
#' Dataset for Examples in p_linreg_yerrors
#' List containing (1) data frame with poolwise (g, Y, X1, X2) values and (2)
#' list with replicate Y values.
#' @name dat_p_linreg_yerrors
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for Examples in p_ndfa
#' List containing (1) data frame with poolwise (g, Y*, Y, X, Xtilde, C) values
#' and (2) list with replicate Xtilde values.
#' @name dat_p_ndfa
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for Examples in p_gdfa
#' List containing (1) data frame with poolwise (g, Y, X, Xtilde) values, (2)
#' list with replicate Xtilde values, and (3) list with C values for members of
#' each pool.
#' @name dat_p_gdfa
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for Examples in p_dfa_xerrors and p_logreg_xerrors
#' Data frame with poolwise (g, Y*, Y, Xtilde, C) values.
#' @name pdat1
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for Examples in p_dfa_xerrors2 and p_logreg_xerrors2
#' List containing (1) data frame with poolwise (g, Y, Xtilde, C) values and
#' (2) list of C values for members of each pool.
#' @name pdat2
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for Examples in cond_logreg
#' List containing (1) data frame with poolwise
#' (g, X1, X0, C1.model, C0.model, C1.match, C0.match) values, (2) list of
#' replicate Xtilde values for case pools, and (3) list of replicate Xtilde
#' values for control pools.
#' @name dat_cond_logreg
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
#' Dataset for a Paper Under Review
#' Simulated data intended to mimic the motivating example from a paper under
#' review. Generated under GLR with true log-OR = 0.05.
#' @name simdata
#' @docType data
#' @source Simulated data in R.
vandomed/pooling documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 8:58 p.m.