
Defines functions recode

Documented in recode

#' Recode
#' Utility function that recodes variables based on user recode specifications.
#' Handles both numeric or factor variables.
#' @param var Variable to recode
#' @param recodes Character string of recode specifications:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item Recode specifications in a character string separated by
#'     semicolons of the form \code{input=output} as in:
#'         \code{"1=1;2=1;3:6=2;else=NA"}
#'     \item If an input value satisfies more than one specification, then the
#'     first (reading from left to right) is applied
#'     \item If no specification is satisfied, then the input value is carried
#'     over to the result unchanged
#'     \item \code{NA} is allowed on both input and output
#'     \item The following recode specifications are supported:
#'         \tabular{lll}{
#'           \strong{Specification} \tab \strong{Example}          \tab \strong{Notes}                                                 \cr
#'           Single values          \tab \code{9=NA}               \tab                                                                \cr
#'           Set of values          \tab \code{c(1,2,5)=1}         \tab The left-hand-side is any R function call that returns a vector\cr
#'                                  \tab \code{seq(1,9,2)='odd'}   \tab                                                                \cr
#'                                  \tab \code{1:10=1}             \tab                                                                \cr
#'           Range of values        \tab \code{7:9=3}              \tab Special values \code{lo} and \code{hi} may be used             \cr
#'                                  \tab \code{lo:115=1}           \tab                                                                \cr
#'           Other values           \tab \code{else=NA}            \tab
#'         }
#'     \item Character values are quoted as in :
#'          \code{recodes = "c(1,2,5)='sanitary' else='unsanitary'"}
#'     \item The output may be the (scalar) result of a function call as in:
#'          \code{recodes = "999=median(var, na.rm = TRUE)"}
#'     \item Users are advised to carefully check the results of \code{recode()} calls
#'     with any outputs that are the results of a function call.
#'     \item The output may be the (scalar) value of a variable as in:
#'          \code{recodes = "999=scalarVariable"}
#'     \item If all of the output values are numeric, and if \code{'afr'} is \code{FALSE},
#'     then a numeric result is returned; if \code{var} is a factor then
#'     (by default) so is the result.
#' }
#' @param afr Return a factor. Default is TRUE if \code{var} is a factor and is
#'   FALSE otherwise
#' @param anr Coerce result to numeric (default is TRUE)
#' @param levels Order of the levels in the returned factor; the default is to use
#'    the sort order of the level names.
#' @return Recoded variable
#' @examples
#' # Recode values from 1 to 9 to varios specifications
#' var <- sample(x = 1:9, size = 100, replace = TRUE)
#' # Recode single values
#' recode(var = var, recodes = "9=NA")
#' # Recode set of values
#' recode(var = var, recodes = "c(1,2,5)=1")
#' # Recode range of values
#' recode(var = var, recodes = "1:3=1;4:6=2;7:9=3")
#' # Recode other values
#' recode(var = var, recodes = "c(1,2,5)=1;else=NA")
#' @export
recode <- function(var, recodes, afr, anr = TRUE, levels) {
  squeezeBlanks <- function(text) {
    gsub(" *", "",  text)
  recodes <- gsub("\n|\t", " ", recodes)
  recode.list <- rev(strsplit(recodes, ";")[[1]])
  is.fac <- is.factor(var)
  if (missing(afr)) afr <- is.fac
  if (is.fac) var <- as.character(var)
  result <- var
  if (is.numeric(var)) {
    lo <- min(var, na.rm = TRUE)
    hi <- max(var, na.rm = TRUE)
  for (term in recode.list) {
    if (0 < length(grep(":", term))) {
      range <- strsplit(strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][1], ":")
      low <- eval(parse(text = range[[1]][1]))
      high <- eval(parse(text = range[[1]][2]))
      target <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][2]))
      result[(var >= low) & (var <= high)] <- target
    } else if (0 < length(grep("^else=", squeezeBlanks(term)))) {
      target <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][2]))
      result[seq_len(length(var))] <- target
      } else {
        set <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][1]))
        target <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][2]))
      for (val in set) {
        if (is.na(val)) result[is.na(var)] <- target else result[var == val] <- target
  if (afr) {
    result <- if (!missing(levels)) factor(result, levels = levels) else as.factor(result)
  } else if (anr && (!is.numeric(result))) {
      result.valid <- na.omit(result)
      #opt <- options(warn = -1)
      result.valid <- as.numeric(result.valid)
        new = list(warn = -1),
        code = if (!any(is.na(result.valid))) result <- as.numeric(result)
validmeasures/bbw documentation built on June 3, 2022, 2:52 p.m.