in page_popup

#' Adds a modal dialog (popup) to a website
#' Adds a button which triggers a modal dialog (popup) with specified content.
#' @param text Text in the triggering button.
#' @param ... Elements to appear in the popup's body area.
#' @param title Content to appear in the popup's header area. Defaults to \code{text}.
#' @param footer A list of elements to include in the footer.
#' @param wraps The class of wrapper to place elements in; either \code{"row"}, \code{"col"}, or \code{""}
#' (to not wrap the element). Can specify 1 for every element, or a different class for each element.
#' @param sizes The relative size of each wrapper, between 1 and 12, or \code{"auto"}; default is equal size.
#' @param breakpoints Bootstrap breakpoint of each wrapper; one of \code{""} (extra small), \code{"sm"},
#' \code{"md"}, \code{"lg"}, \code{"xl"}, or \code{"xxl"}.
#' @param conditions A character for each element representing the conditions in which that should be showing
#' (e.g., \code{c("", "input_a == a", "")}); \code{""} means the element's display is not conditional.
#' Adding \code{"lock: "} before the condition will disable inputs rather than hide the element.
#' @param id Unique ID of the section.
#' @details See the \href{https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/layout/grid}{Bootstrap grid documentation}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' page_popup(
#'   "<h1>Title</h1>",
#'   "<p>body</p>",
#' )
#' }
#' @return A character vector of the content to be added.
#' @export

page_popup <- function(text = "Popup", ..., title = text, footer = NULL, wraps = NA, sizes = NA,
                       breakpoints = NA, conditions = "", id = NULL) {
  caller <- parent.frame()
  building <- !is.null(attr(caller, "name")) && attr(caller, "name") == "community_site_parts"
  parts <- new.env()
  attr(parts, "name") <- "community_site_parts"
  parts$uid <- caller$uid
  elements <- substitute(...())
  n <- length(elements)
  wraps <- rep_len(wraps, n)
  sizes <- rep_len(sizes, n)
  breakpoints <- rep_len(breakpoints, n)
  conditions <- rep_len(conditions, n)
  ids <- paste0("modal", parts$uid, seq_len(n))
  r <- paste0(
    '<button type="button" class="btn popup-button" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#dialog',
    parts$uid, '"', if (!is.null(id)) paste0(' id="', id, '"'), ">", text, "</button>"
  b <- c(
      '<div class="modal" tabindex="-1" id="dialog', parts$uid,
      '"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content">'
      '<div class="modal-header"><div class="modal-title">', paste(title, collapse = ""), "</div>",
      '<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>',
    '<div class="modal-body">',
    unlist(lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
        if (!is.na(wraps[i]) || conditions[i] != "") {
            '<div class="', if (is.na(wraps[i])) "" else wraps[i],
            if (!is.na(breakpoints[i])) c("-", breakpoints[i]),
            if (!is.na(sizes[i])) c("-", sizes[i]),
            '"', if (conditions[i] != "") c(' id="', ids[i], '"'), ">"
          ), collapse = "")
        eval(elements[[i]], parts),
        if (!is.na(wraps[i])) "</div>"
    }), use.names = FALSE),
    if (!is.null(footer)) {
        '<div class="modal-footer">',
        unlist(lapply(footer, function(e) {
          eval(e, parts, caller)
        }), use.names = FALSE),
  if (building) {
    caller$body <- c(caller$body, b)
    caller$content <- c(caller$content, r)
    for (n in names(parts)) if (n != "content" && n != "uid") caller[[n]] <- c(caller[[n]], parts[[n]])
    process_conditions(conditions, ids, caller)
    caller$uid <- parts$uid + 1
uva-bi-sdad/community documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:18 p.m.